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Zulu Cthulhu

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Posts posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. "Average" receivers don't work CBs like Revis as Stevie's done in the past one on one. These vendetta threads against the guy just because you don't like his personality needt to stop. All they do is show how little you know about the game and the WR position in particular.


    Look does he fit the fit your old-school out of touch prototype of a football player? No, probably not. Does he have elite measureables and skills like Green and Megatron? Definitely not. But the guy gets open. All the time. And catches most (not all) of the balls thrown within a mile of his direction (which isn't often with our current or former QBs).


    Don't like his extracurriculars or how he dresses? Your problem, not his or the team's. Hurt all the time? That's because he's a gamer and wants (needs?) to be out there with his teammates when he's not 100%. If that was kyle williams with a nagging injury and playing through it I'd bet most you SJ haters would be singing his praises.


    You should all thank your lucky stars stevie didn't leave last year for more money and buffalo's awful QBs didn't have a safety valve of his caliber. Y'all make me wonder sometimes...

  2. This isn't the first thread to suggest this. It makes no sense to me at all - instead of drafting a player to address one of the team's many immediate and pressing needs (QB, WR, LB, CB, etc...) the OP wants to take a shot and marginally upgrade a position and move a guy who's shown he's perfectly capable at the position his plays now.


    Glenn is already a better than average tackle. He may turn out to be a great one. But yeah let's move him just because we lost a couple interior guys. Guards can be found anywhere. You can get a servicable one off the street.


    Drafting a OT high this year doesn't do this team any good. They don't have the luxury of drafting a "blue chip" OT prospect (who may or may not work out) with all their other needs.


    I really hope this dumb idea gets buried soon. Glenn's a good LT and probably a great RT. those are the only two positions he should be playing.




    I wouldn't want to move Cordy to guard, but to right tackle YES! If Lane Johnson is the best player available at 8 then I have no problem taking him there. Just because it's not broke don't mean you can't upgrade it.


    Yeah, if you have a decent team, a playoff team, sure.


    Not when you're bad. You don't spend high pick to upgrade when so many other areas are seriously broken.



  3. On second thought. You all win. Even when a veteran announces his retirement and talks about what decisions led to this retirement and that he was thinking about it for months, he is lying. Even though there were no reports, quotes, or indications that he was asked to take a paycut or he was going to be cut, let's believe that. Kelsay sucked. He was a thief. I hate him. I'm glad he is gone. Ralph is cheap.

    Not all of us CK "haters" are claiming that Numark. I could care less about the circumstances surrounding his retirement. Simply just relieved he's gone.


    But JW's recent posts seem to contradict kelsay's story, at least indirectly.



    Thanks FiC but I am guilty of being a Kelsay hater.


    I never really participated in the Donte, Fitz or Poz hatred but I always found it easy to get very annoyed with Kelsay.


    More than anything else, for a guy who was "the consumate pro" he was always losing outside containment and being fooled by misdirection.


    This literally brought me to the brink of blind rage on numerous occasions.


    If you're:


    a) A consumate professional, and


    b) A seasoned veteran, this sort of repeated failure is completely inexcusable.


    Hopefully this is the last time I have to vent about Kelsay.


    This is exactly right and should be the beginning and end of the argument.


    Even his supporters always claimed his work ethic, attitude, etc. as his strong points. No one ever called CK a rare talent or elite specialist in one area of the game.


    Fact is, after 10 years of ample playing time and opportunity, he was still making bad decisions on the field, playing out of position, not doing his job, making blatant mistakes. He lacked positional discipline and was making rookie mistakes 7, 8, 9 years into his career.


    He's not leading the younger guys by example playing like that. Eball is right, the stats he put up were consistent, consistently awful. If he wants to call that "production," then fine.


    But I cant be mad at the money he made and neither should anyone else. That's an indictment on the decision makers and franchise as a whole. They're deserving of way more scorn than CK.


    Glad he's finally gone, should've been cut many years ago.

  5. Clearly we are all too stupid to see what the OP sees: That Russ Brandon is power hungry, narcissistic, micromanaging, know-it-all meddler who has sat around for years, finally wresting all power away from ralph wilson so he can control every single facet of the franchise at all times and surround himself with a gaggle of rubber stamping buffoons to keep us all in the dark while simultaneously satiating his uncontrollable desire for absolute power.


    I mean, look at all the evidence people! Oh wait...

  6. So many blatantly wrong assumptions by the OP just tossed out as facts...


    Got any proof RB is there to scout potential rookies and meddle with Nix and Whaley? I'll patiently wait for a link to something, anything backing up your BS.


    Didn't Brandon explicitly say during his press conference he was absolutely NOT going to make football / personnel decisions?




    A competent GM can do a lot with $4.175 million. Cutting Barnett, Wilson, and McGee each saved less money than that, and all 3 of those players are better than Kelsay.


    I can see the argument for keeping Fitz and Brad Smith, but there really isn't one for paying a mediocre 33 year old backup DE $5 million/year. The only one remaining is that he's a great locker room cheerleader, but I wonder how positive an effect this has had when the defense has finished among the worst in franchise history for the past 3 seasons.


    Great point MM. In the hands of a competent front office, every bit of extra $ room helps.

  8. For those that still cling to the idea that CK is "solid" or "not a bad player" good for you guys, i guess. I'm certainly not one of them, but we've had this argument innumerable times here already.


    He's been a starter or main rotational guy on some of the worst defenses this team has ever fielded. In my opinion, he's been a key contributor to those tirefires and has always failed to play with the on-the-field discipline requisite to his position, especially for a veteran of his age and experience.


    Cutting him now doesn't really help the cap situation that much, true. Honestly I could care less what they do with the guy now, he should've been cut long ago.

  9. The author sounds more legit than most others on b/r; i know they've tried to legitimize themselves by hiring a few "professional" writers.


    The reason the mods block b/r links is because hiring a few pros in an attempt to lessen the stink over there just isn't fooling anyone. Not when pitted against the crushing tidal wave of useless, stupid nonsense that is 99% of their content.

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