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Posts posted by ET1062

  1. RIP Mr. Kelley!! I hope that your family and friends start to find peace and happiness soon.




    p.s. ET1062 your post got me thinking about my mother who is currently going through pancreatic cancer. She has been battling now for over a year. If I may be so rude to ask, How long did your Mother battle her cancer?


    She became Jaundiced in January and passed away in late June. My thoughts are with you and your mother Sandie, never give up hope, she has faught this longer than most and may just be one of those who beat it.

  2. RIP Jim Kelley. My mom passed away from Pancreatic Cancer as well back in June. If anything good can come from his death, it would be awareness. Because the survival rate for PC is only 5%, there are very few survivors to participate in walks or help spread awareness and raise money. Those who are left behind must fight for a cure, money and research. While PC is the fourth leading killer amongst all cancers, it only receives 2% of all federal dollars devoted to cancer research. I am posting a few links below, Sabre fans will be familier with the Lustgarten Foundation, as PC is the cause of choice for Cablevision who owns MSG where you can watch the Sabres broadcasts. I encourage all of you to make a donation in Jim Kelleys honor to one of these causes, even a small one, and think of my mom for me. Thanks and Go Sabres and Go Bills!


    Pancreatic Cancer Network


    Lustgarten Foundation


    PS, I hope that spell check Nazi isnt on tonight, I am not in the mood.

  3. Click "Edit" in the bottom right hand corner of your initial post. Then click "use full editor" at the bottom of the edit box and it will then open up the thread title for editing.


    If you have the time to write your thoughts on a message board you have the time to spell correctly. Take a little pride in your work. Fans of the teams we play each week come here to browse. Do you want them to think we are as dumb as that Jets fan than trolled here?


    You're welcome.


    Just so you know, that little "Edit" does not appear in the bottom right hand corner of my initial post, thus I can not click "use full editor" at the bottom of the edit box.


    Secondly, the spell check feature also does not work on my computer and I am not about to download it.


    Finally, I still think you are an elitist jerk, you must have voted for Obama in '08.

  4. Holy cow, you are right! Further evidence that some test of basic English comprehension should be a prerequisite for registration on this site.


    And you continue to leave your error in place for all to see. Way to keep it real, dumb ass.


    Don't you think that if I could have changed it I would have changed it? You my friend are an elitist jerk. God forbid someone spells a word wrong or uses casual English on a football message board.

  5. This site has a great feature known as spell check. If you spell something wrong it will put a red squiggly line under the word to alert you to that fact. Should that red line appear, go back and try a different spelling. If you get it right, the red line will go away. It's like a fun little game!


    Seriously, screwing up a word as obvious as "senario" and having it appear on the front page of this site for god knows how long reflects badly on the entire site, and you in particular. Take the extra second and fix it.



    I see you edited your own reply; did you happen to make a mistake? It happens!


    As for your advice, when you start a new topic there isn't a spell check for the topic box. I guess you aren't as smart as you thought you were. As for making the site look bad, Nazis like you that point out "obvious" spelling errors make the site look bad. :censored::wallbash:

  6. They the get the first pick in the 2011 NFL draft, which is highly possible.


    Jim Harbaugh gets hired as the new Cowboys coach.


    Andrew Luck declares for the draft and is taken by the Cowboys.


    Cowboys trade Romo for a first round draft pick.


    Buffalo gets screwed again.

  7. Because there is a home Sabres game on Satuday night, down by the arena will be a good time. You can also check out what will be our new Erie Canal district that is currently under construction while you are down there. A few bars to watch the game or have some beers before or after.


    Benchwarmers-South Park Ave

    Cobblestones-Mississippi St

    Pearl Street Brewry-Pearl St

    WJ Morrissey Irish Pub-Mississippi St

  8. My plan is to have Ralph marry my 93 year old grandmother and when he dies she inherits the team, then it gets to my dad and uncles and me. I am the obvious choice to run the football side of the business. First thing on my agenda, Fire Tom Modrak and most of the scouts! No way I can do worse than Ralph at owning this poor excuse of a team.

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