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  1. Early on it was the reporters picture, name and their "news" organization in order of who he should call on. Now it appears they've added the actual questions that the reporter will ask. The dementia is advancing. And still commies will defend all of this.
  2. Defend the peddling of pornography to CHILDREN that is. I have zero problem with these books existing, but you're a commie if you defend this ***** being made available to kids.
  3. You can't make it up. Except with commies you don't have to! So here's some video from a school board meeting where parents read excerpts from the "burned books", and they cut off her mic because there is a child present who can hear all the smut she is quoting. Board member: "Ma'am I'm going to ask you to stop, that's obscene." Well no *****.
  4. By the way I've worked in and close to "biological research labs" for almost three decades. The US government would not be concerned in the least if anything we or anyone else were working on fell into the hands of the Russians or any other US adversary. Biological research labs researching bioweapons just might concern them a little bit though. Just a little. Also notice how commies can never answer why the guy who encouraged crowds of people over two days to do the very act that they simultaneously tell us almost toppled our democracy and was worse than 9/11 and the Civil War, is a victim of a right wing conspiracy theory. They can't answer because they're commies.
  5. Concern about biolabs in Ukraine? Qanon conspiracy!!! Victoria Nuland says hi. @Jauronimo still thinks that I'm DR? What a pathetic commie moron.
  6. Spoiler: Guilty on all charges. In other news, water is wet. Commie DC jury pool and activist judge promise outcome.
  7. BREAKING: @BillStime is a commie waste of skin. Please ignore his useless presence on this forum. Thank you.
  8. Commies why do you not support feminism any longer? Wait, nevermind. It's because you're commies.
  9. They are commies. They don't care about kids having access to smut pornography as long as they can turn it into an insane book burning narrative for useful idiots to lap up.
  10. The cabal running the executive branch would love nothing more than to run the empty vessel that is Biden to get four more years to implement more commie wokeness. There's one problem. They see the polls. They know he can't win this time with his dementia, pathetic record and most importantly without all the covid election rigging schemes.
  11. Embittered? Nope, not the commies here. My guy/gal/prople won. What principles?
  12. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the commie above is against "book burning" but for silencing of voices that he/she/they disagree with.
  13. Everyone who isn't a commie needs to follow the 48-72 hour rule here. All the immediate reports that came out are going to be, as usual, wrong. Tucker will emerge eventually and we will get his side of the story depending on NDAs. But his reach will be much, much bigger and he will be even more influential going forward. There is little doubt of that.
  14. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the commie above is against "book burning" but for silencing of voices that he/she/they disagree with.
  15. It's been a 24 hour commie circle jerk with the Tucker news, and it had me thinking about all the fascists that the left supports. So let's document them here. Let's start with an easy one. AOC. Are PPP commies in her corner? Of course!
  16. Exactly why I ignore commies. It's no longer about rational debate over economic policies, schools even abortion. It's about sane vs. evil. And I'm going to go way out on a limb and say the side that is for sexual exploitation and mutilation of children isn't on the sane side of the "debate"
  17. The last time they showed up here I had forgotten why he got on my block list. Then someone quoted her... oh yeah that's the persxn who calls everything a hoax because they can't handle that Russia gate was indeed a hoax. aka a commie through and through.
  18. @ChiGoose will still double down and say they aren't doing it to kids. Why? Because he/she/they is/are a useful idiot for commies.
  19. When you hear commies shouting "conspiracy theories" it is then that you know for certain you're getting real damn close to the target Because they're commies and that's what commies do when others get too close to the truth And seditious conspiracy can be unspoken, implicit or a wink and a nod according to prosecution, but not when shouted out over and over to large groups of people over two days.
  20. And always remember that the commies here at PPP largely move in lockstep with the batscchit crazy loons at The View. The View.
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