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Posts posted by bizell

  1. Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads.

    Fish heads, fish heads; eat them up, yum!


    In the morning, laughing happy fishheads,

    In the evening, floating in the soup.


    Ask a fishhead anything you want to.

    They won't answer; they can't talk.


    dang i actually remember that video when it first came out on mtv.

  2. Pretty sure the braintrust does not regard Sands as a Tampa-2 tackle.  We will almost certainly get another DT, but he's going to be around 300 pounds.


    Watch out for Glenn Dorsey, a former teammate of Kyle Williams, if he declares.



    man, all we'd really need him to do is tie up two blockers to let our other guys get one-on-ones. let triplett just try and shoot in the backfield. at least, that's what i think. :shrug:

  3. I'd say Manning is on his way to being the worst of the bunch unless he can turn it around pronto.  If he continues at his present pace I'm not sure he'll last in New York past next year.  The guy has loads of talent but he's as inaccurate a passer as I've seen in recent years.



    and it looks like his running backwards and throwing off his back foot isn't working this year like it was last.

  4. Fair enough. I defintly think they stole that SuperBowl anyway. That game should really have been a black mark on the NFL for the quality of the officiating. However, since the media is in bed with NFL, they completely overlooked the shoddy officiating. It's gonna be interesting to see the hierarchy of that QB draft class. How do you think it will pan out? I think Rivers seems to have taken a lead in that regard, while Manning has dropped significantly. If Losman continues to quietly improve, he may climb to the top of that ladder.



    It's hard to say how that (this?) class of QBs will pan out. Everyone seems to have levelled off, with Rivers, Eli Manning, and Roethlisberger exhibiting hot starts and cooling off somewhat. Losman started off horribly, and he's getting to be pretty good.


    Sooo.. I'm going to be a homer and say Losman is going to be best, Rivers and Manning in the middle, and Roethlisberger the worst because I dislike him. :shrug:

  5. Well, if the rating are for who is playing better this year, I'd go with Losman. However, we seem to be forgetting a long stretch where he was virtually useless.

    But, if we're talking about who you would rather have as a starting QB, I'd have to say Roethlisberger. He has proven he can win in the playoffs and on the biggest stage. I guess time will tell, but I can't fault the rating system for not yet giving Losman the accolades we feel he deserves. Once he starts performing and winning at a high level consistently, I guarantee he'll start flying up those charts.



    the qb ratings goes on a week-by-week basis, at least i thought, and was supposed to pretty much be a 'who's hot' kind of list.


    yeah, roeth has proven he can win in the playoffs.. but as for the biggest stage thing? he had the lowest qb rating EVER for a super bowl winning quarterback. antwan randle-el had the only touchdown pass that game for the stillers.

  6. He is 21 because Buffalo is ranked 30th in passing.  Obviously that is what they are looking at. 


    Blame it on the offensive scheme that only now is slowly allowing him to show some of his skills....  These writers are not seeing him have to take over a game or try and win one.  Sorry to break you the news....


    I am happy to see JP given more opportunities, however seeing the complaints about Joey Harrington here's his stats, using the Anthony line....


    7 of 9 games over 200 yards (190 & 137 other 2).....

    You can start bashing me now.....



    Harrington has played 4 less games and thrown the ball MORE than losman. it's expected that he's going to have more than 200 yards more often. in fact, harrington has thrown the ball more than losman's high in attempts for this year (38) 5 times

  7. My personal favorite was sometime in the second or third quarter when Schobel bull rushed him and knocked him flat on his ass. Just a great performance by Schobel. Did a great job of mixing up strength and finese to beat up on the rookie.



    oh man was that sweet. i jumped out of my chair and hooted and hollered! i was hoping other people on the mb saw that too.

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