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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Posts posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. One of the main reasons the Bills drafted EJ is because they think his arm can cut the wind. He looked good against the Jets in bad wind conditions. Now, we jsut need to play some meaningful late season games.


    I agree. He had many very good throws in tough conditions vs the Jets. That was certainly promising.


    I agree with this, although I don't see how the Patriots can beat the Seahawks this year. I think they are the type of team that can exploit all of the Pats' weaknesses. Pats' best hope is for someone in the NFC to knock off the Seahawks first.


    I think the Seahawks are the most complete team in the league, but I learned a long time ago to never discount Brady/Bellicheat. Especially with two weeks to prepare and unknown weather conditions.

  2. NE is a very flawed team. Of course, the whole NFL seems flawed. But I really think their defensive injuries will catch up with them eventually. They got gashed on the ground and that seems to be a blueprint to beat them. IF only Denver had a QB like EJ whose arm can cut through the wind, it would have been an easy win. :flirt:


    I can't argue with their lack of run defense, but every team in the league this year has their flaws, and an elite quarterback can certainly mask said flaws. It's such a wide open league right now. It's going to come down to who gets hot down the stretch. And also who isn't bothered by a cold-weather Super Bowl. Personally, I see a Seahawks-Patriots Super Bowl matchup, and that will be a damn good one.

  3. Yeah, I get that feeling too. After the way they killed of Jimmy, it wouldn't surprise me to see Eli go too...though the idea that Eli might off himself, after killing Knox has crossed my mind too...kind of lost track somewhere (didn't watch for about three weeks, then splurged on the last three episodes), but does J Edgar know that Knox is still pursuing the organized crime theory? I remember he was po'd when J Edgar "stole" the idea for himself.


    There hasn't been much dialogue between the two in recent weeks, so I am unsure, but that's a good question. Another one who might go this week is Torrio...

  4. Okay..I mostly agree with you...but Margaret? She has literally been on the show for about 10 minutes the entire season...too much? I like the fact that Rothstein (my favorite on the show) and she are, sort of, unwittingly, in cahoots...there may be more to that down the road...I could have lived with a lot more of both characters this season.


    I completely agree with you about Jillian. While I loved the whole Chalky story-line, and Nucky/Eli rift that is soon to develop, I hated the whole Jillian thread in this past episode. I think the directors/writers, or whoever, were trying to be too cute with that whole thing...like an old film noir...but it the style was only used for that particular story-line, so it didn't work...it seemed really corny. Also, not sure why, but I can't stand Ron Livingston, the actor who played the Pinkerton. He is like a poor-man's Tim Robbins. I can deal with him going undercover to catch her and all, but the way it went down was rediculous, and not really in keeping with the tone of the show.


    All in all though, I have enjoyed the season...Chalkie is going to war with Narcise and Nucky, Narcise with Nucky and Chalkie, and Nucky with Narcise, Chalkie and Eli..what could go wrong? Could Nucky call in some help from his friends in Chicago (again) to bust up Eli's meeting with the other bosses...notice Chicago was left out of that meeting...


    Yeah, your point about Margaret's appearance being brief is well taken. Perhaps I just dislike her that much. I too love Rothstein. May be my favorite character in the series. The actor who plays him does an absolutely phenomenal job.


    My prediction for next week: Chalky and Nucky live. Knox, Dr. Narcisse and Eli die. I like Eli, but that's a gut feeling.

  5. Wednesday wings with my brother in laws kids at our house, then Thanksgiving day we fly down to South Carolina to spend the weekend with our daughter and the USC/Clemson game on Saturday. Heading back on Sunday.


    Have fun at the game! One of the most underrated rivalries in college football. Should be a good one.

  6. So, anyone up to date with season four of Boardwalk Empire?


    I am. I have liked the season, not loved it. I thought seasons two and three were incredible. The problems I have with this one, and they aren't major, are that I could have done without any Margaret story line and I also don't really like where they went with Jillian's story line. Both seemed unnecessary and drawn out to me. However, I love the progression of Van Alden's character and also the maturation of Willie into possibly the next great gangster of the Thompson family. Eager to see how this Dr. Narcisse stuff plays out next week and also what will happen in Chicago.

  7. We're about a week out from my favorite day of the year. Not to mention exactly a week away from one of the best drinking nights of the year :beer:


    What is everyone doing for the Holiday this year? Going out of town to see family? Friends/family coming into your neck of the woods to see you? Football games in the morning? Any exciting things on the menus?


    I have the same routine each year on Thanksgiving and I wouldn't have it any other way - I will be meeting up with a large group of friends and family at a local pub on Wednesday night for some adult beverages and good conversation, meeting back at up at about 9 am the next morning with about 25 people for a big flag football game at my childhood home (With a huge hangover), and then will immediately begin nothing but eating, drinking and watching football with family for the rest of the day.


    What does everyone have on tap for next week? Whatever it is, I hope it is a great holiday for all!

  8. Offensive Coordinator - Hackett hasn't proven himself to be incompetant at all yet.

    Defensive Lineman - Last spot that we need to upgrade in, our defensive line is very good.

    Offensive lineman - Agreed, we need an upgrade at guard and some depth. Solid at 4 starting positions, though.

    Linebackers - Maybe one more outside linebacker. I like Alonso and Lawson a lot and Bradham can play, but we can do better.

    Cornerback - Eh, I don't know. When Gilmore is healthy, he is a top-5 CB in this league. McKelvin and Robey have also shown well.

    Wide Receiver - Naw. I like the foundation of SJ, Woods and Goodwin. Maybe one more to replace TJ, but that's splitting hairs.

    Tight end - Yes, this is easily our biggest need on offense. Chandler is done. Give me Jace Amaro.


    That about sums it up


    In my eyes, this team is a guard, tight end and linebacker away from being very, very good. As long as EJ develops.

  9. I think the Bills need that Carolina TE in the first. Just like QB, Buffalo has neglected this position for far too long. The offense needs to step it up big time next year and that is the position that will do it.


    If they go tight end, it better be Jace Amaro from Texas Tech. Jimmy Graham-clone.

    Edit: Apologies Beerball, didn't see you mention Amaro earlier. Agreed, though!

  10. Have you watched these same 9 games. Outside of a Carolina choke, a Flacco 5 int melt down, and a Miami fumble we are a 0-9 team. Who cares how close we keep the score. We have been destroyed in crunch time of the 4th quarter.


    You can point to the same types of things in every game that we've lost thus far besides the Saints game last week. We could just as easily be 8-1 as 0-9. It's the NFL. Many teams are very close talent-wise and a handful of plays determines a game. In years past, the Bills were nowhere near close talent-wise and games would not come down to a few plays. They are a much better football team as a whole this year than they have been in the last few. I'm very confident in saying that.

  11. To me, this situation boils down to 2 things:

    1. Richie Incognito is a complete jackass.

    2. Jonathan Martin is soft.


    #1 we all knew anyways, so let me elaborate just a bit on #2. What Incognito did to Martin as far as the racial slurs and such crossed the line, no doubt. He is a jerk and a bully. But, on to Martin. This is the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE. You are a grown man. This is your livelihood. To me, you cannot let some bullying and getting picked on cause you to leave your career behind, even for an abbreviated period of time. He needed to either stand up to Incognito himself or go to coaches/management without sacrificing his career. There are A LOT of people around the world who are going through MUCH worse things, yet still getting up to go to their sh*tty 9-5 job day in and day out.


    Just my two cents.

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