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Posts posted by finn

  1. 3 minutes ago, ngbills said:

    D is not stopping them today. We need many td’s. 

    Yeah, they look as bad as they ever have. No pass rush or coverage downfield. It's not even Mahomes playing particularly great; they look like they couldn't stop a high school quarterback.


    If they're going to just lie down, maybe they should take some risks, jump routes, go for the turnover. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Donuts and Doritos said:

    Really thin at LB (4). If Matakevich has to play LB, I'll throw up.

    I thought he did pretty well filling in during the COVID season. 

    Maybe the surfeit of injuries will have a galvanizing effect on the team rather than discourage them. A circle the wagons, next man up kind of thing.  

  3. 50 minutes ago, newcam2012 said:

    Agree with everything except the grit and character statement. 


    The Chiefs won a super bowl last year with Mahomes having one good leg. Their WR core wasn't good or strong last year as well. Their defense wasn't nearly as good as it is this year. 


    They are the champs and assaulting their character is a hand scratcher. Reid and Spags are considered by many to be at the top of their class. I don't get the lack of character and toughness allegations. 

    I didn't mean to imply the Chiefs lack those qualities, just that the Bills have them in greater measure. Not sure yet if that applies to McDermott, though; I think he choked in both playoff games against the Chiefs, the first when he punted at least twice when it was clear the Bills needed to go for it, and for what appears to be his prevent defense in the 13-second game. I don't want him to be an avoid-losing type of coach, but he might be just that. Of course, I have no qualms in that regard about Allen. 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Success said:


    The bolded is correct - but it's not as easy as it sounds there.  Like, it's VERY far from being as easy as it sounds there.


    I'm not saying it's easy, not with a QB as big and mobile as Allen. And the strategy does carry risks. You're giving him time. Just because Allen never has time doesn't mean he can't make good use of it. 

    • Agree 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, FLFan said:

    I agree.  The Bills should actually spank this team pretty well, if they hold mistakes to a minimum. As long as they do not beat themselves, KC cannot win this game.  

    I hope you're right. I want to feel more confident. If I'm KC, I keep Allen contained in the pocket. Take away the deep stuff and make him check it down. That's when he gets impatient and forces things. No scrambling, no off-script improvisations, no deep passes. Blitz on occasion. Make the Bills earn every yard. 


    On offense, go to work on the Bills' backup/injured linebackers. Short passes, screens, slants. Then go deep when the opportunity is there.  


    I see a tough game and a Bills win just because they have more grit and character than the Chiefs. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Punch said:


    Not to discount Mahomes, but to your point: Eli Manning also has 2 rings. I certainly wouldn't take him over Josh Allen.

    Exactly. Give a very good quarterback like Eli Manning a great line, receivers, play caller, run game, coordinator, and head coach--or even most of these things--and awards and trophies will follow. Hardware does not equal greatness, not by itself. 

  7. 2 hours ago, newcam2012 said:

     Don't get me wrong I love Allen. He's special, elite, and can carry a team. However, to say Allen is better is very debatable. I think Mahomes is the heads down the best QB by most fans and football people. It's a stretch to say Allen is better especially since Patrick is dangling two rings while Allen is ring less. The Allen "will to win" vs Mahomes "will to win" comparison is a ridiculous statement. No offense. There is no edge on the will to win. Both are off the charts here. Did you watch Mahomes play on one leg last year? You don't win two rings because of a lack of wanting to win. 


    For all practical purposes Reid is the offensive coordinator and play caller. Nagy is just a fill in. Reid is probably one of the best offensive minds in the game. Huge edge over an inexperienced Brady. Enough said here. Hopefully, the youngster can match or outperform the willy veteran Chiefs coaching staff. He's done a great job thus far. The task doesn't appear to be too big. 


    The Chiefs secondary has a huge edge over the Bills depleted secondary. It's not even close. Have to give McD credit on how the D is performing with back ups galore. It's probably McD biggest and most impressive achievement this year. Hopefully, the success continues. 


    This game may come down to special teams. That's a scary thought since the Bills punter has only one good leg, an inferior replacement, and a FG kicker that's very shaky right now. Huge advantage to Chiefs. 


    Home field should be a huge advantage. This is where the Bills have the biggest advantage. I don't think anyone can dispute this. The Bills  generally don't lose at home but this game and opponent is a different animal. I ask everyone to look at the home playoff game vs Cinci last year. 


    Coaching will be huge this game. Reid has the clear advantage here. He wins big games while McD struggles in divisional playoff games and beyond. I think many Bills fans are secretly hoping McD doesn't blow it again. Sorry. However, this year feels different? Maybe that's just my homerism at work. Nevertheless, the monkey is on McD and the Bills. I believe for what it's worth the pressure is on the Bills to win. Thus far, the Bills have handled the pressure down the stretch magnificently. No one should question the toughness and resiliency of this team.  One more time please, please, and please.


    Bills have a great advantage at the tackles, Chiefs running defense is not good, and the Bills pass catchers are better. The Bills have to take advantage of their strengths. 


    All in all, this is setting up to be a classic game. A dog fight and heavyweight fight between two teams that know each other well. The Bills players and fans finally get their wish with a home game in Buffalo vs KC. We've been wanting this for years. The Bills management focused on building a team to beat KC. Is it be careful what you ask for or just what the football doctor ordered? 


    Let's go Buffalo!!! We fans will give it our all to help the team get the W. I would love nothing more than to see Reid's fat ass and Mahomes whining ass march out of Highmark Stadium in their underwear. We haven't forgotten pain of 13 seconds. We haven't forgotten the grim reaper remarks about Mahomes. Sunday is the time for changing of the guard. The time for the Bills to shine! My old law enforcement gun range instructor used to constantly say "nothing to it but to do it." How fitting is that tomorrow?



    Go Bills

    Appreciate the detailed post. But I have to call BS on one point, which is the familiar claim that Mahomes is better because he has two rings (MVPs, etc.). I would argue that any of a half a dozen quarterbacks in the league now would have done as well as Mahomes under the same circumstances: throwing to two future HOF receivers behind an elite line with (as you say) one of the best offensive minds in the game calling plays. Can you think of another quarterback who has had all these advantages who has NOT done as well? 


    No, having watched both, I think Allen is objectively better. As I said, he's bigger, meaning that he can and has broken far more tackles that the smaller Mahomes. He's faster and more athletic, and he has at least as strong an arm and as creative off script. And his stats (if not awards) are comparable to Mahomes'--with inferior receivers, a far inferior line, and inferior play callers. In fact, now that Mahomes no longer has all these advantages (just some of them), we're seeing that he, too, can struggle. 


    Put it this way: What can Mahomes do that Allen can't do just as well or better, all things being equal? Same receivers, same line, same play calling. Anything? 

  8. Great matchup. About time it's not in Arrowhead. Both defensive coordinators are innovative, so that's a wash. I'd say the offensive coordinators are about even, too. And Allen and Mahomes, although I think Allen is better because of his will to win. Pachenko = Cook. Home field is an advantage, but it's more than outweighed by the injuries. Their kicking game is superior.


    The slightest of edges to KC, but a single holding or PI call, a blocked kick, or fumble, a big return...anything can turn the game one way or another. All things being equal, I'd give it to the Bills because Allen is a better quarterback than Mahomes. Bigger, faster, stronger, more clutch, more determined. Plus, he doesn't run like a squirrel or sound like Kermit. 

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  9. 3 hours ago, FireChans said:

    I mean he did lose his OC and his receivers do suck. Have you watched them lead the league in drops, some of which directly cost them games?


    Mahomes hasn’t been Mahomes, but saying his receivers suck isn’t an excuse. It’s reality.


    Just like it’s reality that Josh turns it over too much, even though he is a one man offense, and doing it without a true #1 or #2.

    Look, Allen turned it over 23 times, Mahomes 17. Meanwhile, he produced 44 touchdowns compared to Mahomes' 27. Would you give up six turnovers for 17 touchdowns? More to the point here, how often do you see these two sets of numbers presented together? Like, never? It's always some version of Allen as turnover machine, to the point that literally every comment or observation about Allen includes some note about his turnovers.


    As for dropped passes, whose receivers led the league in dropped passes last year? If you don't know, it may be because the media didn't repeat the fact ad nauseum because it wasn't Mahomes. It was Allen. 


    And Allen also lost his coordinator, didn't he? In fact, he's on his third in three years. 


    All his career, Mahomes has been playing for an excellent coach with excellent receivers and an excellent line. For the first time, he has to do it himself, the way Allen has all HIS career. And the excuses pour forth. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, FireChans said:

    I haven’t seen anyone that has said Mahomes has been his usual great self this year. But hey

    No, but don't you find all comments that he hasn't been great are quickly followed by excuses, none of which have to do with Mahomes himself? It's his receivers, his line, the fatigue that comes with all that winning, etc. His Holiness himself is never doubted that I ever heard. Nothing like, "He's great but..." as with Allen. It's always "He's struggling because others are letting him down."


    I get why. People think he deserves the benefit of the doubt because he's won in the past. But that doesn't change the facts, which are ignored in service of the Narrative. 

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  11. The OP is right about the anti-Bills, anti-Allen narratives out there. They stand in stark contrast to the narratives on KC, which are invariably positive or spin any negatives in a positive light. Doesn't reflect very well on the media figures perpetuating these narratives. They come across as not just lazy but cowardly as well. It would take initiative to say something new and courage to point out that (correctly) that Josh Allen has done more with less than anyone else in the league. 


    Laziness and cowardice must be part of the job description. 

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