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Posts posted by ET1062

  1. Hey Peter Pan. You do realize that the cameras are on the Bills sidelines right? Which means if everyone sits on the Jets side, it will look like the place is packed! Other than that, great idea from your 12 year old brain.

    I really like the idea of everyone sitting on the Jest sideline. You still go to the game, can root for them and all that crap, but on TV it will be a ghost town and they will know something is up. We WILL get on the national news for that.


    Please talk to everyone around you if you are going and get them to sit on the Jest sidelines.

  2. It is bad enough that 2/9ths (22.22%) of season ticket holder money goes to worthless preseason games compared to the rest of the league at 2/10ths (20%), but now once again my December home games are WORTHLESS, I won't be able to give them away. That means 5/9ths (55.56%) of my money was spent on meaningless games. And don't get me started on having to pay full price for kids day when people sitting next to me spent $10 for their kids. Nice business model Russ, way to take care of your season ticket holders!

  3. I assume Promo thinks I am a bad fan because I sold my season tickets at pennies on the dollar for this meaningless debacle. Really wish I had a child to take to the game so they could sit next to kids who got in for $15, when theirs cost $80.

  4. It is a privilege, NOT a right, to have season tickets. If you are looking for validation that look at me I have season tickets and have to pay more, spare me.


    If it bothers you, do NOT renew. Then you can properly get on Ralph instead of having an avatar to 'sell the team' and in turn, lace his pockets by getting season tickets.


    I guess you missed the part where Brandon says, “Our season ticket fan base is the backbone of our franchise" Or the part where Rogers has already paid Ralph for this game! The Bills are double dipping on the backbone of their franchise! Tickets should be free for this game to season ticket holders!

  5. The only redeaming thing about the Toronto experiment was that they would take a meaningless preseason game every other year. Now Ralph is going to make his season ticket holders pay for this game when he has already received a check from Rogers. It is bad enough that we have to pay for worthless meaningless games in December. Maybe I won't renue, I have had it with this pathetic organization.

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