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Posts posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. 100% seconded. Despite what he's said in the past, he clearly wants the job.


    We could do a lot worse than Billick (and that's what worries me). The guy has a proven track record, and the sooner we hire him or someone else of his caliber, the sooner the new HC can get here and start rebuilding this thing. Nix and the new HC have a TON of work to do between now and the draft. I hope the front office staff is doing a lot of research on available free agents right now because Buffalo is going to have to bring in a few FA's to rebuild. We can't fill all the holes with the draft.


    Closing comments - Get Lynch outta here please - :w00t:

  2. I feel kind of bad, but my first reaction to seeing Welker's injury was that of happiness and fulfillment. The fact that he injured himself doing one of his signature midget jukes on a play in the slot made it more fulfilling.


    The only possible injury that could make me happier is if Tony Siragusa gets his leg rolled on during a sideline update and has to eat meatballs one-handed on crutches for the rest of his life.


    Sorry for the venom. Just wanted to see if anyone else's initial reaction to the Welker injury was joy.


    Darryl Stingley

    Mike Utley

    Dennis Byrd

    Kevin Everett

    Joe Theisman


    "Just wanted to see if anyone else's initial reaction to the Welker injury was joy" Uh, no :flirt:

  3. OK, I check this board all the time for updates, rumors, etc. This is my first time ever posting on here bc I have info I simply cannot contain. Bill Cowher has a deal in place with Buffalo for a one year deal for 7MM. I got this from a source in Buffalo that is close to Jim Kelly. Don't know if this is true, but this source has been correct in the past. My question: Is it a one year deal due to a potential of no NFL in 2011?? I find it odd, but thats what I was just told tonight by a person who is close to Jim Kelly. Yes, I'll get bashed for this. Just passing what I heard because this is too juicy not to let everyone know. And if it happens I better get mad props from everyone!! You heard it here first!! Go Bills!

    O.P. - Are you insane?

  4. Jeff Fisher is as safe as you get in the NFL. I'd be completely shocked if he was let go. Stranger things have happened though. I had a feeling about Shanny in Denver and got laughed at by friends. I'd certainly give credit on the prediction if it happened.


    Fisher is a good coach and it would be foolish to let him go after the kind of season the Titans had. The may have started bad but they finished strong...

  5. Just on NBC. Totally speculative, but he said that if Bill Cowher wants to coach next year, Buffalo might be his best option (b/c Carolina and Tampa will likely not be open).


    This week will tell a lot. I think we have a new HC named within 10 days.

  6. I'm a little concerned that some of the high profiled coaches may have lost some of the "fire in the belly" with their exsposure to the more cushy and glamorous network jobs. Haslett, I believe, has a chip on his shoulder to prove he is a winning NFL head coach. No doubt he feels he built the Saints and was unjustly let go. He is a defensive minded coach but has demonstrated he knows the value of building a well rounded team. He has head coaching exsperience. He also has the personality that will fit well into WNY.



    :doh: Umm, how do I say this delicately? Not no, but HELL NO ! ! ! !

  7. . . . But today I was very proud to be a Buffalo Bills fan. While we had absolutely nothing to play for, as did our opponent, the Bills actually came out and played football. Regardless who they were playing they came out and played with pride . . . ;)


    I agree. Meaningless game in the worst weather in a couple years, yet we have almost a full house and the Bills played their hearts out. :doh:

  8. I agree with you with regard to Cowher being overrated. But he does hire good coaches and he now has that SB win, which buys credibility in the lockerroom. Being able to get players to blindly buy into the program is a great trait to have. I always felt Parcells was overrated as an actual HC, but he was able to turn around some putrid organizations because players felt that they were automatically better just because he was their HC.


    I have to sound off here. You really think Parcells was over-rated? I hate how he beat us in SB XXV and also handed our @$$es to us a few times when he was with the Pats, but I have a tremendous amount of respect for Parcells, and how he was able to motivate teams and put winning programs together. Strong defense, run the ball, cut anyone with fumble-itis, remembered that a tight end can do more just than be a strong-side blocker. The man was a winner and ran a tight ship. If he was still interested in coaching I'd love to see him in Buffalo. But the most important reason that the man is a legend: "Parcells was the first coach to be dunked with Gatorade at the end of the game and at the end of a Super Bowl which led to a Super Bowl Gatorade dunking tradition." :thumbsup:


    Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Parcells

  9. Never in a million years do i like to see an injury, just sheds a light on what the colts did last week benching starters. WOW, don't think this game is important for the pats


    The report on NBC just said that the injury is serious. I hate seeing a guy get a knee wrecked. BTW any update on Eric Wood? I wonder if he will be ready for training camp??

  10. Any sport. I'll start -


    One that stands out in my mind was from like 20 years ago. Bills vs Houston if I remember correctly. Oilers had the ball. Pass play to the receiver; he catches the ball and lands with both feet inbounds. He almost immediately gets hit from behind and coughs up the ball and the Bills recover inbounds. The refs talk it over and I figure it's gonna be one of two things - either a fumble with a Bills' recovery or an incomplete pass. Guess what? It's neither. They give the ball to the oilers at the spot he fumbled. Gave the oilers a first down and kept the clock moving. Don't remember who won but I think it was the oilers...

  11. Anyone going to the game Sunday planning to take any signs to show Buffalo Bill Cowher some love? The game is on CBS, so it'd be nice to get some camera shots of signage back on the halftime/postgame in the studio for Bill to see. Lets show Cowher some love a la TKO in 2k2!


    Not gonna be there, but I think it's a great idea! :(

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