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Everything posted by cody

  1. Do you mean morally wrong or legally/factually wrong? If you mean it is morally wrong, I would not disagree. No, I don't think Peters is smart enough to consider much of anything. I do think Eugene Parker has considered things that would make the speeding ticket example look like a charitable donation.
  2. My best guess is that the Bills have 24 hours (or one calander day) to activate him from the reserve/did not report list once he reports. I would say the last possible moment for Peters to show and get paid for the 7th is sometime between 11:59 pm on Fri. and 12:59 pm on Sat.
  3. Then what sport do you want to watch? How many NFL players would choose their team over money? How many 'average joes' would choose their employer over money?
  4. I just do not get why people praise Wilson for the way he is dealing with Peters. Players on the Bills will keep holding out unless the majority of teams adopt and follow the "no negotiations with holdouts" policy. Most of the other teams negotiate with holdouts, and guess what, most of the other teams have been more successful than the Bills lately. I can see admiring someone for sticking to his principles. But in the fantasy world that is the NFL, hasn't the thought crossed your mind that Wilson may be sticking to the wrong principles?
  5. You, as an individual, cannot deduct a speeding/parking ticket as a business expense. What I do is have my company pay the ticket, they account for it as a business expense. It's more like a corporation being fined, the fine just becomes part of the cost of doing business. The IRS always 'gets theirs' from the little guys, but somehow the ones making the millions seem to do better than the rest. EDIT: wait ... a Senator doesn't get speeding tickets. Does this mean you are not a real Senator? Are you allowed to offer misleading information on the internet?
  6. Come on now Senator. Peters is probably incorperated. The money for fines would come out as pre-tax business expenses. EDIT: It's almost 11pm and I'm arguing about income taxes. This is ridiculous.
  7. I didn't add in the OTAs. That does eliminate the other 100K. The Eagles kicked Owens off the team for a series of infractions. I think holdouts are delt with in a different section of the CBA and have a few more protections for the player. I'm sure Eugene Parker could tell you all of the ins and outs.
  8. Exactly, the Bills have done such a stellar job getting Evans’ extension done that Peters is crazy to think the Bills would not have taken care of him had he reported to training camp. Hasn’t it been 8 months since the Bills publicly made a commitment to get a deal done with Evans? Now, every game will affect the Evans’ negotiations. 4 days before the season opener and this team has 2 serious contract 'issues'.
  9. The 15k per day fine ends once he starts missing gamechecks. It will take Peters less than 3 weeks to pay those fines. Then he still has the other 4 checks. (The Bills' bye week would be one of the games Peters misses by waiting until the 10th week so there would be 7 weeks left) I do not think the Bills can recoup the signing bonus if Peters reports prior to week 10, but I have not finished my study of the new CBA. Even if they could go after the signing bonus, he signed a 5-year deal with a 3 mil signing bonus. That means the team could only go after $600k per year. If the Bills can go after Peters' signing bonus, Peters could report week 10 and make about 100K this year. Looks small compaired to what he could make if he shows up on Friday, but it should be enough to keep him fed for a few months.
  10. Are his fellow players going to be angry at Peters for sticking to his guns? Or angry at the front office and management for sticking to theirs?
  11. If Peters reports just before week 10, the Bills will have to either release him or pay him. And this season will count for his contract. Even with the fines, Peters can report on week 10 and still make $700,000, and still be a free agent in 2011.
  12. So you are saying Peters will report on Thursday? VLADIMIR: Scout.com He said Saturday. (Pause.) I think. ESTRAGON: WGR You think. VLADIMIR: I must have made a note of it. (He fumbles in his pockets, bursting with miscellaneous rubbish.) ESTRAGON: (very insidious). But what Saturday? And is it Saturday? Is it not rather Sunday? (Pause.) Or Monday? (Pause.) Or Friday? VLADIMIR: (looking wildly about him, as though the date was inscribed in the landscape). It's not possible! ESTRAGON: Or Thursday? Promo was dead-on with this play
  13. The Patriots won Super Bowl XXXIX. After that year, Richard Seymour still had 2 years left on his contract. Eugene Parker held Seymour out of camp. The Pats gave Seymour a new deal in less than a week.
  14. In the article by Bucky, that you posted earlier today, Bucky stated "It was genius work by Eugene Parker" when refering to the Jackson holdout. I do not think Parker is as outmatched as you are implying. Check out the link on Parker I posted earlier in the thread. EDIT: Sorry, the link is not in this thread. It is in some of the other Peters threads. There are only 20 or 30 of them. Shouldn't be to hard to find.
  15. Since it's only about 4 people against the entire Bills nation, I think the people offering the opinion that the Bills are mishandling the situation are holding their own. However, I think both sides could use some new arguments. I know I'm out.
  16. Yes. I cannot say you didn't warn me. What went on last night? Usually teams let the starters play at least one series so the fans who paid can feel they got something out of it. Didn't 3 other teams pull the same thing as the Bills and rest more than 75% of their starters? Was it some kind of coach's protest?
  17. I've had more opportunities to talk with Brandon. I've never talked with Levy, I only met him once. I am surprised that Brandon drew a line in the sand so early in the contract dispute. As people have insinuated, Ralph may have had a lot to say about it. Peters wanting a new contract in 2008 was not part of Brandon's plan. In life, things do not always go according to plan. How Brandon handles this situation will say a lot about how he handles adversity.
  18. Dispite my signature, if an NFL player were to do a half-assed job, he would be giving away money. If Peters comes in under his current, he will be playing for his next one. Another pro-bowl will make him a lot more money. It's just another example of how pride and principles can cost a person in the long run.
  19. No matter what happens the 1st game, the Bills should be in a good position to make the playoffs if they can win in Jacksonville. If the week one gamecheck is the incentive it takes for Peters to report, he may have enough time to be ready for the game on the 14th. If Peters is does not report prior to Sept. 6th*, don't expect to see him until week 10. * We probably have another week of wondering.
  20. This would only work if the majority of other teams did it too. As long as 90% of the teams negotiate with holdouts, the few, if any, that don't will be at a disadvantage.
  21. My point is simple. I think Parker has a plan B for dealing with the situation if the Bills hold firm. I don't know what it is. I hope his plan B is; send Peters back to work and try again next year. But, I doubt it. The more I read about Parker, the more I want the Bills to hold their ground. Not because I think it's the best for the team. I just want to see what will happen when Parker doesn't get his way. It should be interesting.
  22. I wonder if the posters here would do any better.
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