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Posts posted by finn

  1. guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle guard tackle corner


    So you're saying they didn't do a good job trying to address the OL last year when they drafted two tackles and a guard? Just because two of them ended up not performing up to expectations doesn't mean they didn't try to address it. I'll accept your argument as long as you knew at draft time that Kujo and Richardson were bad picks. Otherwise, we could very well have had two new guards and a new tackle with what seemed like a bright future. But, as everybody knows, sometimes guys just don't work out.


    Plus, we hear from several sources (including Rex) that they want to make the offensive line a strength and they're not done bringing people in. So you'd rather be anxious about some random, incomplete tweets from an unkown source?

    No, I certainly didn't know they were bad picks at the time, but what does that have to do with whether or not they were good picks? They weren't, nor was Williams a good free agent. Whaley failed, in other words. What, do you want to give him credit for trying, is that it? If the Bills are "bringing in" people of the same quality as Kujo, Richardson, et al., then they'll fail again. Not sure I follow you. Are you happy as long as they seem to be trying hard? If so, you're pretty easy to please. (But you have picked a good team to follow.)

  3. it's fun to banter about the "leaks" so to speak but I wouldn't read too much into it. #staysalty

    You're right. I'm mostly venting. But it's also true that my restraint in previous years regarding the offensive line ("of course they'll address it") was not rewarded--or "rewarded" with Chris Williams, Kujo, Richardson and (an afterthought) Henderson. In other words, my anxiety-fueled scorn is warranted to a degree!

  4. Intriguing view of what the Bills are thinking, but it's illuminating what is not listed. Based on these tweets, they don't see right tackle and guard as a priority--once again. People here dismissed that Whaley press conference when he seemed excited (good lord) about Henderson, Richardson and Kujo, but together with this information, it seems even more possible that they will go into next year still deluded about the offensive line--the third year in a row. What does it take to make it a priority? We had the worst tackle and worst of the worst guards in football--and their priority is a third WR? A third (or fourth) DL? I can't help but wonder if Whaley's ego is getting in the way: he drafted these three clowns and might care more that they're not busts than the OL being top quality--and, no, they're not the same thing. Doug "just one step away!" Whaley.

  5. I have no patience for cheaters or their lame excuses they and their apologists make. I live in Patriots territory, and the past few weeks I've heard all the excuses that will be trotted out to justify Jerry Rice's lies. "Everyone does it"; "It doesn't matter"; "It's not true"; "If you complain you're naive and/or a whiner." Barry Bonds, Lance Armstrong, Jerry Rice, Tom Brady...They're all happy to accept their awards and bask in the glory they wouldn't have experienced without cheating to get ahead of their peers. Strip him of his records and kick him out of the Hall of Fame. That might get the attention of the budding cheaters out there.

  6. A Jets fan gives you his opinion on Ryan so now you're pessimistic about the Bills next year?

    Like one of the other posters said, optimism is in my DNA as a Bills fan, but so is a sort of masochistic skepticism. They balance each other. At some point we should have a thread to discuss what keeps Bills fans loyal despite so many years of disappointments. For me, it's like the Bills are MY team, for better or worse, and I'll continue following them no matter what. I'm from Buffalo (Williamsville, actually), and I'm proud that we have a major league team. I like thinking about their strong suits--the linebackers, D-line, etc.--and speculating what can be done with the weak parts. But reading about yet another--another!!--coach who reportedly wants to change an already excellent defense, who sticks stubbornly to mediocrities, doesn't adjust and so on... Yes, my optimism dwindles. Doesn't yours?

  7. Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed, well-supported post. It's hard to be optimistic about the Bills' chances after reading it, in part because the weaknesses you describe---cronyism, no adjustments at halftime, stubbornly sticking with players despite poor play--are all too familiar to Bills fans, as are the boasts of a new HC inheriting a top-five defense vowing to make it still better. I have higher hopes for Roman (the new OC), but from what you say the offensive position coaches may undermine him. Let's just hope Whaley and the Pelugas did their due diligence and didn't hire Rex because of his personality. I remember the Bills GM at the time (forgot who) saying he hired Gregg Williams because he was blown away by his multi-colored notebook. So many pretty, pretty tabs!

  8. Three pages of wise cracks, not a single comment worth reading after the first two or three. Pro personnel pickups were one of the few bright spots of the Bills administration--Carpenter, Hogan, Gray, Thigpen, Dixon, Graham, Rambo, and of course Orton...they all contributed a lot. For all we know even Williams (the WR) might have been a great pickup ignored by our idiot head coach. So this looks like a truly dumb move on its face. One of the most depressing features of the Bills is their tendency to replace what is working fine. I hope this isn't a case of the same.

  9. Don't tell me, let me guess...you want Shanahan


    I think the TBD'ian who posited Shanahan wants San Francisco and will interview with the Bills to leverage that interest, is probably correct.


    But to address some of your points:

    1) Everybody wants a Superbowl winning HC. None of us are the same people we were 10 years ago. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.

    So if you're hiring a guy who proved he could do it 10 years ago, are you hiring a Superbowl winning coach of today, or are you hiring a guy who won Superbowls 10 years ago?

    2) You do have a point about hiring people who haven't accomplished a damn thing in the NFL. But that point also applies to a lot of today's Superbowl winning HCs. What had Harbaugh accomplished in the NFL before the Ravens? Nothing! He wasn't even an OC or DC - he was a ST and DB coach! What had Carroll accomplished before the Seahawks? Nothing! He was a failure as a HC with the Jets AND The Patriots. What had Belichick accomplished in the NFL prior to NE HC? Some success as the DC for the Superbowl winning Giants, but he was unimpressive as the HC in Cleveland with only one winning season. So if they followed your mantra, none of these organizations would be enjoying the success they currently have.


    I would like to suggest that knowing history or being doomed to repeat it may not be the straightfoward task you portray.

    Posts like these are why I come to this board. Informed, concise, smart, courteous.

  10. The source of all of that speculation is Tim Graham. 'Nuff said. I don't believe any of it unless he names his source. Otherwise I think he is just speculating as has no source. Just stirring things up and I'm not buying any of it.

    You may be right about Tim Graham. Look at this passage from his article today: "A source close to the situation told The News that executives from previous owner Ralph Wilson’s regime – eager to maintain their power – badmouthed Polian in Marrone’s presence during the season."


    Is Graham claiming these executives are eager to maintain power, or is he saying that is what his sources say? And do these sources have a stake in spinning what might be an innocent conversation this way? This is sneaky, biased journalism.

  11. So Pegula asks Polian to come in, Marrone hears bad things about Polian and leaves, prompting Polian to change his mind because things are falling apart fast. Today we hear that at least two people in the front office badmouthed Polian to Marrone, who passed on the tidbit to Pegula, who announces that the new HC will not be reporting to Whaley, leaving his role up in the air. And any of this might be inaccurate.


    Confusion, greed, betrayal, backstabbing, power plays... We just need a little sex to top it off. The Bills organization is on the verge of becoming a laughing stock, if it isn't already.


    What do the Pegulas have to do now to turn this debacle into something positive?

  12. You didn't look very hard. It's in all the "Marrone opts out" threads.


    They had to include this clause so he would chose the Bills over Cleveland.


    Pegula has got to be wondering who agreed to that idiotic clause. Let's see, $4 million for leaving if another job opens up. And for what? To be sure to land this outstanding coach? Incredible performance with.... Syracuse? For one year?

  13. Never liked him. What was to like? Hiring Hackett, an overeager amateur, as offensive coordinator, his baffling benching of Urbick, keeping Hairston on the bench when Henderson was struggling, stubbornly sticking with Colin Brown at guard when he was one of the worst guards in NFL history, his idiotic press conferences (it's hard to be that inarticulate), his game management, fourth-down cowardice... I hear what you're all saying about what was commendable about him, but I'm not persuaded at all. At best, it's been a matter of giving him the benefit of the doubt all along. Pettine then Schwartz have carried this team, making use of Whaley's personnel work (to be fair). Marrone has just been along for the ride, making obvious moves (like benching EJ) but just as often getting in the way or messing up, like cutting Tarvaris Jackson or playing footsie with Urbick.


    In fact, one could argue the Bills won nine games DESPITE Marrone. His classless departure is a fitting coda to a mediocre tenure.

  14. Don't disagree but read Rapoport's recent string of Twitter posts. He is adamant that Marrone is hot commodity around league and that the Bills absolutely would have given him a lucrative extension. He just didn't like the uncertainty surrounding an un-named "czar" coming into town, so he split.


    I just don't believe this. It is funny how superficially the national media is reading the Marrone situation in Buffalo. They focus on the obvious stuff that an 8 year old could gather for a school report in 5 minutes.


    "Best record in 10 years", "Winning season" etc...


    They don't analyze with any level of nuance, like, almost all of our winning came as a result of a really solid defense led by an excellent defensive coordinator, none of which Marrone had a thing to do with.




    The fact that Marrone was proven, consistently, to be a far below average game manager and field marshal. His spur of the moment decisions in games were atrocious.


    We did a lot of winning this season despite Marrone, not because of him.


    None of this makes the report less likely, unfortunately. I can believe the report, even if I don't want to because it suggests Pegula is not as tuned in as the average TBD poster.

  15. 3/7 of your list would be available at 50. 6/7 of your list would be a pretty easy trade up away if it were necessary.


    But that's just it: by trading away this year's pick, Whaley threw away a chance to move up--or down for that matter. There will be all sorts of possibilities in play, and we'll be sitting on the sidelines. I'm not saying that trading up or down will always produce or good player, or that we could get definitely land a good QB at 19, but at least we would have had a chance to do so. Because Whaley fell in love with Watkins, we have only free agency to find a difference maker. Yes, Julio Jones is terrific, yes, we could have blown the 19th pick, and yes, Watkins is special. But we weren't one pick away from the playoffs, and Watkins was and is not a first-round pick better than the Beckham.


    Put it this way: I'd rather have Beckham and a chance at a Beluga or Bitonio or Beckham and a chance at a Tannehill or Kapernick than Watkins and a big nothing. That's not hindsight, either: the draft was widely recognized as the deepest for WR's in decades.


    Prudence is hard when you're a new, young GM eager to prove yourself. Whaley wanted to make a splash and persuaded himself it was best for the team. He didn't utterly blow it, but he could easily have had two studs instead of one.

  16. My view of the decision to start and stick with Orton in that game doesn't change in hindsight, but I did (and do) think it was a selfish decision. You could say that winning is the bottom line, and I think there's something to that, but there's also the long-term future of the team to consider, and the decision makers could have used more information on E.J. My perception is that both Marrone and Whaley have been looking out for themselves first all along. Mostly that priority has lined up with the team's interest, but the Watkins trade and playing Orton in the last game was an exception.


    A thought experiment: Imagine a front office and coach who were looking out for the long term. You think foundations, not quick hits and bandaids. You think keeping your best players, not signing for marketing value. You trade picks one year for higher picks the following year so you can land that elusive QB. In short, your name is not Whaley or Marrone.


    If I'm Polian/Pegula, I extend Whaley's contract so he isn't so jumpy and scared, and I find a low-risk coach so he (or she) isn't looking over his shoulder, either. (By the way, I favor promoting Schwartz.)

  17. You can't say he's a bust. Not at all. The head coach (or line coach) washed their hands of him, thus he was a non-factor.

    This seems to be Marrone's MO


    Urbick was benched for Richardson, an inferior player. Hairston, a decent tackle, was kept on the bench while Henderson struggled badly. Last year the coaches delayed replacing what may have been the worst guard in the league for half the season. Spiller, an extraordinary player under Chan, was mediocre under Hackett and Marrone, who also arguably did not use Watkins effectively, either (especially when I see how the Giants use Odell). My point is that there's good reason to suppose these coaches do not know how to work with players, so maybe Cujo--and EJ for that matter--might be better than is generally supposed.

  18. Of course. Some of my best memories are at Bills games.


    When Dickie J was the coach my brother and I had seasons and would chant "Fire Dick!" after every bad play. During that Browns game when we lost 6-3, I texted the Bills hotline about fans ruining gameday experiences and said "Dick Jauron is ruining my gamely experience." A few weeks later he was fired... you're welcome


    That season with Fitz when we started 5-1 with thrilling wins over the Raiders, Eagles and Pats* were some of the best games I've ever attended. I have never heard the stadium so loud when Florence returned that INT for a TD and the Bills took the lead.


    I love tailgating, I love running to my seat to be there before the introductions. I've brought my girlfriend to a number of games now and I get to share those memories with her and she loves it as much as I do.


    As much heartbreak, anger, frustration the last 15 years have caused, I have just as many positive memories from that time


    That said, make the !@#$ing playoffs next year


    Me, too. God help us.

  19. The consultants would need to be announced pretty darn quick if this is going to go down. How did it happen with the Sabres? Did TPegs just kind of silently make the decision or was it assumed what was going to happen.


    How the Sabres situation happened with Ruff, and Darcy is a huge tell tale sign.


    I don't follow the Sabres (I have only so much resiliency). Can you tell me what you mean about Ruff and Darcy? I know that Ruff was their coach for a long time (I remember watching him play, too, along with Luce). Is Darcy the idiot GM my brother raved about who traded away two terrific players then got a contract extension or something?

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