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Geno Smith's Arm

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Posts posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. Injuries are debatable and potentially couldnbe found as far as what's worse for your health. I really have no idea what you mean by "Courage" playing an outcome though. If you mean by playing with injuries and things like that, it happens no matter what sport your talking about. Just earlier today I watched a race in the olympics where one of the runners ran the whole race on a broken leg. I call that courage. For his team, family, and country. Not saying it doesn't happen I'm football or you might be talking about something else. Please explain.


    I think the courage part should be obvious. An obvious one is when a receiver goes over the middle for a ball. A QB decides to take a hit to get a throw off. 2 guys go into the corner for the puck (one is gonna get smashed), a defenseman gets in front of a slapshot. I don't think that is the same thing as playing with an injury. It's more immediate. The whole sport of football is based on people beating up on each other, and in hockey everyone is constantly on guard, waiting to get hit. The teams with the best athletes don't always win, it takes guys willing to sacrifice their bodies too. And I don't think it's the same as thing enduring pain.

  2. I do agree with you to some extent but FWIW and this is mostly guessing, there's a greater chance to die on the track than in football. Injuries are probably just the same as well. I've messed up my ankle for life and without having a doctor look at them I can fell you I will have knee problems when I get older. My knees click every time i walk up stairs. And I only ran track thoughout highschool. Roger Kindom, former WR Holder and Olympic Champion in the 110HH, I guarantee has had more knee surgeries than most football teams combined. Ever pole vaulted and had a pole snap in the middle of the vault? It doesn't feel good to head into the box upsidedown from 12ft in the air. I'm sure I've had concussions from track but nobody worried about that sort of thing back then. Injuries are injuries no matter what sport. Physical activities can lead to injuries that can change your life no matter if your running on a track or getting hit by Ray Lewis.

    As far as thinking more during a football game or strategy, there's defenately that in track and field but your right, it doesn't compare. I'll give you that. Just don't think it doesn't effect track athletes at all. Next time you watch a mile run and watch a guy who's in first the entire race lose it on the last 100m. That all strategy. Incorrectly by the guy losing the lead and on the money by the guys passing him on the last straight.


    Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. NFL football is the greatest sport in the world IMO. Just have to stick up for track a little.


    I'm sure there are dangers to those sports, but I remain unconvinced that it is as dangerous, or that courage plays as large a role in the outcome of the competition (which is what I am really getting at).

  3. WR demands a bunch of other skills beyond just running fast. Also courage, lots of courage. I finally figured out why Football and Hockey interest me so much more than Track & Field, Tennis, or Baseball, etc. It's because athletic skill is only half of being an outstanding player, the other half is courage. To succeed, you have to risk getting hurt (sometimes hurt very badly), continuously throughout the games. Making decisions that demand that you sacrifice your body (or not). To me that makes them much more interesting, both physically, and psychologically.

  4. Or Iranian weightlifters. Hey, how about Holly Mangold?




    Yeah! They can be linebackers. Unbeatable. And Michael Phelps is the greatest athlete ever (I mean how can you argue, he has all those medals), so there has to be a place for him somewhere. Quarterback maybe? Would make sense...


    I'll say it: "Dream Team"

  5. I have mixed feelings lolo.


    It's a poignant revelation but also, it begs the question "why did he wait so long?"

    The one plausible explanation is what someone else brought up in another thread (wish I could remember who because I liked the theory) which paraphrased Ralph as thinking,

    "I'd spend the money if I trusted you guys to spend my money."


    If that's the case it's also a bit tragic in that he finally made a good hire with Nix but did so too late in the 4th quarter of his own life.


    I think you mean me.

    Yes, I think that RW's philosophy is to give a GM/Coach a chance to get things into place, and then if the team shows promise, he will open up the wallet. Some teams are big spenders consistently, but even then they haven't necessarily been successful. I can totally understand RW's approach, even if it has upset me in the past.


    It's hard for me to formulate an opinion about someone that I don't know, that is operating in an economic sphere that I know so little about. Is he a good owner making the best of a tight financial situation? Is an evil robber baron toying with an economically depressed area? I don't know. None of us are privy to the huge economic/socialogical machinations behind the NFL, or what his role in it really is.


    I hope that we all can share a Super Bowl victory with Mr. Wilson someday though. Even us peasants will have something in common with him that day.

  6. Even Ralph could tell he had dipshits running his front office for years. Why waste the money?





    I kinda agree. I think his appoach has always been "Show me that you can get something going, and THEN come to me for more money". He spent plenty during the Bills Super Bowl run.


    I think Ralph has some years left, he just won't be very "active".

  7. I expect that one of you sensitive soles, will delete this post. However in the meantime.... What a cowardly act. Yeah, yeah, yeah, "mental health disorders are complicated, at least he didn't harm someone else" blah,blah, blah.


    Bottom line is he was too weak to deal with life so he took the easy way out and left family and friends to deal with the questions and pain.



    "sensitive soles" lets you know right away....and then a glance at the name.

  8. Funny...this morning, when the alarm went off, I hit snooze (1st time), and I had the local sports radio station on...I thought I dreamt this...but he did say it! Too funny...suddenly, Troy is interested in coming back and working with the team!


    C'mon, it's not like he wasn't part of those "Glory Hole Years". In fact, it may have all started with Aikman!


    One thing is for sure though, Chan Gailey put an end to the "Glory Hole Years in Dallas". That's why Jones fired him!

  9. This is what came to mind for me as well.


    I'd be very excited, no doubt. I'd be thrilled!


    I harken back to '04 (living in New England) when the Sox (who I HATE) won the WS. Some of my best friends who are Sox fans always wondered what they'd do, how they'd feel, how "things" would change for them if they ever won. Yes, they were besides themselves with joy....initially.....and disbelief......but somehow expected more.


    I'll bet the initial joy is overwhelming, but might leave me wondering.....is this it?


    Either way, I'd realllllly like to find out. :thumbsup:



    I certainly want it to happen! But each season that passes kind of cheapens a title for me. Just another Super Bowl winner. It is one of the reasons why I have always maintained that I would rather have the 4 Super Bowl losing seasons, that had incredible excitement, than the Ravens one title. I also much prefer a team that wins with great style, putting up points, than a team that gets by with 6-3 wins.


    I know many here would try convince me that a shutdown defense coupled with a crap offense that wins is still exciting, but for me it's dull to watch a seasons worth of that kind of football.

  10. Lots of conclusions being jumped to here.


    Maybe Larry Fitzgerald is a jerk that Michael Floyd didn't want to spend everyday of this summer being around? Maybe LF is a condescending prick? Maybe Floyd had other important things going on? Maybe he is on crack?


    I don't know, but I don't think it's cool for LF to publically call out Floyd at this point in the season...er, pre-season....er, voluntary, off-site, player-organized, summer-session workout camp season.

  11. He didn't lack courage. He lacked the ability to see the field, find the open receiver, anticipate the timing of the opening, place the ball, and get it there fast, all at the same time, and at all the different distances necessary to play QB in the NFL at a high level. And HE knew it. That's why he was "Trentative", and no coaching is gonna change that. There is no shame in that, there are very few people that can do it.

  12. Wow. These kinds of threads pop up now and then.


    "I love Buffalo because of"...the people. "People like me, and my friends, and my family. Hey, you're from Buffalo too, aren't we cool people? Hey, we're great, and there's no place better!"


    The best thing about Buffalo? The traffic, because there is so little to deal with.


    Buffalo has a lot of great things, mixed with some not so great things (like most places), but I find the people a bit "insular", and that leads to a tight community, but also some closed minded thinking.

  13. VY is now a Bill, no?


    That seems to be the intended joke....


    However, he wasn't a Bill then, he probably wouldn't have said it about any of the Bills teams for the last 10 years, and he won't say it about this year's team.



    To get uptight about what Spiller said is ridiculous. The reactions to this really say more about the fans on this board than anything about the team or Spiller. Some very uptight people...

  14. its foolish


    saying it in the lockerroom, different story. as long as it doesnt get out of hand and is tempered by a mature reality how incredibly difficult its going to be then its fine


    saying it to the media sets the entire team up for the kind of attention and expectations you dont want. now you just look like a loudmouthed nyjet douche to all the other teams. and you set yourself up for even more pressure from the fans and media who surely are going to put that at the top of their list to call you on when the inevitable problems crop up. you unnecessarily complicate things for your team and damage the fragile psyche of any lockeroom by putting the focus on what great heroes you will be instead of how much work and dedication and desperation it takes to really make it happen


    again, its not coincidence that you dont hear veterans talk that way


    "but mh the goal of every team should be to win the sb, isnt it? so whats wrong with saying it?"


    its all about how you do it. if you say 'our goal is to win the sb and our focus is on preparing like professionals and winning one game at a time' thats fine. you have shown respect for the game and your opponents and kept your feet on the ground. if you just spout off and say 'why not us, we can be just as good as anybody, we can be a superbowl contender' now youre losing your footing because your posture is now one of self aggrandizing that whittles away at your focus and desperation

    i dont expect young men to understand this. thats why teams usually have to get their ass handed to them in the playoffs before they start talking like the wiley veterans. bravado is a liability that turns into a valuable steely determination usually only after youve embarrassed yourself


    Perhaps. But getting their ass handed to them in the playoffs would be a nice turn of events for this team.


    These quotes are always a chance for the more excitable fans to show excitement, and the solid, no-nonsense guys get a chance to admonish them, and talk about solid, conservative behavior....blah, blah, blah. I think CJ was fine, and I bet there have been plenty of guys that have said stuff like this, and then gone on to win the Super Bowl that season. Deon Sanders said it EVERY year.


    It is a non-event, that will have no bearing on this season, and I doubt Gailey will say anything.


    There are 45 guys on a team. Every Super Bowl winning team has had some self-aggrandizing, unprofessional, and/or disrespectful guys on the roster (not that I think Spiller was).

  15. As someone else mentioned, it was the lying that probably pissed off Goodell. He had personal interviews with them, and apparently they lied to his face. The Saints were warned years ago, told the league they would end it, but kept doing it. They have NO ONE BUT THEMSELVES TO BLAME.

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