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Posts posted by ET1062

  1. Buffalo Bills football practice was delayed nearly two hours late this morning after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field.


    Head coach Dick Jauron immediately suspended practice while police and federal agents were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance, unknown to the players, was the goal line.


    Practice was resumed this afternoon after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again..

  2. Unfortunatly Ralph has us by the balls. In almost any other NFL city, I show of disgust with a huge drop in ticket sales would work, however Ralph would just say the community didn't support the team or we couldnt afford tickets. As fans, we are damned if we do, damned if we dont. I like my seats and will try for a possible upgrade. <_<

  3. If Ralph raised ticket prices by $20/ticket we would still be in the bottom 5 or 6 teams for lowest ticket prices and the games would still sell out. That being said, he might actually to the salary cap and hire a real coach and put a real team on the field. Come on Ralph, I am so sick and tired of you crying poor. Do something! Invest the money in the team, you can't take it with you on your dirt nap. Don't be like Ted Rogers and not see your dream come true, actually TRY to win for once!

  4. Ted Rogers Dead at age 75


    "CBC News has confirmed that Rogers Communications Inc. CEO Ted Rogers has died at the age of 75. Rogers had been treated for an existing cardiac condition in November.


    Rogers' company hold the rights to 80 percent of the Toronto Blue Jays, as well as the Rogers Centre and, obviously, the naming rights. Rogers had discussed the idea of bringing the NFL to Toronto, and signed a deal with Ralph Wilson to bring several Bills preseason and regular season games to the Rogers Centre, including Aug. 14, 2008's preseason game with the Steelers and Dec. 7's upcoming game with the Miami Dolphins"

  5. Seriously here, I'm probably the most knowledgable poster on this site about the MAC Conference.


    You admit to not watching Willy play, thus admitting you have not watched any UB Football (MAC Eastern Champs) and you can make this kind of statement? What a joke, any of your comments can not possibly be taken seriously. Go UB!

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