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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. What's weird is why you won't just admit it. You like rooster. Say it. You'll feel better.
  2. Zeus wasn't a God. He was a marooned EBE. And he loved rooster almost as much as he loved snizz. Read your history. Zeus not only mated with human women, but men as well. He loved rooster so much he fashioned his primary weapon as a fallice. More to the point, he commissioned hundred and hundreds of statues, most featuring cocks. Lots and lots of cocks. The only thing Zeus loved more than rooster was sunsets, surprisingly. He was quite sensitive.
  3. He's not a douche, he's repressed. Jim clearly loves peen and it angers him that it's not socially acceptable in his circle.
  4. Astound us then, if birdog is wrong why did they vote for Obama in your mind?
  5. The calculations are difficult to pin down entirely due to the timeflux associated with interdimensional travel. Plus, the guy piloting the main fleet is notorious for stopping off at every tourist trap they stumble across. A best guess in terms of timing is all I'm capable of at the moment.
  6. Our species does not define itself by its sexuality. We've moved beyond the pettiness. This is not about us, it's about you... and anyone who says the following: ... Well, they're either a hateful, bigoted, disgrace of a human being who is on the wrong side of history or they looooooooooooooove rooster. I'm thinking it's the later. Just look at your avatar.
  7. Wow. Repressed much? Step out of the closet, it's okay, you don't have to be ashamed anymore of your true feelings.
  8. Which is how they want it. Easier to control a populace that's at one another's throats than one that's in harmony.
  9. Only in this dimension. Want to go to another one where he won it? I should warn you though, there is a lot of strange stuff in that version of your world.
  10. Who am I to judge. I say, exercise your last bit of free will while you can. But that's me.
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