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  1. Prior to Monday we were told that the Qanon Shaman was a violent insurrectionist who stormed the Capitol and found his way into the Senate chamber, presumably, through violence. On TCs show on Monday night we learned, through clear and indisputable video evidence, that the qanon shaman was peacefully guided through the halls of the Capitol and ultimately inside the senate chamber by several Capitol police officers. The lefts response to this newly revealed evidence hasn't been to ask why did the media, DOJ, J6 committee and others lie for two years, but instead to rant about what an evil liar TC is. Keep pasting that clown makeup on thicker as your fairy tale narrative continues to crumble commies.
  2. In police states they investigate people in order to find crimes. In free societies like the former USA they investigate crimes and then charge those who are responsible. Keep doubling down on police state tactics commies.
  3. Let me guess another nothing burger right commies? Shopping for real estate with Russian billionaires who then avoid US sanctions, in this specific case, does not make one a Putin/Russia suporter? Am I doing this right?
  4. US journalists demanding less or restricted access to information. Nah they aren't commie activists at all!
  5. Swing states led by democrats implemented for the 2020 election what we were told in the previous decades on a bipartisan basis was the most fertile ground for election fraud: mass mail in voting. And when people had the audacity to question an election held under those fraud promoting conditions in 2020, only THEN did it become verboten to question election results. This after four years of constant screaming and questioning the 2016 election results without so much as a scolding for doing so. But, but, but TUCKER CARLSON!!!!!!! Never change commie leftists.
  6. Not to mention when the African American students end up with fried chicken and collards that they didn't bring for lunch. Then its time for the woke commies to eat their own as she gets fired for being racist.
  7. Too many quotes today of the commie cultists. So,,,, @BillStime @Tiberius @716er and welcome to our new member @redtail hawk... ***** off!
  8. Hopefully the masks for most of them are to shield the fact that they aren't parroting this outrageous commie propaganda. What a friggin mess.
  9. Continuing to own the left. It's precisely why commie lemmings need to start threads about specific journalists who own them on message boards. Trump takes a vast amount of space in their heads as we know, but JK is getting pretty comfortable in there as well.
  10. It's been great to see all the leftist commie PPP posters who only visit PPP from time to time, rush back here in the last 24 hours to downplay the actions of the CCP. You guys aren't commies or those who support them. No not at all.
  11. Imagine if this was a russian spy balloon.... The absolute freakout and blaming of Trump would be of epic proportions. But a CCP spy balloon brings laughter from the commie left. True useful idiots.
  12. And when Steve Scalise nearly died at the hands of a lunatic gunman inspired by Bernie Sanders, the actions of the gunman were portrayed as suicide by cop. You can always count on the commie left to act like commies.
  13. Where a member of Canadian parliament and @redtail hawk prove thar they have zero ability to discern tongue in cheek commentary. When you're so eager, as a stooge for commie left to be triggered, it's amazing how easy it is.
  14. Hoax from beginning to end commies. But keep living in clown world
  15. While commie leftists continue to ignore their own insane blatant hypocrisy. . easily laid out with two simple images.
  16. No. It's the commie left and THOSE WHO SUPPORT THEM. Like you. It's not like you or anyone else here is a card carrying commie. That's the point. But you do indeed support them despite your ignorance.
  17. Everything is projection with the commie left. The Big Lie indeed.
  18. Right. Working behind the scenes to get "the proper election outcome" by unconstitutionally changing laws, supporting massive mail in balloting based on covid fear mongering and having a leftist billionaire contribute millions to 'fortifying" election infrastructure only add up to "saving democracy" if you're a TDS addled fascist. I understand what the article was attempting to argue. I also understand it makes perfect sense to all who suffer from TDS, but since Trump actually broke you and divorced you from reality going forward it is of no surprise that you completely missed what the article admits to. Saving democracy with commie tactics. Brilliant!
  19. Which dem senator did Trump appear in public with to celebrate that one? Again the tweet that I posted and agreed with is specifically against bipartisanship. Both parties suck. One plays to win for the woke commie and the other plays to capitulate and apologize for how the woke commies characterize them. I have no use for either one.
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