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Practice Squad (3/8)



  1. Is this where the cincy Bills backers are tailgating again? This is where we will be unless we hear something else. Any Bills fans looking to party tonight should head over to the rhinegeist brewery
  2. Watched this yesterday... Not gonna lie, I really empathize with Cleveland fans. I got a little teared up at parts. Sad, sad Cleveland. If I had to choose a second favorite team, it'd be the Browns. Anyone remember, when they didn't have a team, the Bills had a Browns Fan Appreciation Day? There were just a bunch of random Browns fans getting wasted in the stands.
  3. If you had to choose one end zone, which would you prefer, tunnel or scoreboard? I'm looking at both. Thanks!
  4. Yeah, I feel like the only one I will end up paying more than face value is maybe the home opener but I can get a season ticket holder to buy me individual tickets for that one when they go on sale. If we're good, I'll gladly eat my words and overpay for tickets. That'd be a great problem to have.
  5. Well, was really on the fence about getting season tickets and this definitely did not help.
  6. The problem with putting down the money for me is, if I don't get season tickets this year, I'm not sure I'll want them next year. I just moved to Rochester and only know for sure I'll be here till May 2017-ish finishing my dissertation. After that, it is open book. So if I don't like the tickets I get stuck with this year, I may not get anything and will eat the money. Doing the rough math, based on years of ticket buying from eBay/stubhub/scalpers/getting free ones from friends who don't want to go at the end of the season when it is freezing and they suck, it may make more sense to go to every game and not have season tickets and just buy for each game.
  7. Does anyone know what the deal with season tickets is right now? I am considering getting tickets but the guy I have been talking to in the office is giving me the run around. I have to get on the waiting list in order to be eligible for tickets. They told me everyone on the waiting list would get tickets but they couldn't tell me where. I don't feel comfortable putting money down when I don't know where the seats will be. I'd like to be in the lower level end zone, if possible. I just moved back to WNY for the first time in a long while so I'll be at every game, just a matter of if I'll have season tickets or not. I know how cheap prices can be at the end of the season so I don't want to buy unless it seems like it will make sense financially. Has anyone bought seats recently? or been offered them from being on the waiting list? Any idea where I'll end up if I get on the waiting list? Schedule comes out tonight so we'll see if we have any prime time games.
  8. What a joke. Philly is a dump and has some of the worst, classless people I've ever met. After going the the Bills-Eagles game this year, I'm not sure I ever need to step foot in that city again. Its a sad pathetic place.
  9. Don't Billieve the Hype 8-8 Never Hurt Anyone Do you even really care if we win anymore?
  10. We know he went to Pitt but I can't find anywhere what he studied. Was it at all related to management/sports management? I'd be curious to know his GPA as well. Same for the Ryan brothers, the pride and joy of Southwestern Oklahoma State.
  11. My friends and I are looking to rent an RV for the weekend of the Bengals game this year- likely Friday to Monday. Anyone have suggestions on where we could rent a cheap RV? Or know someone with an RV that would want to rent it out for the weekend? Rental prices for some online companies are just crazy and I'd rather give my $$ to a local. Thanks!
  12. I'll be there for sure. It is my 30th birthday and there is a group of 8+ of us going, all Bills fans! I've heard horror stories about Philly fans and have been warned by people to not go but I can't wait.
  13. I don't think it matters. Why does it have to be two Thursdays in a row?
  14. opening with Indy @ home. No home prime time game. One in NE and one someplace else... We'll see if this source is worth anything.
  15. I've heard good things about Champs. Thinking that's where I'll probably go. Super pumped for this game so hoping I run In to some other alcoholic Bills fans
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