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  1. No it doesn't. It dutifully skipped the part that J6 was permitted and sanctioned to occur on Capitol grounds just like any other protest. You know that pesky 1st ammendment and all. or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Again for the useful idiots who will point out "peaceably," that of course is what parts 2 and 3 of Davis' post addresses. Those who either trespassed or were violent should be APPROPRIATELY charged. Those who remained peaceful are PROTECTED. This is why you morons are commies.
  2. Who here said illegals commit the majority of the crime Mr. Strawman? The issue with illegals is that they're here illegally and shouldn't be here to murder, rape....oh nevermind. A strawman followed by a deflection about guns...how very useful idiot playbook of you. Or maybe not..
  3. ⬆️ Beyond supporting efforts to sexualize kids in school, thinks our President sniffing and groping young girls makes him a sweet old man. Why? Because it's a democrat / useful idiot. Go ahead Finding. Respond into the abyss...
  4. I'd bet my life that AT LEAST 10k out of the tens of MILLIONS of illegals who have illegally entered our country in recent years will find a way to ILLEGALLY vote in the 2024 election. You have to have Joe Biden level dementia and/or be a useful idiot to believe otherwise. It's also so strange that after the most secure election in US history in 2020, that most people think that our elections are not, in fact, secure. Really strange.
  5. Ok, let me engage with a new useful idiot. Why do YOU suppose our own federal government is not just allowing, but FACILITATING the illegal entry of millions upon millions of non citizen illegal aliens into the country? Take a stab at it, without using these four letters in order: T, r, u, m, p
  6. Keep in mind of course that the Russians hacked Hunter's laptop and put the above text message on it. They also planted all the other thousands of emails and correspondence on the laptop that just happen to match what's found on recipients emails with matching meta data. There's a reason that they're called USEFUL idiots.
  7. Because the committee doesn't have a check from a foreign oligarch deposited directly into Joe Biden's bank account with "bribe" written on the memo line.....then there's absolutely nothing to see here. I appreciate useful idiots thinking the Bidens would be dumb enough to do this, but that why they're useful idiots and why Joe Biden is their master.
  8. Here's a simple rule of thumb. When the same group of useful idiot commies goes to same tired well of RUSSIA!! Then you know for certain and without a shadow of a doubt that what they are claiming is "russian disinformation," is in fact: TRUE. They've really made it quite simple for everyone.
  9. Cmon useful idiots, go beyond your masters' narrative for once... What's the Biden family business? Why draw attention to themselves with a payment scheme that is a hallmark of a money laundering operation when their business is 100% legit? We're waiting. ..
  10. Keep in mind while all the useful idiots keep asking you for evidence today while staring into a mountain of it, that these are the very same people who not only fell for the bloodbath hoax, but STILL insisted Trump was saying what he clearly was NOT saying after the hoax had been fully exposed. Why would you ever expect that these same people would look at Biden corruption honestly? It's not that they won't. It's that they CAN'T. They are broken useful idiots.
  11. Hey good new FQ...now even paralegals can become federal judges I'll bet. Toss your hat in the ring, maybe? You've got the useful idiot part down, but you probably need some work with your marxist chops.
  12. πŸ˜‚ Finding Qanon... STILL thinks that I'm DR. Love it! Lab tech? I was a lab tech once upon a time, I built my lab chops tremendously oh those many years ago. But that was well before all the publications, patents and starting my own successful business. I think FQ may be compensating here. Perhaps it's merely a para legal? πŸ˜‚ Either way, it warms the cockles knowing that it has both DR AND myself living oh so comfortably in it's useful idiot head.
  13. Agreed. You're not getting specifics and into the weeds in any of these congressional show hearings. Ever. The point is to point to the smoke. What we have now is a five alarm fire. To useful idiots like FQ they see....nothing. Always.
  14. Why does anyone bother with these useful idiots? The FBI informant was a friggin FBI witness. The committee knew nothing about him or the FD1023 until their investigation was well under way and mountains of evidence had already been collected. You people are despicable frauds. !@#$ off FQ.
  15. Let's ask the useful idiots for the hundredth time. What products or services were the Biden's selling that earned them 20+ million? Nevermind, we know the answer.
  16. Ok, what we've determined: These pornographic books are appropriate for kids in schools. These pornographic books are not appropriate for parents to read to other adults at school board meetings. Next, have a useful idiot, let's say Finding Qanon, go to a local park wave over the nearest seven year old when his parents are looking the other way and begin reading this to him or her. What do you say? Let's find out what happens.
  17. This is what happens when the process of ideological subversion is complete in half a nation of demoralized useful idiots living under a green sky.
  18. Hunter has his opportunity for the public hearing that he and useful idiots were clamoring for... And yet he'll be a no show. Shocking!
  19. FYI for the useful idiots. This is where the media took a sledgehammer to their credibility. People will not forget this. Then throw in the constant Trump hoaxes for good measure...
  20. In the testimony below Hunters business partners testify that Joe Biden was the brand and the purpose of his presence at business meetings with foreign oligarchs was to close deals. Remember, none of it is evidence. Also remember that when Trump uses a term commonly used in the political world to characterize economic or political disasters, its rock solid evidence,, through edited video, that Trump is warning of massive real bloodshed across America if he isn't elected. These are the useful idiots we are dealing with. IGNORE THEM.
  21. Finding Qanon doing his lawyer best hand waving. Dude it's time to stop digging, unless of course you enjoy looking like a fool. Anyone else but Trump says those same sequence of words and everyone laughs it off.....because he's clearly poking FUN AT THE WHOLE SITUATION. You know how that question never comes up and we don't get a smirking Trump joking about the entire ridiculous situation? When we don't have media and useful idiots telling everyone that Trump coming back to White House is the second coming of Hitler. But you're all useful idiot hacks, so we can't have that. A graduate level "logic" course can't penetrate the useful idiot grey matter of FQ.
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