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Posts posted by bananathumb

  1. When it come to re-signing a player, only an idiot cares about in what round that player was drafted. If the player is valuable to the team, young, affordable, etc, you try to keep him.


    The whining about who the Bills might have drafted, and if the pick was a mistake, is something that is irrelevant to today's team. Write an article about the history of the Bills, and give your analysis of the mistakes that may have been made, but the discussion of that draft doesn't really matter, when it comes to what to do with Donte, for the Bills' future.


    Sometimes I have to wonder about the level of pissing and moaning that goes on, here...usually by the same posters...in threads that are devoted to a discussion of what to do NEXT. The inability of some to refrain from airing their grievances in every single thread, makes me think this is a Festivus board, and not a Bills' board.


    You guys should concentrate on showing your brilliance by discussing what the Bills should (and might realistically) do, to improve, instead of incessantly discussing what occurred several years ago. The drafting of Whitner has been discussed to death. We aren't about to change each others' opinions on whether it was a good, or bad, pick. We can, however, have a positive discussion about what to do next, I would hope.



    Whitner is slow (see Johnny Lee burn pat him)


    Whitner can't cover (see Randy out-leap him the end zone)


    Whitner can't tackle (see Sammy run over him at the LOS)


    Want more evidence? He can't make big plays...0 ints in 08.


    I'd rather have a guy as captain who can take an interception to the house than a guy who invites the team over to his house

    for nachos.

  2. i read this earlier and just wondering everyones opinion on the article. personally i dont think i would miss any of these players.






    I would cut Kelsay the second I was sure that Schobel's foot has fully healed. Or...the second Chris Ellis showed something better in spring workouts. Or... the second Julius Peppers signed a Bills contract. Or... the second I drafted a top rookie this April. Or... maybe the second it became Feb. 9, just for the hell of it. We wouldn't save cap money, but we would send a message to other players that useless "hard-tryers" are not going to stick around anymore.


    We have Denny to place his position anyway; he's cheaper and better.


    As for the other three potential cuts, I might give McCargo one more chance. Simpson nd Royal are gone.

  3. "Look for the Panthers to sign and trade Peppers for a first round pick this year, possibly through the franchise player tag. At least Panthers fans would have the draft to look forward to. Lets hope for a mid first rounder"


    The quote is only from a Panther fan site, but if there is any truth to the prediction, would you do it?


    I would, mainly because I can't see any player available at #11 who would fit our needs at DE as well as Julius Peppers. It would cost a bundle, but winning usually does. (I realize that what I just said makes it impossible, given Wilson's cheapness.)

  4. If I were GM of the Bills (since there is none), I would try to upgrade at almost EVERY position next year, the exceptions being CB, RB and Punter.


    That leaves 18 positions, if you count kicker, that need upgrades.


    I would worry least about these guys, as they are either a little above average or have shown potential:


    Evans, Reed, Stroud, Schobel (if he recovers fully), Edwards, Dockery and Walker.


    A few others are average and you might win around them:


    Mitchell, Poz, Lindell, Scott, Butler


    The others are too soft and need to be cut or dropped into backup roles:


    Kelsay, Williams, Whitner, Simpson, Hardy, Preston, Ellison and any fullback still on the roster. That is eight starters that need replacing, a mighty task to be sure, but if they are still around next year, we won't win.


    Peters is a special case, or should I say, head case, and needs to be traded, which shouldn't be too difficult, considering he is a "Pro Bowler". Right?


    No wonder we don't have a GM. It's an impossible job!

  5. 1. The owner: 0 for 1. Our owner sucks.

    2. The tradition: 0 for 2. Our tradition is a tradition of losing. The worst possible ways to, I may add.

    3. The QB: 0 for 3. Trent might become something special but he isn't very special now. He has to prove he can stay healthy.

    4. The staff: 0 for 4. Do I really have to explain??

    5. A special trait: 0 for 5. Nothing special about this team.

    6. The tough decision: 0 for 6. We kept our staff intact. That was a bad decision.

    7. The team: 0 for 7. Our team sucks and we can't stay healthy.

    8. The building: 1 for 8. Great stadium, great training facilities.

    9. The media: 1 for 9. Our media is as negative as they come, although I can't say I blame them for that.

    10. A bit of luck: 1 for 10. Yeah we have luck alright. a bunch of BAD luck.


    says it all


    sad taht there is no hope while the Wilson era continues

  6. A DT that is unblockable, eh? Sort of like a Cortez Kennedy, Warren Sapp, Joe Greene type of guy? Nah, he doesn't "fit our system". :unsure:



    Yeah, the more I want Senior Bowl practice and hear reports, the more I think an "unblockable" DT is the way to go this year.

    While we need a speed rusher more, there isn't a great one available. There is a prmising looking TE, but who changes games more, a dominating DT or TE?


    We missed on Haloti by taking Bobblehead Whitner; let's not miss again if Raji is there at 11. Put him with Stroud and our 4-3 D might not be bad.


    Get Peppers to go with Schobel while you're at it.

  7. Ralph gave the finger to Bills fans when he retained Jauron. He was unwilling to swallow his pride that he made the biggest boneheaded decision of his lifetime when he gave Jauron an extension before even midseason point. So here we sit and wait for the end of the 2009 season when Dick will no doubt be fired (after the Bills nosedive with a 4 or 5 win season) and the Bills can finally ditch the antiquated, outdated and constrictive Tampa 2 scheme. That means the Bills are at least three years away from having any semblance of a strong and dominating defense. The Tampa 2 is a chicken sh_t scheme, that fits our chicken sh_t head coach like a glove.



    you got it right

  8. Good grades, but you a little too easy...more Fs than Ds from me.



    In light of such a Predictably Horrible Year, Here are my End of Year Grades:

    OFFENSE - For Lack of a better word

    RB- Lynch-------A=== Solid year but still room for improvment - Blitz pickup comes to mind

    Jackson-----A- == Great year but could block better as well.]

    FB - McIntyre ---D- == Did he know the game was live?

    QB -Edwards --- C=== Had some moments, regressed Badly but bounced back slightly

    -Losman --- D=== Like it or not he's now a veteran & acts like a lost rookie

    WR -Reed ------- B=== quietly had a pretty nice year but did disappear @ times

    -Evans-------C=== Long Ball monster but - oh yeah, we dont throw the long ball

    -Parrish----- C-== Makes a play or two but we need much more (2 expensive 4 what he does)

    -Hardy------ D== Poor Rte runner, We were going to coach him up I thought? Needs Development - In Tim I guess

    TE - Royal ------- D== Maybe a new career as a mason

    Schouman --D+==Doesn't know how to get open

    Fine ---------C- == Still learning but I'm not sure we have anyone 2 teach him

    RT - Walker ------C+== Huge but can't move. But he is well, HUGE

    Chambers--- C== Serviceable Backup & versitile

    C - Fowler--------D== Just plain awful. Does NOT belong in the NFL

    - Preston------ C-==Not a good player. Too many mental mistakes

    LG - Dockery --- C-==Bordering on D but too expensive to get rid of. Would've been better if Peters played to ability

    LT - Peters -------D== Suffered from holdout, Hes not as good as his agent claims


    SS - Whitner -----C== Played hurt alittle but is running out of excuses why always out of position

    - Scott--------B== Played pretty well. Should be our Starter Now

    FS - Simpson-----D===A complete waste . He's worth Millions ? of Laughs Maybe

    - Wilson ----- NG

    LB - Ellison ------ D== Too Small, Too busy running around field to fill gaps

    - Constanzo -- NG

    - Pozluszny----C== Doesn't shed blockers fast enough, Should improve w/ time. Maybe better on outside ?

    - Mitchell ------C== Good Player but misses too many tackles. Afraid to hit QB -@ all!

    CB - Greer --------B== Good Player on the small side

    - McGee--------B== Good Player but a bit over-rated. Plays off too much although scheme forces him to

    -McKelvin----- C==Rookie - played like one but huge upside.

    DE - Denney-------C-=Only occasional pressure when secondary coverage was good. Syonara (sp?)

    - Kelsey ------- F== Was he actually on the field during the game?

    - Schobel ------ B== The Best we got @ this position til hurt- Still a keeper though

    -Bryan --------D==Didn't do much

    DT - Williams ------C== Played to the top of his ability this year, tries hard, good backup - thats all

    - Stroud--------B+== Cant do it all on his own. He's a shadow of his former self but still good.

    - Johnson ----- C++= Very good rotational player but not Starter material


    K - Lindell --------C+==Has had better years & needs some competition in camp this year but still a keeper

    - Moorman ----- B=== Has also had better years but a super player

    KR - Parrish ------- A == Still very good but not worth hanging onto -we have others that are capable

    - McKelvin -----A=== Should be great for years to come

    LS - Neill -----------B == It works

    COACHING ---------F--== Wouldn't hire Jauron to coach my Dog where to Shiite


    Looks like a 7-9 team to me.

  9. I think Marv was smart enough to see this coming and was one step ahead of the lynch mob. He is loved in WNY and I bet he wanted nothing to do with selling a home game to Toronto and the potential of going out on a sour note.



    Levy has made a lot of dough and rep screwing Buffalo.

  10. Regardless what the players think of him 0-6 in your divison in your third year as a head coach with the team should be a gimme firing what possible reasons could Ralph justify keeping someone who is 0-6 in the division when 4 of the losses came against teams that had a worse record than your team the previous year.


    Please someone tell me :);)



    It's Ralph's team and he's cheap. Scrooge rules!


    There's no logic involved

  11. Really good poll.


    I voted "horrible owner". How can a person 90 yearsold be so cheap? Wouldn't you think he'd wake up like Scroohe in "A Christmas Carol"? He needs to hire a real, proven GM and let him do his job. I know Donahoe is like the ghost of Christmas Past hanging over his shoulder, but he needs that football mind...a Scott Pioli type. It starts at the top and filters down. This team is going nowhere until Ralph either dies or sees the light and opens his heart and wallet.

  12. Greer is the most underrated defense player on our team. This year alone he had HUGE game defining defensive plays. WE NEED TO RESIGN GREER. He is a future pro-bowler and could be one of the best CBs ever.



    Agreed. I love McGee and the rookies look promising, but WHY would you let areally good player, on and off the field, go elsewhereP Pay him. We have no pass rush, so we need strong CBs.


    I'd rathe keep a guy you know can play than sign someone else's castoff.

  13. My only issue is with #1. Whitner was a goat out there for most of the game. The play where he caused the fumble was not because of his efforts, but because Scott held the player he drilled. It is his fault for the way he plays. He never plays the ball but the player.


    He took some bad angles again and I hope we find his replacement in the off-season.



    Gotta agree.

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