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Haven Moses

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Everything posted by Haven Moses

  1. Lackawanna. Build a complex like Arizona with shops, offices, etc all around it on the old steelplant site. Figure a way to build some offices into the stadium so that conference rooms can double as skyboxes.
  2. Give him the Crabtree deal. Give him $40 and around $20 guaranteed but get the extra year.
  3. Once Spiller signs, we may not even have a QB on the field.
  4. Mini Max Anderson Ed Rutkowski Bobby Chandler JD Hill Jerry Butler Bob James Shane Nelson Jame Harris Marlin Briscoe
  5. Even Madden thinks we should dump that dumb song.
  6. He was an ass. Couldn't wait to get out of town. The Bills played the Bears in a preseason game at Notre Dame one year and we sat behind the Bills bench. He acted like a dick the whole game
  7. Ryan Fitzpatrick 48 28 60 Start building that Fitz wing in the HOF.
  8. Don't forget Jim Ringo and Hank Bullough. Or John Rauch who wanted to use OJ as a decoy.
  9. We didn't draft Jeff Nixon. Robb Riddick deserves a mention
  10. RG - Dick Cheek C - Fowler ILB - Jim Cheyunski ILB - hate to say it but Schottenheimer No way RJ is the worst QB on this squad. Dan Darragh, Mathison, Marangi, Dufek, Ferragamo, Stephenson, Totten, and even Kemp at the end of his career were way worse
  11. Dump Shout and bring back the red end zones.
  12. LOL That is what I was thinking. Thanks Marv.
  13. Went to Lambeau the last time the Bills played there. Very cold December day. Went with my son. Very nice day.
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