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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. 1 hour ago, phypon said:

    Honestly, if he didn't "inappropriately" shower with his daughter and sniff kids on display on a regular basis I would feel sorry for him.  Because of those facts, I have no sympathy for a person like him.


    Or the guy that voted for the Iraq War and continuing resolutions resulting 1,000,000+ deaths.  He ran the hearings and wouldn't let detractors speak. 


    F*** him.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Doesn’t make it untrue. What, you think Biden sacrificed his only living son to make a political point?  Nah, but I wouldn’t put it past trump, MAGAs and their messiah complex. 


    I wouldn't put anything past President Biden to hold onto power.  He's had the levers of power for 50+ years.  He's 81 years old and still can't get let go.  Whatever it takes.

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  3. 4 hours ago, BillStime said:

    MAGA and Trump will never erase the stain from their legacy.





    Oo-rah and Go BILLS!  Marv's father was awarded a Purple Heart in the Battle of Belleau Wood.



    Marv Levy has a display case in his den. It’s filled with game balls and other mementos from a Hall of Fame life. Each item carries special meaning for him, though none means more than the Purple Heart his father earned 100 years ago.


    Sam Levy was poisoned by mustard gas and struck by shrapnel at the Battle of Belleau Wood, a brutal encounter in northern France that raged for most of June 1918. This month, Sam’s son has been thinking a lot about the famed battle where family history and world history intersected so poignantly a century ago.


    “I’m into history anyway,” says Levy, who’s 92, “and the fact that my father was in the battle – the iconic battle that turned the tide of World War I – makes me very proud.”



  4. 11 hours ago, Thurmal34 said:


    They’re still poor?


    Who is “they”, exactly?  

    The people that keep being told to pull themselves up by their bootstraps but were denied boots?


    "They" is "minorities in poverty, especially in inner cities" which is what I responded to.


    I'll ask you the same question. What exactly have Democrats done to help minorities in poverty, especially in inner cities?  Seems like they're still poor.


    My opinion is Democrats pay a lot of lip service about this  every 4years but do little in between.

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  5. 6 hours ago, ComradeKayAdams said:

    Yeah, what a world…a world that denounces collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and genocide as a response to a terrorist attack…sounds like a world with a functioning moral compass, actually…a world that was overwhelmingly on Israel’s side after the October 7 attack and until Israel went psychotic…


    The interesting part about this is how the world turned 180 on this in the last 23 years.  I recall after a terrorist attack on us, the world (excerpt France and their Freedom Fries) was behind us on the 2 wars we started that killed 1,000,000+ people, many innocent civilians. I can still remember watching us bomb the ***** out of Baghdad on Nightline.  Why was it ok for us but not for Isreal?


    Can you name any war in which civilians have NOT been killed?  Of course not cuz there has never been one.



  6. 2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    By the way, what ever became of Trump's famous bone spurs?


    Not sure. You would have to ask him that.  Is that any less unpatriotic than asthma?  What ever became of President Biden's asthma?  Didn't seem to be bothering him on his bike ride the other day.


    Just admit it. They both took the rich man's way out of Viet Nam.

  7. On 6/3/2024 at 8:15 AM, Tiberius said:

    Send others to die! Not God's chosen ones! What, only suckers and losers should serve?



    JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The top Israeli court heard responses by the state on Sunday to challenges against exemptions granted to ultra-Orthodox Jews from military conscription, a long-standing source of friction with more secular citizens now inflamed by the long Gaza war.

    In the name of equality, the Supreme Court in 2018 voided a law waiving the call-up for ultra-Orthodox men who want to study in seminaries instead. Parliament failed to come up with an alternative arrangement, and a government-ordered stay on a mandatory mobilisation of ultra-Orthodox expired in March.

    That has left Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu scrambling to agree with ultra-Orthodox coalition partners on a military service compromise that might preempt any Supreme Court ruling that Israel's fasted-growing minority must be forcibly drafted.

    "We're not on quiet waters. We are at war, and the need (for military personnel) cries out," one of nine justices hearing the case, Noam Solberg, told a government lawyer who argued that it was still too early for an ultra-Orthodox mass-conscription.

    With fighting against Palestinian Hamas militants in Gaza and related violence on the Lebanese border exacting the highest troop casualties in decades, many Israelis resent their fellow citizens being spared their share of the risk.

    The ultra-Orthodox claim the right to study in seminaries instead of serving in uniform for the standard three years. Some say their pious lifestyles would clash with military mores, while others voice ideological opposition to the liberal state.


    So they have deferments for some like we did in Viet Nam in which our illustrious leaders (Presidents Trump and Biden) each took 4.


    If you don't like deferments I suppose you could vote for RFK Jr. He was too young to get one.

  8. 3 hours ago, BillStime said:

    Why would you assume everyone on a jury is racist? 


    I wouldn't.


    I'm just trying to square your Teddy quote saying no one is above or below the law and your usual opinion that blacks get screwed by the justice system and convicted greater than their percentage of the population.  Teddy says they just need to shut up and take it. "...nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it."


    Seems contradictory unless you don't think the court system is systemically racist.

  9. 7 hours ago, HappyDays said:

    That's two players at training camp that have never played the sport before. Pretty weird but alright.


    In fact I'd bet anything he's coming to camp because he's a gold medal winner and McDermott thinks the team can learn something from that.



    One difference between the 2 is Bob Hayes played football at Florida A&M.  He was already a football player.

  10. 4 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Jury found him guilty. He served nearly three years of a three- to 10-year sentence and then the conviction was overturned for pathetic reasons.


    Innocent people should not be in jailed but juries are comprised of humans.

    Funny, in your speech - you didn’t say anything about Daniel Perry.


    Thank$ for making my point.


    Are you now saying systemic racism is really  just because juries are comprised of humans.

    What do you and Teddy think about Daniel Perry?

  11. 7 hours ago, BillStime said:



    Great quote from a politician.  Does the same apply to OJ and Bill Cosby?  Both obviously guilty but high priced lawyers got them off.


    What about all the innocent black people (really any race) that are sitting in jail for crimes they didn't commit?  BLM tells us it happens a lot.  Are you saying that's not true?  Why are these people below the law Teddy?


    The OJ trial proved the system works. A rich black man can get off just like a rich white man.


    It's great that President Trump was found guilty.  But please don't give us the no man is above or below the law BS when obviously it's not true.

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