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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. Actually, the FBI could get involved... Especially if you do it online, your IP address is easy to track down to you. CW
  2. Chances are you wno't get caught, so you're probably ok. But still... I seem to recall reading somewhere awhile ago about someone who wrote a script that went out to thousands of magazine sites and filled in the reqest information for one indivudual so that he got burried in spam mail... Ouch. CW
  3. I'm pretty sure you're kidding, but just in case someone wants to take your advice here -- you'd be committing mail fraud, which is a felony... Food for thought. CW
  4. If you bought a book, chances are he shipped it book rate; aka, the slow boat. I'm with the seller, raid another week or so. I'm assuming the guy you bought from has a relatively high feedback? (ie: higher than 20 or 30?). If so, do you really think he's going to try ripping you off for $7? It's just not worth it. CW
  5. If that makes you feel better about yourself, knock yourself out. CW
  6. Yeah, but can your dad beat up my dad? 224145[/snapback] AG, I didn't respond because it wouldn't do any good. As Oneida said, you're not smart enough. CW
  7. Right, I'm delusional for reading multiple articles in the past few years admiring what the Bills did. Let me guess, you're one of the people would would rather win one Superbowl and then go 0-16 for the next 15 years, right? Yeah, whatever. CW
  8. Yeah, but do they have to do it here? It's like they're a bunch of roaming nomads or something. Philly fans may be destructive in their own stadium, but I don't remember seeing any of them trolling around here when we played 'em last year. CW
  9. Thank you for putting words into my mouth that I never said or meant. Will you be my PR person please? CW
  10. And here we have exhibit ZZZZZ on why people are leaving WNY in droves. CW
  11. Right, because listening to the Pats fans is oh so refreshing. CW
  12. Except that, technically, Bledsoe is 2-0 in AFC Championship games. He gets the win because the team was down when he came in. I disagree with your Boomer vs Bledsoe comparison as general, as I think the stats favor DB by quite a wide margin, but I won't get into that right now. I'll discuss it when you pay me my $50. CW
  13. I was going to bring up the 4th quarter drive vs the Jets this year, but your example is better. CW
  14. So you're saying that, had we won the Superbowl in 1999, you wouldn't be complaining that we weren't good a couple of years later? That's BS. The fact of the matter is, we were the best team in the league for over 5 years. As other teams rose and fell, we were always near the top. I really can't believe the people who say they'd rather win one Superbowl and then go 0-16 for the next ten years (yes, that was one of the polls in the past). Makes no sense to me. But to each their own. CW
  15. No, I'm not. I'd rather be remembered for our resilliancy of winning 4 straight AFC Championships than to be a flash-in-the-pan, winning SB25 and not going back anymore. Think anyone rememebrs the Giants or Redskins all that much? No. And as I said, I'm not alone. The poll for this question comes up pretty frequently, and it's usually a 60/40 split in favor of winning one. That means roughly 40% are in the boat with me. CW
  16. Try blowing into the cartridge and the cartridge slot. Sounds corny, but I know that's what I always used to do. Blow, put game in, if it still doesn't work, try it again until it does work. Either that or download a Nintendo emulator and play the games on your PC. (that's what I did this weekend, except with Commodore 64 games) CW
  17. This topic comes up pretty frequently, and the split seems to be roughly 60/40 in favor of winning one. I'm part of the 40; nobody remembers the Giants from SB25. And while we were considered losers at the time, history has been very kind and most people point out the resilliency of the team and the fact that nothing like that will ever be duplicated. Think about how "great" the Pats are; they'd have to go to two more straight Superbowls to match what we did. They're only halfway there. I'll take the 4 losses over one win any day. Now if I could have one win and three losses..... CW
  18. Of course, the opposite may have been true; the team may have become complacent and never gone to another Superbowl. CW
  19. Do you think Elway was a good QB? His rating was 79. How about Joe Nameth? His rating was a 65.5. The QB rating isn't really that great a stat. CW
  20. He pretty much re-wrote the entire Buffalo Bills passing record book... CW
  21. All, Ok, I spent most of the weekend getting the "Sounds of the Game" DVD done... Thought i was done this morning, but then realized that I accidentally deleted the final project as well as all the miscelanious bits. Argh... So I started again this morning and finished the whole thing, including the DVD menus, et al. Cleaned up the old files again (making sure not to delete the final product), burned it to DVD, and realized that I forgot to set the field order properly... So it looks like I'll need to do it a THIRD time to get the product 100% correct. What does this mean? Well, it means that I currently have the game available on DVD, complete with special features (all of the commercials from the game, as well as a special hidden feature that I won't tell anyone about; you'll have to find it yourself). It'll look *great* on a computer monitor or a High-Def (non-interlaced) TV. However, if you're watching it on a regular TV, anytime there's motion it'll look very jittery; all but unwatchable. So, since I probably won't be able to get to the game for another week or two, I figured I'd offer up the "almost" working DVD for those who only use computers or HD displays to watch things. As I said, it looks great there, just not on an interlaced TV (I think CRT HD sets are non-interlaced, but someone else can correct me if I'm wrong). It'll work fine on computers and LCD/DLP displays. Information is in my .sig, or you can just wait a few weeks for me to get the "good one" done. ARGH, I feel like an idiot. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Fez. CW
  22. So what makes people think he'll last until the 2nd round? Janikowski was a first rounder, and according to everyone here he's not even close to as Nugent. CW
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