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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. 7 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:

    So an interview with a sitting POTUS was carefully scripted by a network by the interviewers own admission.


    And according to Keith Olbermann this was obvious and necessary not because the POTUS clearly has dementia and can't handle spontaneous questions with non scripted answers. But instead because the interviewer is dumb.


    Now I'll agree that the interviewer is dumb relative to the average person, but next to a demented Joe Biden she's a friggin genius.


    Such is the tragedy of irreversible TDS.





    Why does he hate black people?

  2. 10 hours ago, papazoid said:


    "And the BS of PSL as an investment. Give me A break. The ticket rep who used to work for the Cowboys told her some of the ones in Dallas go for $250,000.  Oh OK LOL."


    in the PSL agreement it clearly states in SEC 4e "Transfers": The Licensee acknowledges that(i) there is currently no market and no guarantee that there will ever be a market for resale of PSL's. (ii) none of Licensor, ECSC, PSL Agent or TeamCo., or their agents has represented that there will be a market for PSL's, (iii) none of Licensor, ECSC, PSL Agent or TeamCo. or any other person is under any obligation to create or cause to be created such a market and (iv) Licensee shall have no claim against Indemnitees for any purported loss of value of the PSL(s) or inability to transfer or sell a PSL for a desired price or any price at all.


    I guess I didn't read the fine print.  Not sure why the ticket rep that used to work for the Cowboys told my wife she could sell it and some of the ones in Dallas are going for $250,000.

  3. Well, the wife and I, after she attended a call with the Bills ticket rep yesterday, have decided to pass.


    She has been a season ticket holder since 1987.  When they remodeled her seats went away so she upgraded to club seats in 1999. she moved to Dallas which is where I met her and why I have been a Bills fan since 1996. She kept her tickets and we would fly in for a couple of games a year. She sold (took a bath during the drought) the others.  When they were raising money by selling Engraved paver stones at The Ralph located by the Bills store we bought one in honor of our son who was a huge Bills fan who is no longer with us.


    We could certainly afford it but it just feels like we've been super loyal to the Bills For 37 years.  Now they are telling us to bend over and drop our wallet or go away.   Loyalty is a 2 way street.


    We decided to paint our house and put in central AC and still have money left over to some games on the resale market.


    We will go to as many games the next 2 years as we can. Then we'll watch 'em on TV and try to go to one every year.


    I know it's all bidness and this is how the NFL works blah blah blah, but it's still gross for a person who has been a loyal fan and put their money where their mouth is for so long mostly with poor results.


    And the BS of PSL as an investment. Give me A break. The ticket rep who used to work for the Cowboys told her some of the ones in Dallas go for $250,000.  Oh OK LOL.


    Terry is 188th richest American and the 12th highest net worth of NFL owners.  Surely there is some other way he could raise the cash.


    NFL and Terry, please don't tell us you love the fans.


    It's like I heard Steve Young say a few years ago, when you have a product with a non elastic demand, you can do whatever you want. 



    • Like (+1) 5
  4. 8 hours ago, Jrb1979 said:

    As much as I don't agree with what they are doing, I do hope that by doing this it forces change to what goes on during tailgating. I hope it ends the drunkenness, the table slamming and condiment guys. It becomes more of a corporate feel and less a college feel to it. It's why I wanted a stadium downtown. It would have made tailgating much smaller and guaranteed the end of the those things 


    That's A big part of this.  Price out the riff raff.  And Get a higher cla$$ of fans.  

    • Agree 2
  5. On 3/25/2024 at 11:55 AM, Poleshifter said:

    Has there been a new NFL stadium built that did NOT requires PSLs to be purchased?

    I hated the PSL idea when I first heard it decades ago. It still sucks.



    When Texas Stadium opened in 1972 they had PSLs.  It's not new.  But I agree, it sucks.


    Seattle has them as well.

  6. 2 hours ago, BillStime said:


    Biden tries to unify this country every day and deliver for all Americans. From supporting unions, signing legislation to improve infrastructure, expanding American manufacturing, reducing the burden of student loans, fighting climate change, and improving our technology edge (AI, Chips, etc.)


    Biden hasn’t been perfect, but he’s done a lot with a GOP Congress that is more interested in manifesting chaos, while Biden is trying to make all American’s lives better despite severe ideological differences between the parties. 







    Some of these things may be good and someday unifying.  We'll see how they work. We're talkin' government here and the track record on this kind of stuff is sketch.  I mean funding Solyndra so we could lead the world in solar panels sounded like a good idea at the time but the execution was really bad. That's where a lot of these things fail is the execution   See if he can execute.


    Do you really think student loans is unifying?  What about unending abortion talk? Unifying?  What about calling republicans MAGA extremists? Unifying?


    Do you think the country is more unified now than in January 2021?


    I agree with you on the disfunction of congress but don't think either party has a monopoly there.  They both suck.


    The best thing Presidents Trump and Biden (both of which no one likes) could do unify the country is drop out of the race.

  7. 2 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:



    I can remember in the 2020 campaign the issue of candidate Biden touching people came up. As I recall he said he understands that back in the good ole days this was acceptable but now understands its not appropriate so he wouldn't do it anymore.  It lasted about 5 minutes.


    Another one of many I'll say any thing to get elected and then forget about it moments.



    “I shake hands, I hug people, I grab men and women by the shoulders and say, ‘You can do this.’ Whether they are women, men, young, old, it’s the way I’ve always been. It’s the way I show I care about them, that I listen,” he said. “Social norms have begun to change, they’ve shifted. And the boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset. And I get it. I get it. I hear what they’re saying, I understand it. And I’ll be much more mindful. That’s my responsibility and I’ll meet it.”



  8. 4 hours ago, SCBills said:

    I’m pretty sure both candidates are trying as hard as they can to lose the election.  There is no other explanation for the things these two people do.


    As for Biden, he knows what he’s doing declaring this on the same day Easter falls this year.  It’s clearly a message .. and one every Christian should rebuke.  

    He already banned religious symbols and themes at the Easter egg hunt. 

    If you have any semblance of Christian values or even moderate/conservative values, the people running this country hate you.   They will not leave you, and what you hold sacred, alone.   They will continue this constant affront until you relent and give up. 

    So vote this demonic regime out.  I’ve been hesitant to use that term, but that’s what we’re dealing with.  Enough evidence is out there.  These people hate Christianity and everything it stands for. 


    But he's a devout Catholic.

  9. 5 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Something I find endlessly fascinating: why do people post tweets like this on this forum? Who is "Tiffany?" Why quote her other than simply saying it yourself? After quoting Axelrod, she adds the incredibly insightful, "Democrats don't like people. They like money and power."

    Couldn't have just said that yourself? 

    I look to see who she is: 52 year old Trump supporter with bad lip injections. Is this some kind of appeal to authority? The authority of Tiffany Hookerlips?


    I was going to give this post a big thumbs up til you got into the name calling part. I can't support that.


    However I also find it fascinating that people post tweets instead of just giving their own opinion. I would be much more interested in that.  Especially when they come from twitter accounts like Tiffany, or the Dilbert guy, or Jo, or some movie star.

  10. On 3/18/2024 at 3:44 PM, Pokebball said:

    Ahh, if a company folds a company folds. Many reasons could cause that and blame is cheap. I think technology is the primary reason companies fail. Dividends are cut early when a company starts doing poorly. C Suite is very important in a company's success or failure.


    How so?  I'm not disagreeing with you necessarily but would like to hear why you think this.

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