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Posts posted by bananathumb

  1. Chambers. Maybe I missed one, but I didn't see him beaten at all tonight. I truly thought that Peters being out was going to be a disaster for Edwards this game. While at the beginning the O-line struggled with the blitz packages, I didn't see any of the sacks attributed to Chambers.


    Please correct me if I'm wrong.


    Regardless, big kudos to Chambers for stepping in there! :angry:



    Seems like, everytime he starts in place of our "Pro Bowl" LT, we win. Anyon know what Peters' "record" is this year as a starter? Sure doesn't seem like a difference-maker to me.


    Kudos to Mr. Chambers.

  2. First, I am not totally pessimistic about their future. I think T. Edwards might be the answer in the long run and maybe a winning season will materialize in this decade. But it doesn't really matter to me. There are too many other reasons to follow this team.


    It's like watching Coronation Street or some other soap opera filled with clowns, crooks and butt-ugly characters. You don't admire them necessarily, but you can't stop watching them try hard yet screw up. There are just too many questions that you want answered, so you keep tuning in. Like, will they fire Jauron and the front office bumblers and if they do, which new cast incapable of out-witting Parcells and Belichick will they bring in?


    Who will they sign in the offseason, some big name like Julius Peppers or the usual cast-offs? Will they make the right pick in the first round of the draft, or end up with another Williams or Whitner? You just can't stop watching these messes unfold.

    It's frustrating not to have a winning team, but it's fun to second-guess the management and coaches and hold out hope that finally they'll get it right.


    But perhaps the biggest thing I need to stick around to see is what happens with Ralph Wilson Jr.; no, not what happens, but when. THAT is the ghoulish but delicious climax to this tragi-comic tale called the Buffalo Bills. The day is coming and when it does, I want to watch the fall-out.


    Who will take control? What will things be like in limbo? Who will step up with an offer and where will the team end up?

    If it's Buffalo, great, because there will be much renewed optimism. If it's somewhere else, it will still be interesting to figure out whether to follow them or find another team.


    Let others follow the front-runners like Dallas and New York. There's more drama in watching the team nobody likes

    about to meet the Big Dragon.

  3. The more we hear, and the more vague the reports are about what was actually signed, the more I tend to believe that they've essentially come to an agreement on an amicable divorce with Jauron.


    It sure sounds like what happened was that there was general consensus on the terms of an extension back when the team was 5-1 but those terms weren't formalized. It wouldn't surprise me if those terms were something like "1 year extension that turns to 3 years if the Bills make the playoffs in 2008." Then, the unthinkable happened - "ICEBERG, DEAD AHEAD!" - which then put both parties into the quandry of having "agreed" on something in a "kinda/sorta" or "term sheet" level that didn't really make sense anymore under the actual circumstances. The Bills won't make the playoffs in 2008 (rendering the incentive irrelevant), and no NFL coach wants to operate under a 1 year deal (making it a deal that Jauron presumably wouldn't have agreed to without an accompanying incentive). Thus, the "deal" didn't really make sense for either party anymore.


    All this being the case, and given that Uncle Ralphy tends to be a "business is business" kind of guy when it comes to these things (see: Wade Phillips), Ralphy probably re-tendered a contract to Dick with those EXACT old terms - 1 year with a 3 year bump if the Bills make the playoffs in 2008. Dick, seeing which way the wind is blowing, figured he'd better get-while-the-gettin's-good and sign the deal, knowing it means he'll be at least paid for 1 year. Net result: Dick gets a year severance without having to fight Ralphy, Ralphy gets to say he honored his word (by giving the same contract he "agreed to" at 5-1) with minimal financial exposure, and the fans get their wish when Dick is terminated at year end.



    I agree. A deal has been made...NOT an extension, but - as you say - the terms for an amicanle divorce.


    Something about the ay DJ stepped up to take the fall for that disastrous call makes me feel he is going to play the Bad Guy until year's end, getting some kind of payout for it from Ralph. I just can't believe that crafty old Ralph is dumb enouhg to think fans would "accept" any more time with Dick as HC or those morons in the front office, especially Modrak and Guy.


    I have to beiliebe, for my own sanity, that when Ralph said "we don't have the talent" he was condemning the above-named tw imbeciles and, though he would like to keep Dick, he knows he is a horrible game day coach and knows the fans have trned on him.


    I have to believe this, not only because it makes sense, but because it is the only way I can stay interested.


    My guess - Dick basically signed a one-year deal, and he'll be out in 3 weeks. Thoughts?

  4. Dean will defend Whitner until the end. Facts be damed!

    He defended McCargo until the very end. He will do the same for Whitner. <_<



    Can't figue out how this Bobblehead Doll ever convinced pro scouts and GMs that he was worth drafting.


    Did you see how slow he was chasing Johnny Lee Higgins earl in the year? It took him three seconds before he tackled him IN THE END ZONE!



  5. Although I don't get to listen to the show much anymore, I still consider Simon -- a friend of TBD for several years now -- the best sportstalker in the Buffalo market. (And to be honest, he used to have some fun with GR, back when they were still the opposition ... <_< )



    Howard Simon knws less about football than Mike Schoop and appears to eb even more of a sissy.

  6. I don't care who won today. It just irks me to know that the Jets game-planned against out first round pick, D. Whitner, otherwise known as "the mouth" or just "Slow". They just told Favre, throw to whomever Whitner is covering and it worked


    Thanks again, Levy, for showing us your football instincts and picking a guy you could have had in the second round.


    When is this guy ever going to make a play?

  7. Agree that Trent's concussion sack was the easy answer to the single play that turned this around, but the biggest reason for the sustained failure was opposing D-co-ordinators realizing that our running game is so weak, they could just sit back with 7 or 8 DBs and LBs in coverage.


    That was the end of Bills' offensive threat.


    We need a running game to win another game, I mean a REAL running game, not one that is "allowed" because the defense is sitting back in coverage until we get the ball into the red zone.

  8. I think getting into the top 10 is important for the Bills to get those impact players. By time they reach the 12-18 range the top picks are done and it is more a reach. They may be good players; but they tend not to be the player that fans know about across the league.



    Don't worry, going 6-10 will get us a much better pick than 13th. UnfortunaTELY, the same idiot will be running the teamand making the pick.


    Real question is, when will we ever win another gme?

  9. Our best safety is Brian Scott who we picked up off of the street. He makes many more plays than Whitner in run support. As far as in coverage, none of our safeties make any plays. Drafting Whitner and McCargo in the first round was just terrible. That is why we are mediocre to poor every year because we draft players who are mediocre to poor every year. Whitner plays like a late round pick. He has not improved since his rookie year, and he is the smallest safety in the league. The guy looks tiny.



    Correct...aout both Scott (our best player in Toronto on Sunday) and Whitner, who has done nothing since he was starrng on the Jim Rome Show.

  10. admin


    Modrak, Guy, that CFO loser (Lindenbaum?)




    Jauron, Fewell, Schonert, Van Pelt, Kochar, Lester, receivers coach, TE coach, running back coach.





    First and foremost, Chris Praise God Kelsay useless


    Donte Playoff Whitner too slow


    Roscoe Fear Snow Parrish only a punt catcher


    JP Brainless Losman


    Puke Dreston


    Chess Fowler


    Hold-out Peters


    Robert Royal Pain in the Ass


    Ryan Shaky Lindell


    Begone and be blessed


    P.S. the only reason I don't include Russ Shadows Brandon in my list is because maybe he'll actually persuade El Cheapo to bring in a Parcells type as GM who will clean house. Only problem is, who would come to Buffalo and the AFC East with Parcells, Belichick and Mangini to go up against? Certainly not Cowher or JImmy J, but just maybe Jaws!!!


    If you don't clean house and bring in a guy like Jaws, then Brandon, you can bugger off too.

  11. Thanks for summing up the true issue. Leadership amd football smarts at the top.


    Wonde if money could drag Jimmy Johnson out of the Keys into cold weather?






    That's avoids the issue. Polian never had to fire Marv, because BP had already stocked that team with more talent than at anytime in franchise history. Marv only had to keep the ship steady, which he did.


    The point here is that a GM needs to run football operations. All good owners find football people, and give them the leeway to run football operations. They don't meddle and inhibit their football people from making football decisions.


    Indianapolis has Polian

    NY Giants have Jerry Reese

    Atlanta has Dimitroff

    Miami has Parcells/Ireland

    New England has Pioli/Belichick


    If more fans looked league wide to see what works, they'd realize this team's 59-82 record is the result of a bad GM (TD) and two guys who had no clue what they were doing (Marv and Russell)


    I'd love to bestow praise on Marv, but his time as GM is quickly worsening despite having retired a year ago. The results of his decisions are being felt everyday, especially his uninspired pick of DJ and the joke coordinators he brought with him.

  12. It has seemed funny to me that all the criticism since the 4-1 start has been directed at Trent Edwards' "regression" rather than the obvious fact that the league figured out how to defend against the Bills: drop 7 or 8 guys into pass coverage.


    When there are only 2-4 receivers going into patterns, every one of them is double-covered. When Edwards started dropping back, there was no open man, so, despite the fact that he had lots of time to look over the field, all he saw was DBs and LBs in coverage. When he forced throws, he got picked. Eventually he lost confidence and got frustrated and of course we began losing.


    Meanwhile, our "running game" (and O-line) appeared to be getting better because, of course, the defense gave us the run, figuring that it wouldn't beat us with Lynch and Jackson. Once we got into the red zone, they wouldn't need to drop linebackers into coverage, so they could start focusing more on the run. It worked.


    My point is - sorry it took so long - that our Offensive co-ordinator - even he saw this happening - has not been able to adjust to it. Or maybe ther is no adjustment when you don't have a great running game. Teams will just say, go ahead and run, but we are not going to let you pass against us.


    Simple, but apparently effective, when you only have a rookie co-ordinator and a young QB to beat.


    Rather than blame Edwards for this, give credit to the defensive co-ordinators in the NFL and recognize how weak our coaches are at counter-attacking.

  13. I had the feeling as soon as Edwards wasthrow to the carpet in Arizona that this would be more than a one-game injury.


    He has never been the same since and as we knowthe team is useless without him (as he was). I felt at the time that he would never be the same, too smart to miss this point: I could be really hurt out there and I don't need it!


    That was it: oe play, a reason undone.


    Shows you how weak a team we really have.

  14. Cut Schobel/Denney/Kelsay and sign Peppers and you'd have the exact same problem we have now. Or we can keep Schobel/Denney and bring in Peppers. The Bills cap situtation is nowhere near close enough to the cap that this couldn't be done. It's just a matter of, are the Bills willing to admit the Kelsay mistake, and the terrible pass rush, and do something major to improve it? Or will we be spoonfed the same crap yet again. You know "Well with a healthy Schobel, and Stroud Kelsay and The Stork will do such and such?". That people have bought into hook line and sinker? We shall see.




    Good plan. Move Schobel to RE if Peppers is engrained at LE. Above all, cut Kelsay ad his salary cap savings can help pay for a real NFL DE.

  15. 1. Schedule: 49ers are bad and we're at home

    2. Miami is better but we have a healthy McGee this time, plus a more experienced McKelvin

    3. Jets game will be tough, but I have a feeling our new play-action passing game might make a difference; besides if we are on a mini-winning streak, the boys will be up for the game

    4. Denver won't be able to stop the run, so we should keep Cutler off the field and intercept him a couple times when on it

    5. which brings us to the 16th game against the hated Pats, who - last I looked - are still Bradyless and might just be beatable by a home team that is high as a CN Tower at RWS filled with screaming 12th men! Imagine being there!


    6. We just might be getting back guys like Schobel, Greer and Whitner for the division games. If we remain injury-free, we have a good team.


    7. I have a weird feeling that James Hardy might finally be ready to contribute, maybe even Ellis here and there.


    8. Schonert has had enough experience now to game-plan against the D-coordinators of the AFC East, which he wasn't able to do first time round.


    9. Perry Fewell isn't the brightest guy, but what if he actually thought of using McKelvin's tremendous talent creatively...

    can you see him blitzing off the edge, for example? Look out, Chad!


    10. I am out of reasons for my Pollyannia, but happy thanksgiving, because right now we are still playoff-eligible, so enjoy those mashed potatoes!

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