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Geno Smith's Arm

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Posts posted by Geno Smith's Arm

  1. Anybody remember my "Swagger" thread?



    Thankfully, it was just a phase. I haven't heard it in a while, though I'm sure there are a few still throwing it around). It bothers me to hear catchphrases from sportscasters, but it's way worse when it seeps into the vernacular, and "hip" sports fans start using these faddish terms.

  2. The Giants offense only scored 22 more points than the Bills in 2011.


    The Bills offense was 14th in points scored. They scored more than many playoff teams.



    Yep. If the defense is better (and I believe it is), they won't have to score as many points. Better field position, more turnovers, closer scores...last years offense would have looked better if it was working with the kind of defense they APPEAR to have now. It can tip the field a bit in the offense's favor.


    They HAD to improve the defense, and I think Gailey believes he can generate enough offense to get by. They finished 22nd in the league last year, they aren't gonna suddenly become a juggernaut. But they can make the playoffs this year.

  3. I don't expect the offense to be "explosive" this season. I think they will be a bit better because they should be healthier (hopefully), they have added some more talent to the O-line, and TJ Graham might give them an occasional downfield threat that can open things up now and then. I think Fitz will have many of the same limitations he had last year (plus he was injured), but I think the defense will be much better, and that will help the offense in a big way. Better field position, less desperate comeback situations, more turnovers etc. all those things will make Fitz more effective, and allow the Bills to score more often (even if they only end up with field goals). And the Bills are gonna be more consistent, and win more games.

  4. I do. None of us know exactly what the motivation is, but it's clear the team has continued to add other QB's after already having Thigpen as a "backup". It's clear that Fitzpatrick is getting paid as a starter and I would think that they would expect him to perform like one. Regardless of the injury excuse, last year was far too many mistakes. If I read between the lines (at least from my perspective), Thigpen has performed no better than Fitzpatrick. Why WOULDN'T they want to try to motivate a guy that hasn't played up to his contract?


    Motivating Fitz isn't the main reason they signed TJ. They need a backup QB, they haven't gotten good play from the backups they had, so they brought in a different guy. The real point is, they would have brought in another guy regardless of who was the 1st string. If it were Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, or whoever you think is a great QB, they still want to get a better back up. It's not about Fitz, if you wanna believe it is, let me know, so I can block you and not have to be annoyed by ill-thought posts. Thank you.

  5. I've stated this before and will state it again. Vince Young isn't smart enough to run this offense. His response to pressure is taking off running. When you can't make reads quick enough to actually get the ball out in a 3 step drop, we don't just want him trying to make plays with his feet. In addition to not being smart enough to get it, he's not accurate in his delivery. Picking up Tarvaris Jackson wasn't a bad move to motivate Fitzpatrick. I think that's it in a nutshell. Thigpen really just wasn't getting it done either, so getting Jackson wasn't bad.


    You really think T Jackson is here to motivate Fitz? I think he is here because the other backups have sucked, and they want someone that is at least competent to send out there if Fitz goes down in a game, or for a few games. I hope TJ is competent enough. I certainly think he is better than the other backups.

  6. Gailey has said we're keeping Brad Smith as the #3. Seems like VY and Thigpen are both out.


    Remember, the #3 QB is simply the 3rd string QB nor is he, even in Chan's mind, the Wildcat QB. The #3 QB is an extra player who can suit up and not count against your game day total. So you want someone versatile. Brad Smith is not a great QB, but he is versatile.


    I don't know why fans still haven't figured that out yet, it is brought up again and again. He is the perfect guy for it.

  7. You are correct. There is only one way to get a QB and Young was the best QB available this off season. Thigpen was the best QB available last off season. Also, try reading the first sentence that I wrote. I'll type it again for you:

    Meanwhile, back to Jackson.


    Everyone knows that the first step out of the NFL cellar is finding a solid backup QB. The Bills gotta get their priorities straight!

  8. I agree that you cannot criticize this move.


    What you can criticize is the inaction during the off season. Was there no option other than Young? Was there no QB worthy of a pick in this year's draft? That people should feel free to criticize. Getting Jackson...meh, but I'm happier with him over the 2 options the Bills had.


    Yer right, the Bills should have the best roster in the league by now, They have had years to acquire, not only starters, but backups that could be starters for any other team! Other teams do it! Why didn't they acquire Byron Leftnutwich when he was out of a job? He is awesome, and I know that Steeler fans rest secure knowing that if Big Ben goes down, they have Leftnutwich so there will be barely a drop off. That's how you do it baby, with Byron Leftnutwich. The Bills should be ashamed to try and improve the team at this point.


    Doesn't it strike anyone else as odd that Chan Gailey couldn't get. Trent Edwards- Brian Brohm- Levi Brown- Tyler Thigpen- Brad Smith- Vince Young to flourish in his system. All round pegs being forced into square holes.Thigen has got to be the biggest enigma of the bunch as he played almost full year under Gailey back in 08 when Gailey was the OC for the Chiefs.




    No it doesn't strike me as odd at all, because no other NFL team has been able to do anything with those guys either!!! Have you considered that all those guys are crap?





    Man, yet another reason why I would like to visit Sweden!




    I can agree with what you are saying in an overall sense; any athletic event or participation can cause injury. Heck, simple jogging causes injuries to alot of people (weight pounding on joints like knees, hips, ankles, etc), so logically if you up the ante (speed, intensity), and frequency (repeated practice) it stands to reason that one can get hurt easier.


    But you've got admit, however, that running full-speed into Ray Lewis and Haloti Ngata is not a one-and-done type of thing. You get up to do it again. And then again. And again. Sometimes, 20 times in a single game. For 16 weeks. Practices. Games. Pre-season. Not mentioning possible playoffs, when stakes are raised even higher.


    I do think it foolish to believe only football and hockey qualify as injury-producing sports and therefore the only ones worthy of praise; but I also deem it foolish to think that other sports carry the same risk of injury as playing football.


    I never said most of the thing this guy is claiming I have said. he just takes a statement to it's most illogical extreme. I basically claimed exactly what your last sentence said, but he wanted to distort my posts.

  11. The reason to have a no huddle set up is to attack against teams theat are big with situational substitutions.


    Right you are! It is also more demanding of the QB, and I think Gailey wanted to have him perform under demanding conditions. Fitz knows the "regular offense" already. I trust that Gailey knows what the offense/Fitz needs to work on, and likely feels they need to be better against those kinds of defenses (Patriots). People here are completely over-reacting. They aren't going to use the No-Huddle as some kind of "base offense".

  12. Besides the fact he short armed a pass over the middle, he really does look impressive


    It's pre-season, and that was probably the smart thing to do. Nothing is lamer than getting seriously injured in your first exhibition game, not even short arming a pass over the middle during your first exhibition game.


    He really stood out, and he outclassed the 2nd team guys he was playing with and against.

  13. I respect the opinion. I don't disagree but I don't see it the same way as you. That's the great thing about sports. Everyone feels and experiences things differently. I can't take away the fact that football players and hockey players are very physical and beat up. But I can tell you that what Usain Bolt is doing is one of the greatest feats in the history of man.


    The logic of your posts (and your spelling), is hard to follow. I guess running on a track is just as dangerous as having 250lb guys trying to take your head off. I'm done. You're blocked.

  14. They lost because Jim Kelly and the offense didn't touch the ball in over a while quarter of play. The Giants kept the Bills off the field. Anderson didn't have an extremely great game either. Thurman by far outplayed Otis and it's a shame we didn't win. We were also scared to attempt to get any closer to make an easier FG for Scotty.

    As far commenting on how we practiced it and it shouldn't be considered much more than that. I was simply going by the title of thread and saying we, as fans can't keep living in the past. That's all. For those that want us to relive the no huddle of the Kelly years should just get some old VHS tapes out of the closet and have at it.


    I have no idea how to interpret your posts. Good day.

  15. While I agree with the premise its game one of preseason and from an individual play or scheme perspective theres not to much to be gained. Running the no huddle takes practice and suggests Gailey may plan on using the no huddle more then in a normal two minute drill.


    My 1st impressions anyway...


    What about my post implies anything else? I think they intend to use it more that just for the 2-minute drill, but way less than the Kelly-era No huddle that you compared it to. They just want to be able to do it well, when it's to their strategic advantage.

  16. I believe Fitz is probably the best person to run this since before Bledsoe. But I think we need to give up on bringing back the no huddle. At least like the way the Kelly years had it. It was proved how to defend against it back then and then again the other night. Back in SB 25 all the Giants had to do was keep the Bills off the field. Boom, no worries about the no huddle.


    They lost by a couple of feet! The run defense was the real problem (I thought that was common knowledge). They aren't trying to run the no-huddle like they did before, they are trying to add it to the arsenal. It's good to have for some situations. They didn't even run the ball. It's the first pre-season game. blahblahblah. No conclusions should be reached from that game.

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