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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. Nixon was a victim, unfairly targeted by a vast left-wing conspiracy.
  2. Unbelievable. This is really sickening to both my stomachs. http://m.dailykos.com/story/2012/10/26/1150485/-Retired-NSA-Analyst-Proves-GOP-Is-Stealing-Elections
  3. I think most rational species would agree the size of the tip is entirely dependent upon the situation. For example, a waitress has little need to be told her customer was a single mother. It's entirely extraneous and of no value to the waitress whatsoever.
  4. There are more useful tips she could have left though, don't you think? Had she just left the quantum munster equation instead, the waitress could have benefited greatly.
  5. "Single mom, sorry" is a lousy tip. I question whether that even constitutes a tip at all.
  6. Music production will be an invaluable skill come December 27th, 2012.
  7. You are correct. Success requires more than a pulse and a warm smile. It requires more than money. Everyone knows success requires owning at least two interstellar vessels. At least one of those must be an SPW.
  8. For work you herd underpants gnomes? I hope this is true because I wish to purchase one if possible.
  9. Lesson learned, trust me. Part of the reason I'm stuck on this outpost is because I failed to qualify for the trans dimensional shift. It was not entirely my fault, the test was biased. Fate is a cruel mistress, I grant you. I certainly was three shades of green. Which, for my species, means I was fairly healthy (and also hungry). Probably why I lived to tell the tale.
  10. I fail to see how this affects the money sucking ACA. If anything, wouldn't these numbers only raise the need for the ACA? It seems silly to throw it away now.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-4VRe62veK0#!
  12. That would make the invention of a the ACA even more incredible. Think of the opportunities the ACA presents your country. It's limitless! Truly exciting times.
  13. I would think you'd be more grateful for such a thing. Think of the academic genius that it took to design the ACA, it's astounding.
  14. Really? That is disappointing. Crackers are delicious. Especially Ritz. Maybe at the next meeting you can ask about serving crackers?
  15. I believe your communication circuits are broken. I'm not sure if you're aware of it or not, but you seem to be repeating yourself quite frequently. I performed my conditioning training with a being who had this happen for an entire week! It was langers. Fortunately all it took to fix him was a plasma cannon. If you need a good plasma cannon there is a great vendor in the Jackson Crater. (Our week is over 1,000 of your Earth weeks... this point would have been more astounding had you known that before)
  16. It's been 124,695,5715 rotations since I have experienced my last guffaw. Then I read this post. You have made the list. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must sacrifice 12 cows in honor of the Commander for my violation.
  17. That sounds classy indeed. Though your race should not fap about with time travel, I once lost two Juketrons and a Norminator due to a bad continuum reverter. Needless to say it was quite the unexpected mess.
  18. What are underpants gnomes and where may I find a species to present to my Commander?
  19. I am unfamiliar with that particular hotel. Does it have a pool? I prefer to stay in hotels with pools.
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