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Posts posted by HalftimeAdjustment

  1. The NFL is the only professional team sport I care about. I've been a Bills fan for almost thirty years and all of my time and loyalty goes to them. The Bills are the only team I could imagine rooting for but I just can't bring myself to commit my time or money to such a poor product.


    How many years of futility can a fan be expected to endure, or maybe a better question is how much should we be willing to endure? I truly, and stupidly, believed we were on the right path and that this might just be the year. I know the season's not over but does anyone really think this team is going to win in NE or Houston?


    I'm still a Bills fan in my heart but I think it might be time to take a leave of absence. I won't be putting any more my resources towards this mess of an organization. It just hurts to much.


    How convenient: the bye week is next week. See you in 2 weeks. Have a nice leave.

  2. So, if I was the coach and felt he was underperforming because of his recent family tragedy... I would probably do this:


    1) Keep him in as starter. Officially dropping him would probably be bad for him and probably bad for team morale given the situation.

    2) Call for a LOT of substitution packages with his backup. Assuming his backup is playing better. Otherwise.... do nothing.


    Beyond that you just have to give him time to work through it. If he comes back next year and does poorly you deal with it at that time... Hopefully that is not the case. If it hurts his performance for future seasons he should seek help... but I do not think the team can get into that. Right now the loss is too fresh and there is very little anyone can do about it.

  3. My first question is how the hell would you find enough reps in practice for 7 rookie QB's. It's not the worst idea on paper (albeit a close one) but the practicality is nil.


    Good point. I say QB in rounds 1-4. Rds 5-6, LB. Rd 7, WR *or* trade away our rd 7 pick for a rd 6 pick in 2014.


    On a related note I would try to trade away our Rd 7 picks every year.

  4. Has any other player expressed an interest in having a refrigerator in their locker? Was there a longstanding "no refrigerators in player lockers" policy, or is Mario just the first player to pimp out his locker this way? Do any of the New England Patriots have refrigerators in their locker? I feel that the whole story has yet to be told. We already knew that Stevie Johnson drops passes due to overuse of Twitter. Now we need to know if easy access to bottled water is causing Mario to overhydrate... and once he's bloated he can't defend himself against hands to the face?

  5. Currently, Fitz is 23rd in Comp %, tied for 1st (aka worst) in Interceptions, and 1st in TDs. He is 12th in YPA which is actually pretty surprising, and 16th in passer rating which I don't put much stock in. I don't see much of a reason to rank him in the bottom 5. It is true that I'd rather have some of the people below him (ex: Andrew Luck), but that is due to "potential" not current performance.


    Looking at the NFL QBs list, I have the following players as obviously better than Fitz now: Ryan, Roethlisberger, Schaub, RG3, Dalton, Brady, P.Manning, Flacco, Rodgers, E. Manning, Rivers, Romo, Newton, Brees.

    In the "probably better" category I have: A.Smith, Ponder, Kolb, Stafford.


    In the "higher potential" category: Locker, Bradford, R. Wilson, R. Tannehill, Luck. These players are not necessarily better than Fitz today but have a good chance to exceed him in the future. At least one of this group will bust most likely.


    That leaves the following at the same level as Fitz: Carson Palmer, Michael Vick.


    And below Fitz: Gabbert, Freeman, Cassel, Sanchez, Cutler, B. Weeden (could improve).


    So, I can see an argument for "Bottom 10" QB, but not "Bottom 5". I also can see a weak argument for "19th best" which is where he is paid... if you only consider the "probably" and "obviously" better QBs.

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