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  1. ⬆️ Marxist DEI loving ***** stain shi.t poster. The ignoring and mocking will continue. Nothing exacerbates TDS quite like the above prescribed recipe. Please do your part non shi.t posters.
  2. How do you know that a thread is beyond any doubt a 100% spot on bullseye? Have an unparalleled useful idiot such as Tib-stain disparage it.
  3. Hey welcome back Gene. You fuk.c stain! You love the UNIPARTY, we know.
  4. Lron fuk.c stain with another brilliant take. Dozens of college campuses across the country with hundreds of students, faculty, administrators and agitators espousing their hate for the US and Lron tells us its only happening "online"
  5. Number of threads created by PPP's most prolific TDS addled commie posters that specifically names the great orange menace in thread title? Tib-stain: 66 Billsfuk.c: 42 Finding Qanon: 8 Quack, MD: 1 The King: 0
  6. Lron f-stain! The covid pandemic: They will never be the same. It broke them. This pandemic shifted the entire history of the planet you friggin moron. Nobody will be the same.The entire friggin world shut down with mostly useless mitigation measures because of a virus that was genetically engineered in a Chinese lab. But....Get over it already! Useful idiot indeed.
  7. 49er-stain!!! On a day when a federal case is postponed indefinitely largely due to federal prosecutors fabricating evidence and lying to the court BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION.... 49er comes up with this... Career prosecutors actually do not care about politics when trying cases. They follow the law.
  8. 4th-stain! Any, ANY other sources, especially when it comes to all things orange man, is far more likely to be accurate than legacy media where it receives its programming The iron law of dem/useful idiot/commie projection is absolute.
  9. Commie Shi.t Poster Report Weekly & Monthly TDS Standings Shi.t poster (weekly/monthly) Trump or MAGA posts 1. Billsfuk.c (72/130) 2. Tibstain (33/87) 3. Finding Qanon (24/78) 4. The King (17/65) 5. L Ron F-stain (5/6)
  10. ⬆️ Certain MAGA insurrectionists this fuc.k stain doesn't seem to care about. I wonder why?
  11. The clip is from 1985, and yes I am aware that it was used often on TV back then. And then Quack, MD comes in right behind with a massive dose of iron law of projection. So when Trump is taken out of context on the very fine people hoax...and you're shown REPEATEDLY exactly how he was purposely taken out of context, Trump is still a nazi / racist. Biden? It was taken out of context. Case closed. You f stains don't even pretend.
  12. Ahh Gene F stain. Holy shlit. Trump raped people!!! Fact check: False Biden checked his watch while watching Kamala ramble? Fact check: probably true People who would care: zero Biden checked his watch during the dignified transfer of remains of 13 military dead Fact check: True People who care: Anyone with even a friggin morsel of dignity, which apparently doesn't include Gene Fstain. TDS. What a useless waste of skin.
  13. Commie shi.t poster report: Frequency of commie race hustler shi.t posting. As we all know a common tactic of the commie shi.t poster is to regularly and flippantly toss out accusations of racism. So who are our most frequent race hustlers at PPP? The data doesn't lie. Mentions of "racism" or "racist" mostly in context of specifically accusing others of being racist: 1. Tib-stain. 613 2. Billsfuk.c 197 3. Quack, MD 90 4. Finding Q. 42 5. Roundy. 26 Analysis: Tib-stain is far and away the TBD race hustling champ, which is a somewhat surprising result. Even more surprising was Roundy coming in dead last among the commie race hustlers that were studied. As we looked deeper into the data, it was noted that Roundy isn't one to outright call someone a racist, instead it relies on insinuating the accusation by using phrases like "you must hate brown people" or something similar. This of course a tactic of the spineless, gutless commie race hustler, not a proud one. Stay tuned for more PPP commie shi.t poster analytics updates.
  14. Tib-stain responds with an entirely predictable but Trump deflection? How out of character! But let's look closely at that Biden campaign ad. How much am I to assume is fake? 100% Why? Well because even though the narcissistic orange blowhard gives plenty of material for opposition campaign ad fodder, the Biden regime only prefers to use fake ones it seems. Like the good marxists that they are. I Immediately recognized Poland's first lady "snubbing" Trump. Fake. At 1:34 in the clip below after citing a bunch of other proven media Trump lies, there's the snub lie debunked.
  15. Commie poster report: Tib-stain Joined TBD: July 13, 2013 Days since joining: 3,952 days Total posts: 42,476 Post rate: 10.75 posts per day TDS score= Posts mentioning Trump or MAGA / Total posts 8,458/42476 TDS score = 19.9% Estimated real TDS score* >25% *TDS score will underestimate TDS post rate as memes and Twitter posts are not searchable. The analytics team will continue to work to gather highest quality data possible.
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