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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. 22 hours ago, SCBills said:

    DeSantis better be 100% sure Trump is going to win if he agrees to become his VP.  

    Best Conservative leader of my lifetime and he better not tie his future to a toxic loser. 


    It's going to end up being someone like Pence. The only one who would take the job. I have no idea why some young Republican would hitch his/her wagon to a one term very unpopular (even if he wins) President.  I can't see someone like Rubio or Cruz or Johnson or DeSantis take the job if offered.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    ,I'll never understand admiration for a traitor and seditionist:  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/26/charlottesville-robert-e-lee-melted-confederate-statue


    I don't understand it either.  Maybe we could ask FDR?



    On June 12, 1936, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was on hand to honor the "warriors in the lost cause of the Confederacy" by unveiling the statue of Robert E. Lee in Dallas' Lee Park. The following day, The Dallas Morning News published a recap of the event, detailing FDR's speech and other parts of the gathering. 


    In a short speech, delivered from his automobile, FDR described Lee as "one of the greatest American Christians and one of our greatest American gentlemen." 




    Dallas took down the statue and renamed the park to Turtle Creek Park in 2017.


    1936 was pre or post the big switch?


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    I don't hate my family, but I'll never live in rural American again. I got along pretty well with the people, actually. Rural America has a lot of problems, though. The media really doesn't cover them much, I admit, which actually makes it seem like they don't have the problems they do 


    What problems do they have the media really doesn't cover?

  4. On 2/10/2024 at 12:45 PM, BillStime said:

    Remember when Donald Trump blamed liberal Jews for destroying America?

    Remember when Trump dined with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes at Ped o Lago?


    Or the Moms for ”Liberty” started sharing Hitler quotes?


    Shall we go on?





    Oh, I'm sure you will.

  5. On 4/26/2024 at 4:55 AM, Tiberius said:

    Some dudes just won't work. If a women happens to get involved with a guy like that and she ends up preg-o, having a kid with a loser is a bad idea 


    Like Barack Obama, Colin Kaepernick and Keon Coleman you mean?  All had absent fathers and are successful.  While having a kid with a loser that doesn't want to support him/her is not a good idea I agree.  Something maybe women should think about?  It takes 2 to make a baby


    Ludwig Van Beethoven's parents were a mess too. Look it up.  Do you ever consider that maybe we're throwing away some fine people?  Of the 350,000 aborted each year one would think that some of them could have really made a difference in the world


  6. 10 hours ago, Irv said:

    Notice the placards in front blocking the public’s view of Demented Biden’s gait.  Also, have you noticed Demented Biden alway starts a story and then notes it’s a “true story”?  The guy lies so much he needs to say every story is true.  What a mess.  


    Sounds like they're looking back to the FDR administration on how to handle such things

    • Agree 1
  7. On 4/26/2024 at 6:16 AM, ComradeKayAdams said:

    1. What private industries should mostly control: market-driven technological innovation in solar energy, electric vehicle battery technology, nuclear energy, other green energy (wind, geothermal, hydro, biofuel), carbon sequestration, planetary terraforming, civil engineering, agricultural tech, and lab-grown meat.


    IMHO we should be putting a lot of research and funding for removing the carbon from the air.  Trees do it, why not us?  If a lot of what I read is true about rising temperatures, rising seas, inproportionate deaths of poor people etc, seems it may be too late for conservation. Look at all the cars, truck, airplanes, manufacturing, container ships, etc still polluting it up and will for many years.  And electric cars although better still are responsible for pollution. I have seen estimates of between 30,000 and 80,000 miles before they produce less over their lifetime based on all the mining and shipping of lithium. 


    So if you drive an electric car and don't keep it and drive it for 50,000 (taking the mid) you are actually doing a net increase in carbon emissions.  The way they're building and marketing these things as expensive high tech gadgets I would suspected a lot of the people buying them will upgrade to the newest hottest tech in a couple years like we do everything else high tech.  Hopefully there will be a robust used market for these things and people buy and drive them long enough to actually help anything.


    I would also say building nuclear power plants that could give us all the electricity we'll need as more and more things go electric is important and is way more efficient than solar panels or windmills.  California has 1 remaining that supplies 11% of the state's electricity but they keep saying they're gonna shut it down for some reason.


    Not denying anything but just thinking there may be better ways ..

  8. On 4/24/2024 at 5:09 PM, Tiberius said:

    I’m about to retire! 


    Glad to hear it. Then DON'T GET A JOB LOL.


    I was responding to this comment below.


    On 4/24/2024 at 7:34 AM, Tiberius said:

    Affordability many times is an issue when the dude has no job. It falls on the women to do everything.


    Are the dude's legs broken too?


    This is the whinniest wimpy excuse for abortion there is. It's not a good time.  It rarely is and wasn't when most of us were born.  I don't know about you but my parents weren't sitting on a big bag of ca$h when I was born. Quite the opposite in fact.  My Dad had to get off his duff and get a real job and was able to fund 5 sons.


    A long time ago I married a woman with a young child. We planned and had a 2nd.  Then on that baby's 1st birthday we found out she was pregnant with the 3rd.  Neither one of us made much money and weren't sure how but we made it happen.  I used to read computer books at night to increase my skills and earning potential and it worked.  My daughter (3rd child) has a college degree, is married, and owns her own house.


    If you get a woman pregnant, be a man and take care of your off spring.

  9. On 4/15/2024 at 4:02 AM, ComradeKayAdams said:


    In their partial defense, Justice, they’re being fed a steady dose of Zionist propaganda from corporate media and/or independent far-right media. Most here are likely unaware of the recent settler rampages in the West Bank.


    Now seems like a good time to update my post on the ongoing genocide (page 183 of this thread; March 4). As a reminder to the readership, systemic reckless indifference to civilian casualties can constitute legal proof of genocidal intent. We don’t need to wait for Bibi to hold up a sign that states, “Hey everyone! I am officially committing genocide!” We don’t need a particular minimum number of casualties. We don’t need to see red-soaked, red-handed IDF hands holding Hutu-fashioned machetes. Not every genocide looks the same.


    Further evidence of genocide:


    1. The aforementioned systemic heedlessness toward civilian casualties: Euro-Med HRM can’t report as often because virtually all aspects of societal order in Gaza have collapsed. Nevertheless, the latest update on April 3 reports 37,676 civilian deaths and 3,280 combatant deaths for a historically unacceptable 9.86:1 civilian casualty ratio (for comparison: the overall ratio for WW2 was no worse than 2:1). This is the numerical consequence of indiscriminate bombing and AI programs like “Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy.” There are also numerous reports of Gazans being killed despite waiving white flags.


    2. Weaponizing famine: significant delays and restrictions (~70%) to food convoys, cancelling UNRWA, widespread destruction of Gazan farmland, and of course the World Central Kitchen murders that fit within this larger pattern of similar behavior.


    3. Targeting health care workers: Never mind the near-complete eradication of Gaza’s hospital infrastructure; a frightening number of reports have been coming out of hospital staff members being deliberately targeted, such as those at Gaza’s critical Al-Shifa Hospital. The IDF have also destroyed most Red Crescent vehicles in Gaza, in addition to the Palestine RC Society headquarters in Khan Younis.


    4. Suppressing war crime coverage: Al Jazeera was recently banned throughout Israel. Gaza has now set the record for the most journalists killed in one location within one year. There are also numerous reports of IDF bulldozers burying bodies before Gazans can get to them.


    Poopiness…gotta get ready for work…later today or tonight, I want to post additional thoughts on the “intent” component behind Israel’s genocide. I’m sorry your people are experiencing this, Justice. I wish I could do more to help than write super lengthy posts that no one reads, in a sad politics subforum of a perennially disappointing pro football team.


    You make some very good points. But I would like to dive a little further into what constitutes genocide in the Israel/Hamas situation.  In 1948, genocide was defined by the United Nations Genocide Committee.




    It is defined as:



    Article II of the Convention defines genocide as:

    ... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:


    (a) Killing members of the group;

    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.


    a - both sides are guilty of killing the other group.

    b - also covers rape as a mental and bodily harm. Hamas is definitely guilty of this.  



    This second prohibited act can encompass a wide range of non-fatal genocidal acts.[34] The ICTR and International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) have held that rape and sexual violence may constitute the second prohibited act of genocide by causing both physical and mental harm. In its landmark Akayesu decision, the ICTR held that rapes and sexual violence resulted in "physical and psychological destruction"


    c - I believe this is the one most hang their hat on in regards to the open air prison. Israel could be said to be guilty of this.

    d - Israel is definitely not doing this LOL.  Neither is Hamas.

    e - neither side is doing this.


    I can't say for sure there is or isn't. But if there is, neither side has clean hands.


    Since the definition says any of the 5, it would seem to be 2 genocides going on there.


    President Biden's Secretary of Defense, General Austin, says there's not a genocide going on.

  10. I was on a 6 person jury on a DWI case.   Was the foreman.  It was very interesting and well worth it.  We paid attention and sent him up the river.


    One other time I was called was for some kind of drug case. We were in jury selection. The defendant, a young black man, decided to represent himself. He tried but was obviously overwhelmed and even started crying at one point.


    Then when it came time where the jury could ask the lawyers questions, several of us told the dude to get a lawyer or he would be railroaded.  Then we broke for lunch.  When we returned he had changed his mind and decided to get a lawyer so we were dismissed.


    The last time I was called I just filled out a form and they told me I could leave.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    He has to clean up Trump's mess?


    Yes, because it's his job as President to do that.  Who else should? Trump?  Maybe he'll get a chance LOL.


    Reagan had to clean up Carter's mess.  Clinton had to clean up HW's mess. Obama had to clean up W's mess ...


    And soon Kennedy will have to clean up Uncle Joe's mess.


    If he can't handle the job or doesn't want to do it  then maybe President Biden should not be running for reelection.

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  12. 4 hours ago, B-Man said:





    Whenever I see one of these things where some group blocks a road I wonder why this is not false imprisonment.  But I'm not a lawyer.


    Let's bring in the resident lawyer @ChiGoose.  From a legal perspective, why is this not false imprisonment?

  13. 3 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    That’s what all Republicans who are ashamed of their party say.



    You’re really trying to compare the Senate w the dysfunctional house?

    That’s cute. 



    If you say so.


    You didn't answer my question.   I answered yours.


    How many college tuition/loan reform packages have been passed in the Senate?

  14. 54 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Are we really going to pretend the wealthy don't exploit the system?    Often it's done legally because they donate money to influence policy leaving massive loopholes.  Your reply makes me believe you know this and are conveniently forgetting.

    The famous example comes to mind of Warren Buffet paying a lower effective rate than his secretary. 



    If these people are not breaking the law then the problem is not those rich snobs but bad laws.  I hear Senators Sanders and Warren and others complaining about this.  You have the power. Do something about it.  


    But since the politicians have to take money from these rich people to get elected, these are the kind of laws we get.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  15. 35 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Do you think we'll ever see a time when our political parties compete to genuinely help solve problems for the average American?


    Your party controls the House. Why don't they legislate and address the issue of student loans?


    Instead, you complain about the one person trying to make a real difference.


    If Trump proposed this, you would enthusiastically support it, only to be ultimately disappointed that the plan was perpetually two weeks away.






    I'm not a Republican and I didn't and will not vote for President Trump.  You must have me confused with someone else.


    As to your first question, my answer is no. That would depend the system being on the up and up which it obviously is not.


    How many college tuition/loan reform packages have been passed in the Senate?

  16. 13 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    Lying and mudslinging is all they've got because the truth contradicts them.


    What a mess!


    Why do you think people were paying $500,000+ to go to the President Clinton, President Obama, President Biden, and Stephen Colbert shindig at Radio City Music Hall?  Out of the goodness of their heart?

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 6 hours ago, BillStime said:





    Call me old school, but I think if you take out a loan you should read the fine print and pay it all back on time.  If you can't afford to pay it back don't take it out in the 1st place.  Do something else. Go to community college at night.  Work for a company that has tuition assistance.  Join the military.  They will pay for your college after you serve for 3 years.  There are many options beyond taking out a loan you can't afford to pay back.


    It's sad that people have put themselves into this position.  But I don't feel sorry for them or understand why taxpayers that didn't take out stupid loans should have to pay it back.


    And then to hear President Biden say he's solving the student loan crisis. Give me a break.  He's doing nothing the kind. He's just buying votes and kicking the can down the road.  Meanwhile more students are lining up to take out the same kind of loans as I type.

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