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Everything posted by evanstoprobowl

  1. When McKelvin fumbled that ball I had a flashback of Ronnie Harmon dropping the game winning pass in that playoff game back in the day. Harmon was traded that off season the Jimmy Kelley's no huddle Bills learned a lot from that game. Did anyone else think back to that game?
  2. The same one we used when my friends and I went to Saints games in the 80's. "As long as it's funny". Just kidding. I still have a grain of hope that they will do something this year. Go Bills
  3. I know things don't look good for the Bills. I think starting the season on Monday night against the Pats* has cranked up the despair felt by many fans. If this team played against a few teams with mediocre talent like the beginning of last year they might have a chance to gel. Playing this game first is a tough way to start the season. On the bright side if the Bills are competitive or some how win this board and all of the fans will switch their mood faster than my psycho ex-wife.
  4. I would love it if DJ motivated his player and gave them confidence that they could win in this system. I would love it if DJ created a game plan each week that took advantage of our players strengths and took advantage of the other teams weakness. I would love it if DJ made great decisions concerning when to take a time out, when to challenge a call, when to punt, kick a field goal, or go for it. Our last 4 coaches haven't been able to do that. That and failure to build a strong o-line are why we haven't been in the playoffs. Can DJ learn from his past mistakes and get better? Apparently Ralph thinks so. Me, not so much!
  5. Despite all of the front office miss steps this team has talent and could be competitive. They will have to step up, band together and refuse to let all of this nonsense stop them from playing the game. This is especially true of the offensive line. These guys are under a lot of pressure and will be playing under a microscope. Facing the Patriots on Monday Night Football for their first real game together. I always thought Jim Kelly's team played on talent and guts. I think Marv genius as a coach was to let them play and stand back. The crazy thing is that as I write this I realize this coaching staff is a detriment to the team the only hope we have is that the players can pull this season out on there own. Go Bills
  6. Really? That's what you took from my post. I don't get it. Funny how I got bashed for pointing out that the season hasn't started. Whatever. This site and my team have reached a new low. In the past you have been one of my favorite posters. Et tu Brute Go Bills
  7. Wow I think I will. I will be at 4 games this year and I will watch the rest on TV. I won't be back here, it's depressing. I lived in New Orleans and watched the Saints (I was a stills Bills fan but watched the local team) during the paper bag era (Our motto then was as long as its funny). Don't think I am being unrealistic. I know all about rooting for a bad team. My only "productive" point was that it is still August and the NFL is unpredictable. Go Bills
  8. You're right and I have plenty of concerns. The way this O-line has been put together is insane but it is still August. I read this board and it sounds like we won't win a game and we don't have a drop of talent on this team. Tell me you don't think the majority of these post are ridiculous.
  9. No we won't go to the super bowl anytime soon but the season hasn't even started and most of the people on this board have written the team off. This kind of mentality is self-fulfilling. Chances are that we won't win the first game, hell we may go 0-3. I can imagine the mess that would cause. I just wish we would give this team a chance and let them play a quarter of the season before we say the sky is falling. I don't doubt we will have a new coach next year and start over again but what about this year. With a little luck I think this team can compete with any other team in the league. That is the nature of the NFL. Enough with doom and gloom. Get off this board if all you want to do is whine like little girls. Go rake some leaves or mow the grass and come back after the Bills have played a real game to add something productive to the conversation.
  10. After that post I'm glad your dead.
  11. I have to agree with Badolbilz (sp?) this is a low point in Bills history. I have been a fan for a number of years and have always had hope that "my" team could compete. I don't feel that way now. We develop players and then let them go when they are in their prime. We pay players with little talent huge contracts. We have a coach that can't win. We play home games in a different country? Before you hit me with being a negative nancy or "why do you watch them" or these post aren't productive let me point out that we fans have an impact on what this front office does. This is the first time that I have made a post like this in my 10 year of coming to this board (way back to the D&C days). Things have gotten bad, we have become a joke, it needs to be said. I hope the Bills play well next year. I always will, but seriously we will be lucky to get to .500 much less go to the Super Bowl.
  12. this will show Peters that the Bills dont F*ck around!! And show the rest of the league that the Bills are cheap ass bastards that they don't want to play for. Great idea. We need to pay Peters and get him on board for training camp. I am sick of the Bils second rate mentality.
  13. This team has a lot of needs but I think that they could be addressed in one off season. To do this they need to send a different message to the league than the one they have been spewing for the last few years. I till can't get over the "cash to cap" announcement last year. If that is the policy (which I don't believe) keep your mouth shut. Every player in the league must have heard that and rolled their eyes. Who would want to play for a team that brags about being cheap. Now we are playing hard ball with the only decent lineman we have had since the nineties. I know Peters is asking for a lot but I wish they would pay him the rediculous amount of money that he is asking for, lock him in, and move on. I do think he is worth it. I also think that he has been under paid fo the last two years. We had lineman with half the talent making more money. I can understand why he is playing hard ball. That would send a message that says if you play hard you will be rewarded by this organization. If we quit playing games and pay people like Peters big talent like Peppers would look at that and say "yeah I would go to Buffalo". What is Ralph waiting for. If I was his age I would spend every dime I had to win it all. Who cares if my children inherit $10 million or $100 million. No guts no glory.
  14. If Trent can't handle T.O. he won't make it as the Bills QB. Trent isn't a rookie next year. He now has two great running backs, two great receivers, some other very good weapons at his disposal. He needs to step up and run this offense. That includes using T.O. as a part of the team. I hope that the Cowboy have done us a favor and taught TO a lesson that he will learn from and be motivated by. I don't think Jim Kelly would have let TO push him around! Why should Trent?
  15. It was thrown short but I bet Lee would have taken the ball and scored.
  16. I keep waiting for this guy to make feel like we have a real tight end. He has played better this year but his fumble in the 4th was a deal breaker for me. He shouldn't be a starting TE and upgrading this position needs to be a priority this off season. I think that is the last piece of the puzzle that will make this a championship team.
  17. We have been doing some pretty creative play calling the last four weeks. A scramble by Trent last week changed the way the Rams defense played. We haven't seen Marshawn throw yet this year but I know Bills fan remember when he did last year. Just a fun prediction.
  18. I think the Bills will get the card's defense out of their game early with a couple of creative plays. Trent will scramble early in the game and I have a hunch that Marshawn will throw another pass. Maybe a touchdown to Fred Jackson. Anyone else have a similar prediction?
  19. I won't argue with you it would be better to beat a stronger team. I still don't want him to play for medical reasons. I don't want anyone to suffer the same fate as Mohammad Ali.
  20. I am glad to hear this. First because the dude needs to let his head heal. Can you imagine Donte cleaning his clock after having his brain sloshed last week. Secondly because we need every advantage we can get. This game is going to be the toughest one yet. It is hard to believe we could actually be 5-0. All Bills fans understand how amazing that would be at this point in the season. Go Bills
  21. We will be expecting an apology on Sunday afternoon. Good luck brainiac:) You're going to need it. We're Back!
  22. I agree. I listened to the experts go on and on about how Parcells and Farve were going to save these teams and scratched my head. Parcells didn't do anything special with Dallas and he inherited a JV team. I remember the Bills beating Farve when they sucked, he is exciting but he also throws dumb interceptions. I bet Greer and McGee get game changing picks off of the old gunslinger this season. The Bills have been quietly and methodically been building a solid team. No big headlines. Now we see the results. Were Back!
  23. This belongs in the stupid post hall of fame:(
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