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  1. And always remember that the commies here at PPP largely move in lockstep with the batscchit crazy loons at The View. The View.
  2. Commies can and do have it both ways and their useful idiot lapdogs are all too eager to defend the indefensible time and time again.
  3. I promise you most of the commies here watched Tucker's show way more than I ever did. A lot of commie "fact checkers" also got ***** canned today with Tucker leaving.
  4. Yup. Like "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" To commies that's clear incitement
  5. I'm sure the Epps 60 minute piece will ask serious questions. Like why were these two men, who also never entered the Capitol, charged and found guilty of obstructing an official proceeding because they entered and remained in a restricted area on Capitol grounds exactly as Ray Epps did ? Not only did Epps enter a 'restricted area', he was part of the very first group to breech the restricted area by ignoring police orders and then physically over taking them. And let's not even talk about the shady characters captured on video removing large sections of fencing immediately after Epps' initial breech, thereby allowing thousands of protesters to unknowingly enter the 'restricted area' on J6. These are questions that commies will call you a fascist for asking. Because democracy dies in darkness...or something.
  6. The guy who spent two days encouraging crowds to do the very thing that they also claim is worse than 9/11 and the civil war is the same guy who is a victim of some right wing conspiracy? Commies gonna double down on commie idiocy no matter what.
  7. Remember also in his testimony before the sham J6 committee Ray Epps said he told people to go INTO the Capitol because he truly thought the Capitol was open to tourists on J6. Police standing in front of a barricade that he then helped breech didn't tell him that visitors were not welcome at the Capitol on J6? Who believes this nonsense? Commies.
  8. Commies running more cover for the MAGA scum that is Ray Epps. I wonder why?
  9. You're blocked @ChiGoose, but your routine is so tired that I don't need to read your posts to know what they contain. Just keep hand waving commie and don't be so butthurt, I'm sure that there are plenty of others here who love to engage with your the sky is green takes.
  10. Let's move away from the @BillStime douchebaggery, the @ChiGoose hand waving and the @redtail hawk hackery and look to an actual journalist. Glenn Greenwald goes through the entire Hunter laptop is Russian disnfo charade in meticulous detail in this video, but it's very long. Here I have it cued up to where he goes over how a real journalist would go about authenticating an archive such as this. Trigger warning for the commies, the video below describes how real journalists do their work with integrity. No pravda like propaganda within.
  11. Specific statutes? You'll have to get an lawyer versed in election law for that. However I'm fairly confident that a political campaign asking for employees of federal government agencies to produce a false document intended to influence the election does indeed violate election law. At least it does for those of us who aren't above the law. With commies everywhere you are correct. Nothing will come of this.
  12. Crickets huh @ChiGoose ? Shocking. This is precisely why I have these commies on ignore. Despite mountains of evidence that the IC community fabricated a lie prior to the 2020 election with help from the entire media....we got crickets and hand waving from commies. Now we have sworn testimony, that our commie @ChiGoose previously told us was not to be disputed, saying that our current SoS directed the letter that began the whole lie that Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation... And what do we get? More crickets. If this story was reversed and it came to light that a republican sos had interfered in an election in the same manner? An FBI swat team would be yanking him from his home tonight. But commies gonna commie.
  13. What was all that democracy dies in darkness stuff again? Commies are so comically transparent, but you have to hand it to them, they simply ignore it and double down. It works though. For now.
  14. Commies using long known commie propaganda tactics? Unheard of!
  15. The media, en masse, just made a mistake eh @ChiGoose? Can you say blatant election interference? Of course you can't commie. 😂 In private sworn testimony, Morell told the House Judiciary Committee that Antony Blinken, now Secretary of State, was the senior campaign official who reached out to him “on or before” Oct. 17, 2020, three days after The Post published an email from the laptop suggesting Hunter had introduced his Ukrainian business partner to his father, then vice-president Biden. Morell, identified as a potential CIA director under Biden, said he organized the letter to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election.” Until Blinken’s call, Morell told House investigators that he had no intention of writing any statement exonerating Biden. But he agreed that the conversation with Blinken “triggered … that intent” in him.
  16. First, WTF is NBCBLK that Bills!@#$ used as a news source? 😂 Second, when you actually read the article it says absolutely nothing about the news sources he watched at all. Shocking. The grandson does blame the police however for not arresting his grandfather sooner because of what he thought. Thought crimes you say? How very commie of him. 1. He/she/they is a troll. Always. 2. Please don't feel the need to address trolls.
  17. Why don't dems and liberals denounce this? Simple, because they're commies. And the rest who aren't avowed commies, support commies.
  18. If you still belive in the collusion fairytale....you might be a commie.
  19. Absolutely. The odds of Trump going to jail are pretty good. Because commies. But fast track what is coming eventually anyway? Bring it.
  20. Trumps been given the full scale on repeat investigative enema for seven years. Suggest that maybe we should take Biden's rectal temperature though and the commie answer is what about Trump. You can't make this stuff up in the real world, but in commie world it's par for the course.
  21. Newsweek and Axios also got in on the defamation fun as well? Of course. Our elections were clearly vulnerable prior to November 2020. Said everyone. Then not only did that infrastructure become secure, but it became the most secure election infrastructure in US history. But commies don't care when their ever changing propaganda narrative veers into the patently absurd. They've got useful idiots to perpetually nod in agreement.
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