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Posts posted by ET1062

  1. Any time someone calls up and says Fitz is a better, Mike goes straight to statistics. The statistics he uses are QB Rating and Completion percentage. QB rating is mainly based on completion percentage so it would stand to reason that a QB who doesnt throw the football past the line of scrimage would have a higher percentage and thus a a higher QB rating. Try using some common sense and not just looking at figures. Figures lie, and liars figure.

  2. Listening to him and the bullfrog right now and I want to throw the radio out the window. He can not seem to understand why Gailey would bench Trent after only two games. Hey Mike, have your watched the games? Trent SUCKS! He is afraid to throw the football. He did not show his timidness in practice, training camp or the preseason, but when the bullets started to fly, he rolled up in the fetal position. Chan has no choice but to bench him, he should have done it in the third quarter against GB. Kudos to Chan for realizing he made a mistake with this clown and is now playing one of the other crappy cards in his hand.

  3. I have long thought the idea of a stadium in the falls was the perfect solution. However, the land next to the falls is a new york state state park. It isnt going to happen there. However, you could put it near the base of the rainbow bridge. Canadians could park their cars in Canada and walk to the game and back. All off downtown NF needs to be bulldozed anyways. Plenty of room where the vacant rainbow mall and turtle are located. If the stadium were built with a dome, there is a slight chance of landing the superbowl or final four. Between the two countries, there are more than enough hotel rooms, as this is the off season for tourism. The stadium could feature an NFL Experience tourist attraction, summer visitors for china, india, mexico, japan all want a taste of americana. I brought this idea up serval years ago on here and was mocked, then jim kelly brought it up and all of a sudden it is a great idea. Well, it is a great idea. One hour from toronto and we get to keep our team!

  4. Ralph is either cheap or incompetent, most likey both. In the NFL with all the rules designed to help small market teams, until this year, the fact the Bills have not made the playoffs in a decade is a joke. Ralph termed the phrase "Cash to the cap" Sounds cheap to me. Ralph hired both Marv and Russ to be GM. Sounds like incompentence to me. Ralph whored out games to Toronto, neither cheap or incompetent, just ignorant and wrong. If he really really wanted Cowher or Shannahan, he needed to not just throw money at them, but promise to throw money at players that they needed to build a winner. I am sure he threw the money at them, but I doubt he gave them that promise, sounds cheap to me!

  5. The Ills next home game is Thanksgiving weekend Vs the Fish. I will call them the Ills until they fire Jauron because that is what they make me feel like....ILL


    For those of you good people who have tickets please don't even bother to attend. Show some balls or breasts and let Ralph know how we feel about this under performing product.


    There will be some protests to this...flame on flame on.


    But why support this hott mess of an organization???


    Reasons why not to go??




    Black Friday


    Don't go out in the cold and get your feelings hurt again. At this point since the game is sold out I believe you be better of watching the game in the comfort of your fav bar or better still at home.


    I hope there are 40,000 or less. I really do. :thumbsup:


    Boycotting games does not and will not work when all the tickets are sold. And who the hell are you to tell me to eat $240 dollars of my season ticket money to make your pointless point???

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