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Everything posted by ESPeculatioN

  1. If they did go toe to toe my money is on Geraldo considering Oh'Really has never been in any form of conflict in his life. He should just stick to sexual harrassment and using his vast collection of sexual pleasure devises upon himself. allegedly http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1013043mackris1.html ...and you trust this creep to write books to brainwash your kids.
  2. "The more I look at Rutgers, they look exactly like the Toronto Raptors". - Sid Rosenberg Gee, I wonder why the media is lynching Imus and McGuirck and not picking on old Sid? Hmmm... Lets see what else he has said: On Kyle Minogue battling breast cancer: " ... ain't gonna be so beautiful when the B word got bald head and one titty." On the death of Yasser Arafat and what should be done to Palestine: "They ought to drop the bomb right there, kill 'em all right now" He said the Williams sisters were better suited for National Geographic magazine. and "faggots play tennis" among many others Once again I despise what he says but the grease ball has the right to say it, I just find it interesting that Sharpton, J Jackson and the media has never really held this guy accountable for his remarks as they have others. I wonder why? BTW he use to bash the city of Buffalo all the time when the Bills or Sabres were discussed, when I listened to him on WFAN. I can't believe they paired someone as classy and professional as Joe Benigno (Jets fan) with this piece of trash.
  3. I agree 100% Turn off your radio, boycotting the show and advertisers is American. Censorship of any kind is not.
  4. Where did I say the Mayor of SF was somehow behind 9/11? Kind of jumped the gun there don't you think? What I'm saying is Willie Brown is the only person I'm aware of to report this warning. Who knows how many other officials got this warning and have kept quiet. If there were warnings wouldn't you think security would be more alert for a specific group of people who boarded these planes together? Asking questions is your duty as an American.
  5. This is interesting http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/05/...in2650223.shtml While Britain always said that the crew was on a routine mission, Sky News reported that Royal Marine Capt. Chris Air had said in an interview three weeks ago that the crew was gathering intelligence on Iran during their patrols. Defense Ministry officials denied the sailors and marines had an intelligence role, but said they routinely spoke to commanders of vessels using the Persian Gulf and Shatt Al-Arab waterway to determine who is using shipping routes.
  6. Camel toe alert! http://photos.signonsandiego.com/gallery1....harger_girls217
  7. Whats wrong with wine? I would much rather have a bottle of wine then a bottle of beer.
  8. But fences are a road block for a North American Union, the elites would be upset.
  9. I love how they pause at the end. It makes you wonder what was being yelled into their ear pieces. DONT SAY THE PRESIDENT, DONT SAY BUSH GODDAMMIT!!!! The documentary Outfoxed proves not only what drueling propoganda Fox News is but the same about local Fox affiliate news casts are as well. No offense to the anchors they are only being threatened if things don't go King Murdochs way. Check it out
  10. They ruined the powder blues. http://www.chargers.com/fan_zone/photo-gal...ow_20070314.htm
  11. I'm not sold on the whole explosions at the WTC theory. However something don't smell right when the mayor of San Fransisco is told not to fly and a bunch of guys can hop aboard planes with box cutters unchecked and undetected. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...12/MN229389.DTL Willie Brown got low-key early warning about air travel Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross Wednesday, September 12, 2001 For Mayor Willie Brown, the first signs that something was amiss came late Monday when he got a call from what he described as his airport security - - a full eight hours before yesterday's string of terrorist attacks -- advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel. The mayor, who was booked to fly to New York yesterday morning from San Francisco International Airport, said the call "didn't come in any alarming fashion, which is why I'm hesitant to make an alarming statement." ...
  12. My bet is its chemtrails causing this . http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/forum/album.php
  13. God owns that monopoly, its part of his divine plan. I ask him when the Bills are going to win the Super Bowl, he's very tight lipped about that too. Don't bother praying, its useless. God will never budge.
  14. When you don't live in the Buffalo, Rochester or Syracuse television markets this is a treat.
  15. Its not Bush, its God, he's pissed. I talked to him last night.
  16. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=4687 Cool we open with a CBS televised game nationwide!
  17. Thanks! Then thats the name that will stick with college republicans in my book. The best part was Ralphie knocked Grover over with the side of one hand, it was kind of a girlie push that knocked him down. http://youtube.com/watch?v=07geXDHjpYU
  18. I've been making the point that is in this thread for years now. College Republicans remind me of that kid that always backed the neighborhood bully Scut Farkus from a Chistmas Story. They can talk the sh-- and throw insults when they have something big and powerful to hide behind. Then when its time to go toe to toe, its time to run home, mommy's making mac and cheese tonight.
  19. That Glenn Beck gives me an eerie kinda don't led you kids walk on the sidewalk on the same side of the street where he lives kinda feeling. If you know what I mean.
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