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Posts posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. There's a beer thread going on :ph34r:


    But what about non-alcoholic carbonated beverages? Whether you call it pop (correct) or soda (incorrect), what's your favorite?


    I'm kind of partial to IBC Root Beer and Black Cherry


    I'm not much of a soda guy, but when I have a POP, I like I.B.C. or Coke on ice! :lol:

  2. i said this in the Frazier freak out zone already but I'll repeat it again:


    only 3 of the 12 playoff teams this year are coached by 2nd time around head coaches - and 2 of them are perennial playoff bust coaches Wade and Norv. the third is Bellichick who has a HOF QB, and he was a bust the first time round.


    so 9 of 12 playoff teams are headed by first hire head coaches. Yet you need prior Head Coaching experience to succeed in the NFL?


    I think it's wise to get someone who has been a head coach at some level; (not necessarily an NFL coach).

  3. I'm not a lawyer but I believe it would be categorized as some form of Obstruction of Justice. Also, just because Maybin tweeted it doesn't mean he didn't also report it to the police.


    True. And D.C. has a reputation as on of the most violent cities in the country. It wouldn't shock me to hear of someone seeing somebody pull a gun on a cabie.

  4. Don't recall saying I was a RJ homer or that I agreed w/the decision you jack a$$. Where exactly did I say that? I commented on the fact he made a great throw to PP, was poised through out the game etc... Read the post. I said that could have been his defining moment. Never mentioned the rest of his career etc. BTW... the turn around in the 98 season started in game 4 w/ Johnson at QB vs. the 49's.

    If I'm not mistaken Flutie only becomes QB after Johnson falls on the ball and hurts his ribs in Indy, another game they were winning with Johnson. Again, I'm not saying I was a fan of Johnson, I'm just pointing out things that actually happened back then at the time. Myself, I preferred Flutie back then. They would win ugly and he would do the little things. BTW Flutie didn't get run out of town until the new regime took over after 2000 season. Back then, I too thought they should have kept Flutie over Johnson but that wasn't what my post was about.


    Actually the worst thing this franchise ever did was to Fire Bill Polian. D U M B !

  5. Rudy! was the man. Loved that movie


    Proved his brother and family/friends wrong. Had a goal in life and fulfilled it.



    Se people I have seen alot of movies. But Ones that fit my TASTE of a movie... Or does that still make me a nerd or someone with no social life and all those other comments you guys where saying?


    Just don't invest in "Rudy Beverage". You'll lose your shirt . . . :thumbsup:

  6. And the firings of the Bills front office staff didn't help the unemployment numbers. Maybe we can get some of the 787 Billion dollars to hire some competent coaches. That would help Buffalo become a winning franchise again meaning more ticket and memorabilia sales, and more people parking in front yards near the stadium on game day. It would inject much needed cash into the local economy. Somebody wanna make the call to Obama??



  7. I havn't seen this posted and I thought it was cool to watch for me atleast because I don't know much about the guy but he does seem to enjoy places with passionate fans like us Bills fans.


    Sorry if it has been posted I don't post much on this board just look around... I try to stay out of this crazyness lol





    Thanks for the link; it's a good video. I think Billick would fit in here :thumbsup:

  8. ...Every year I put myself through the emotional roller coaster of hope-reality-despair. Why do we continue to punish ourselves?


    Mike, I feel your pain. Been a Bills fan since the mid 80's. To see us be an elite team for a decade and now be "average to horrible" for a decade is frustrating. But they are the home team and until the team moves out of Buffalo, I'll support them. Besides, where would you rather be than "Right here, Right now"?? :w00t:

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