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Everything posted by cody

  1. Parker gets blamed because he is behind most of the holdouts in the NFL.
  2. 2 was the best I could do. They are still examples of holdouts when someone is not in the last year of his contract, which is what eball asked.
  3. When Parker pulled this with the Pats, Seymour had 2 years left on his contract. The Pats re-negotiated his deal. When Parker pulled this with the Bears, Hester had 2 years left on his contract. The Bears re-negotiated his deal.
  4. No, but while he was waiting, he played imaginary basketball against a potted palm tree. He dunked it pretty hard, I thought the tree would fall over. I have since switched drycleaners. The place I go now doesn't take as long to get your stuff from the back and has no potted plants in the waiting area.
  5. I know this is off topic but: A few years ago, I was at the dry cleaners. A Hummer pulls up, stereo blasting. Travis Henry gets out, leaves the car running and door open. The dry cleaner goes back to get his clothes. The dry cleaner comes back and says that will be $40.00. Travis Henry feels his pockets, and says "I'll be right back". Then he drove away.
  6. I think this is where the differences in opinion lie. I think of the NFL as a business focused on making $. Teams do whatever it takes to win. Wins mean playoff games, free advertising and endorsements. I seriously worry that a franchise that sticks to 'principles' at the expense of wins will be left behind. I know people will say that not negotiating with holdouts is a business decision, made with the intent of avoiding future holdouts. I do not think it works. The very few teams who proclaim to have the 'no negotiation' policy will always be underminded by the majority that do negotiate with holdouts.
  7. Maybe 'cave' is not the right word. But it is the word most often used here to describe what happens when teams that negotiate with holdouts. Jackson came in when they agreed to a deal, in principle. The Bills are claiming that they are unwilling to negotiate until Peters reports. Even if ordered by Peters, Parker can't negotiate without at least some participation from the Bills.
  8. That is a big part of the problem. Other teams negotiate with holdouts. The best way for the "no report, no negotiation" strategy to work would be if other teams did it too. 2008 Parker holds out Jackson and Hester, the Rams and Bears cave in. 2005 Parker holds out Richard Seymour, the Patriots cave. 2005 Parker holds out Hines Ward, Bill Cower and Ward had a 'lengthy conversation', Ward reports and signs a deal 20 days later. All involved aknowledged how importiant it was to keep communicating, even if they were not 'negotiating'.
  9. Ok, it's settled then, Posluzny will play left tackle. I hope the extra responsibility will not make him want any more $.
  10. Contradicting Chris Brown isn't really a lie, is it?
  11. That may be the best idea yet. In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. - THEODORE ROOSEVELT
  12. I expect the smarter individuals to make the smarter decisions. I expect arrogant and stupid people to remain arrogant and stupid. As far as the Bills' future interests, they set the precident when they re-did Schobel's deal with 3 years left. People can say Schobel earned it and Peters hasn't. People can say, new GM new rules. And I won't argue. But can we really blame Peters for wanting the same treatment?
  13. I agree with your edit. I think Peters is going about it all wrong. But what do you want the Bills to do? They can't bench him for 3 years. Should they trade him?
  14. Not completly deaf. I've read the signing bonus argument before. I find the fact that teams cannot recover signing bonuses is a much better argument than the statements 'players must honor the contract' or 'If he were a regular guy, he'd be fired.' I want Peters on the feild September 7th. If he's not, I will blame the Bills more than I blame Peters. It's about 60/40. The main reason is that I think Peters is to dumb and Parker is to arrogent to know any better. Whichever side steps up and makes the 1st move towards getting Peters on the field (for the Bills) will be the hero in my book.
  15. Am I missing something, didn't the '02 Dolphins go 9-7 and miss the playoffs? Why do we want to be like them?
  16. I was trying to show how dumb it is to root for a front office. I do not think the Bills' 'no report-no contract' stance is a way to win games. If the Bills are willing to rework the deal, why didn't they start talking before camp and prevent this from getting out of hand. If there has been no contact between the Bills and Peters' agent, does anyone even know why he's holding out? If it is anything other than a contract, then Peters is a flake. If Peters is the next Ricky Williams, why didn't the Bills look for a tackle in the off-season.
  17. It's preseason for the Media too. I think they may want a few more games.
  18. If you belive what the Bills have said, they will not talk until Peters reports. Peters camp seems willing to talk ... about a new contract. If both sides are dug in, what is there to talk about? The Bills would rather let Peters sit than comprimise thier 'principles'. NFL success is measured in 2 ways, wins and $. The Bills have been profitable under Brandon, so Russ Brandon will be a hero when Chambers, Bell and/or some scrub off the waiver wire are the starting tackles on the 7th. Let's just forget about games and root for the front office. I hope we can be the most profitable team in the NFL this year. Our debt to revenue ratio is one of the best in the NFL, we may have a chance. I'll bet the 10 mil we save on not giving Peters a signing bonus could put us over the top.
  19. Wade had 'the package' and went to a 4-3 in certian situations, but mostly Williams was a back-up.
  20. Since Bobby April has been here, the Bills have used one returner and one 'blocker' on the majority of kickreturns. That's why McGee returned 45 kicks while Parrish only returned 6 last year.
  21. I have made it very clear that I do not like the way the Front Office is handling the Peters' holdout. I think if the Bills are going to negotiate, they should just do it and get Peters into camp. I'd rather he sign a deal now, or a month ago, and be ready for Sept. 7, then sign him sometime in October. This team is better with Peters than without him. In a year that is very importiant to the Bills (make the playoffs and we have something to build on or miss out and start re-building all over again with a new coach), I do not like the fact that the front office did not find a way to work things out with our only offensive probowler since 2003. If the Bills are willing to renegotiate, why not do it in May or June so nobody has to hold out. If 2008 is non-negotiable, then show Peters how happy you will make him in 2009. Work out a deal that has incentives and roster bonuses that won't count against the cap until next year. But as Buffalo Jesus (formerly RJI) pointed out, Orlando Pace held out, and reluctantly reported two years in a row. Then signed a long term deal. If the Rams can do what they did to Pace, and still repair the relationship with a long term deal, maybe it can work for the Bills. We will know soon, Pace ended his 1st holdout 13 days before the season started and his 2nd 6 days before.
  22. I see your point, but for me the next closest 'pizzeria' is over 150 miles away. I'm a homer. I want the local teams to win. I like seeing players from my favorate team around town. When the Bills and/or Sabers are doing well, this is an amazing place to live. Instead of flipping someone off for driving 40mph on the 33, people will give a because of the flag or bumpersticker on the car. I's probably not right of me, but I think anyone born and raised in Buffalo who likes any NFL team better than the Bills is a punk. (The only exceptions being relatives and close friends of Keith O'Neil and other local NFL players)
  23. We can make signs to get on TV COO Brandon is Super _Front _Office eXcites _Eugene Parker _Sucks. The Bills do not need _Peters aNymore
  24. You are right, and the Walker situation worked out great. The bears paid him, he did not perform to the contract, and Marv looked realy smart. Do you want to the Bills to be the team that stands their ground, even if they want the player there to improve the team. Or, do you want the Bills to be like everybody else and cave in to holdouts. Parker did this with the Patriots, and they caved. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/8755586/ I am sick of not making the playoffs. I am sick of seeing the Bills overpay borderline starters. I am sick of the Bills not keeping their top players. When Kerney blows around Walker and sacks Edwards on 3rd down in the red zone on september 7, we can all cheer and say "way to stand your ground!!!!!"
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