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Posts posted by Mr_Blizzard

  1. No. Time to get all new coaching in here


    I agree. I like AVP, and maybe he could have some role on the team for the sake of continuity, but we all know it was time to blow things up and start over. Sorry to see D.C. Perry Fewell and Sp Teams coach Bobby April gone, but it's time for some fresh blood on the sidelines.


    If Chan could get Frank Reich in here as O.C. . . .

  2. Evidently, Schottenheimer wanted the job, but Wilson pulled the chicken switch.




    "...the Bills couldn't consider Schottenheimer a candidate because Wilson wasn't comfortable with him, the sources said." un-effing believable... :w00t:


    That's like being uncomfortable with General Schwarzkopf when you have a war to win. Ugh. Ralph, please turn the team over to someone who is "comfortable" with running it. Sheesh!

  3. Interesting article by a Detriot Lion's blogger during their coaching search last year. I am starting to warm up to the idea and believe he might be the best choice to become our next head coach. Hopefully he can bring in a proven offensive coordinator like Al Saunders to fix that side of the football.


    Mentions that he is a Jim Johnson disciple which plays an agressive one-gap 4-3 scheme with a variety of blitzes from different postions. If we can shore up the run d and stay healthy next year the defense will be decent.




    Good article; thanks for posting the link :devil:

  4. Heard he decided not to interview with the Bills. Not completely 100% sure. I guess it would be be a surprise.


    I apologize in advance if I am wrong or if it has already been reported somewhere.


    I'd still like to see someone who has previous SUCCESSFUL head coaching experience leading the Bills. Could be someone who coached in the college ranls and has moved up to the pros as an assistant.

  5. I was just spying on The Jets Blog (http://www.thejetsblog.com/), and I noticed that on their main page they had a Hall of Fame. I'd like to see us have our own TSW Hall of Fame. If we had a HOF, I would nominate Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, and Bruce Smith. They all are from the same era, but it was our Super Bowl era.


    Considering those 3 are in the NFL Hall of Fame, they are pretty good choices . . . Count me in! :worthy:

  6. We won't get Bill Cowher because Ralph won't let the chef make his stew without generic ingredients? Reports say that the sticking point with negotiations are that Cowher wants a commitment(financially) to the roster he wants to erect and Ralph won't commit to the terms. WTF? I'm ready to talk draft now. I hope it goes this way for the first couple of rounds: immediate impact player(don't care what position) at #9, OL/DL, OL/DL. The number 9 pick in the draft should be someone that can help you right away and not a project, then you have to have big boys with the other 2 picks. Build the foundation first then get your QB of the future if he's not on the roster already.



  7. With Lynch and Jackson we have the best backfield in the NFL.


    When the OL protected even halfway decently for Trent we were lighting this league up.


    Would you rather have Ray "I kill snitches" Lewis?


    Lynch likes to have a little fun. So what?


    Edwards + Lynch + Jackson + anyway decent OL = Long playoff run.


    The guy isn't even Top Five in the division, let alone the NFL! :censored:

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