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Everything posted by TE2LEEn08

  1. 1. Adrian Peterson - Minnesota 2. Patrick Willis - Buffalo 3. Brady Quinn - Cleveland 4. Amobi Okoye - Washington 5.Ted Ginn, Jr - Jacksonville
  2. So now you're in the war room. I could deal with the longwinded arguments against picking P. Wil (although your agenda is obvious, you want POZ). But this is just ridiculous, have you even seen AD run? The guy is a monster, if by some crazy series of events AD does fall in our lap at 12 I think the Bills will grab him in a heart beat. He will by far be the "Best Player on The Board" at that point, injuries or not. And yes it's AD (for All Day) not AP...OY
  3. This quote must have been missed?! It's the best thing I've ever seen him say about Buffalo. "I got a lotta love for Buffalo," he said. "I thank God for the whole situation. I'm trying to make them proud. I'm trying to do some things here." ---Chknwing, stop the name calling or we might have to run you and your gun toting, NRA lovin' kind of this here board. YEEEHAWWW
  4. Wow....that's one of the sanist things you've said on this board. McGee WILL be markedly better with another year under his belt under Fewell. Both he and Nate looked lost for the first 7 games of the season. Then they started matching Nate up with the oposistion's best WR and things looked a lot better for Clements. The thing I'm most concerned about McGee is durability. He does miss time and our backups are just that, backups not NFL caliber starters. Although K. Thomas looks like a nice nickel corner.
  5. I agree whole heartedly with your take on Willis, Pyrite. I'm just wondering if the original poster has ever seen #21 play a game in person. The dude is an animal and unless we are willing to use a #1 Draft pick on a RB next year I think we should resign the guy. Watching him in person for that home game against Miami was amazing. Willis was getting pouded on and just kept coming back and kept coming back. He's definately back for '07 with no contract extension (IMO) and it would be nice to see him in all the OTA's and offseason work.
  6. Hey guys I think our MLB for next season is already on the roster. Angelo Crowell has the size and speed necessary to play the position in this defense. Plus he has a nose for the ball. The MLB in this scheme does not have to necessarily be strong against the run. That's were the OLB's come in. After watching a 100% healthy and comfortable Paul Pozlusny in the Outback Bowl yesterday, I think he needs to be the first round pick. He's so good against the run and has the necessary speed to go SL to SL.
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