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Posts posted by Gordio

  1. If we use our first round pick on a QB, I'll vomit. If there is no stud offensive lineman, no stud defensive lineman, no stud wideout, and no stud linebacker available, then go QB  :lol:



    You dont understand, Quinn is a blue chip legitamate franchise qb, if he is there when the bills pick levy goddam better have the stones to pull the trigger. The late George Young once said "if you EVER have a chance to draft a franchise qb & dont you will spend the next 10 years regretting it".

  2. I heard a stat on the radio from Don Banks that said in their history Houston is 6-4 all time against the Jaguars & something like 15-44 against the rest of the league. With that being said I think this game is a tossup with the edge going to Houston because they are at home.

  3. I have been saying this for 2 years now, the patriots showing no loyalty & trying to get everybody on the cheap is eventually going to catch up to them. Maybe you would be overpaying guys like Milloy, Law, Ashworth, Branch, Mginest, Viniteri to be keeping them, but guess what??? Those guys helped you win super bowls. Where is the thanks. Dont think for a minute that goes unnoticed in the lockerroom. Look, as long as the pats have Brady & Belicheck they should always be playing meaningfull games late in the season, but it is quite obvious that they are not the juggernaut they used to be & teams do not fear them like they used to. I will go as far as saying Brady will not win another super bowl the remainder of his career.

  4. There's some truth to what you're saying. I've heard that Polian was fired for being too egotistical, and for keeping Wilson out of the loop. Butler was fired because he apparently refused to negotiate an extension. A.J. Smith wasn't hired as his replacement because Wilson apparently preferred a guy with some experience (TD) to a young whippersnapper who'd never held a GM position before. Also Smith may have sided with Butler in his dispute with Wilson.




    There were alot of things going on with the Polian firing besides just football. I think you had some egos colliding with Polian & Wilson. Also, I heard towards the end that Polian really started showing a lack of respect for Wilson towards the end, even calling him out in a season ending meeting the last year. Polian, at that time(still is) probably figured he could name his price as he was one of the hot shot gms of the league. It is too bad it didnt work out because the guy new knows how to run a team. Butler was good on draft day, but miscalculated greatly on giving out salaries & was loyal to a fault with players.

  5. I've watched EVERY Jets game, since I am a Jets fan...And yes, you are correct, the coaching has a TON to do with their success.  Here is what I am getting out of the Jets season so far:


      - They are smart on offense and only getting better every week.  Their running game is coming along now that they have found the "Thunder and Lightning", if you will, in Barlow and Washington.


      - They are getting production from all but 1 guy from their draft this last year.  Ferguson has played great, and Mangold has played like a Pro Bowl vet.  Leon Washington has been the biggest surprise and has sparked a running game that was non-existant for most of the first half of the year.


      - It doesn't hurt when you have a KR man that is putting you, at average, your own 35-40 yard line EVERY TIME.


      - The defense has had a new identity in the last 5 quarters.  Starting at the end of the Browns game, the defense has shown a ton of different looks and has seemed to confuse both Frye and Brady.


    This team is a scary team, because they are so young, and have so much talent on both sides of the ball.  They need a real big NT for their 3-4, and could really use an every down RB, but they have been really solid this year.  Not to mention that their coach and front office is one of the smartest in the league.  The "Tangini" duo have come up with a system, and the team is buying into it.


    The even scarier part is, the Jets are 1 really, really, really bad call away from being tied with NE for the division lead (I am referring to the Chris Baker TD in the closing seconds of the Cleveland game.  Baker made the catch at least 1 yard inside the pyon, and was pushed out in the air.  The play was ruled no catch, out of bounds, and since it was a judgement call, thus non-reviewable.)  If the Jets play like they did against NE against Chicago at home this week, they have a great shot to win that game.  Chances are, they will lose, but I see them gaining a LOT of respect in this game.



    Give me a break, they dont have so much talent on each side of the ball. What they have is very good coach, a qb that knows how to manage a game & decent special teams. What that will get you is 8-9 wins & probably just on the outside looking in for the last wild card. If you think your overtaking New England you are dillusional. The jets are no better then the bills expect for one thing, they have a qb that could manage a game.

  6. Which has nothing to do with a game plan that has Losman not passing the ball with any frequency.

    And by the way: I said Losman was going to be a bust when he was drafted.  I'm not defending Losman, I'm criticizing your absolute lack of any thought.  "Losman sucks because I think he's boring."  :blink:




    I never said he sucks because he is boring. Anybody with a brain could see the coaches are scared to death to let this guy run an offense. Why do you think that is the case???? Because they see him in practice everyday & know that he will loose them the game 9 out of 10 times if they give him a chance to. Look, I have been going to the games for 10 years, I know what I see, he has no pocket presence, he is not accurate, he cant read a defense & his teammates dont rally around him. So dont put words in my mouth.

  7. Because you fail to distinguish between a bad individual performance of 80 yards, and a game plan where he was asked threw for 80 yards on 13 attempts (and was sacked four times). 


    That, and your main complaint seems to be that it bores you.  Never mind that that same game plan - protect the ball, keep Manning & Co. off the field, and let the Colts make the mistakes - let them hang with an undefeated team for nearly a full four quarters, and almost sneak out a win.  It's not good enough, because you were bored.  :blink:




    & BTW, if you think getting negative 2 yards in the red zone is going to beat manning you are dillusional. See every once in awhile in the National Football League, especially in a hostile environment, you need your qb to step up & actually make a play. It is pretty evident, at this stage of his career, Losman is not capable of doing this. When he needed to make a play, he threw ot 10 yards out of bounds to evans.

  8. Because you fail to distinguish between a bad individual performance of 80 yards, and a game plan where he was asked threw for 80 yards on 13 attempts (and was sacked four times). 


    That, and your main complaint seems to be that it bores you.  Never mind that that same game plan - protect the ball, keep Manning & Co. off the field, and let the Colts make the mistakes - let them hang with an undefeated team for nearly a full four quarters, and almost sneak out a win.  It's not good enough, because you were bored.  :blink:




    I never said I was bored.

  9. seems to me most of you ripping the bills and losman did not even think this team should be on the same field as the colts .

    so why should you be ripping the bills apart  now if you did not think they would win ????




    Because we are sick of seeing our Qb throw for 80 yards a game.

  10. Case in point....Tarik Glen owned Aaron Schoebel.....There was absolutely no pressure on Manning....Manning started drives from his own 9, 11 and 15 yard lines and still comfortably moved their offense.




    The reason why there is little pressure on guys like Manning & Brady are that teams no that if they come after them, they are going to get burned. There is no fear of that with Losman. Have you seen once this year Losman call an audible to a pass when teams put 9 guys in the box.


    Face it guys, Losman sucks. The only qb I would not take over him right now is Andrew walters, & that is even a toss up. He is a durable version of Rob Johnson.

  11. i just hope we have a chance to draft Quinn next year. I was willing to give Losman the benfit of the doubt this year, but it is pretty obvious to me this kid has no idea what he is doing. Some of his throws, you wonder how an NFL QB could make such a bad throw. Case in point yesterday the long pass to evans, evans had his guy beat by a step, it would of took a nice throw, but what does losman do, he throws it 10 yards out of bounce. I dont want to hear how our line sucks & the playcalling sucks. Look around the league, I really think we have maybe a tad below average line. A good qb will make an ave line look decent, the problem here is defenses know losman is not going to beat them with the pass, so on obvious pass downs they could come full bore.


    One last thing, it is so obvious that the coaches have lost all confidence in losman. When your only throwing 12-15 times per game, they are so scared of him costing them the game, they have no choice. Draft quinn, & let holcomb or any other journeyman qb you could find qb the team for the first 8 games until they are out of playoff contention again next year & then let quinn do his thing.

  12. I have the ticket so I watched most of the 4th quarter of that game. Here is my opinion of what you need from your qb. Most of the time in todays nfl you need your qb to simply manage the game. But there are going to come 1 or 2 times in most games especially on the road, where you need your qb to stepup & make a big play. That is the most discouraging thing about losman this year. It is not that his numbers are horrific or he is throwing bad ints, he has not stepped up & made a big play when his team needs it.


    Rivers was terrific yesterday. I know he has lt & gates & a good line but if you watched the game yesterday he was scrambling around moving around in the pocket & made plays when his team needed them.

  13. I'm not here to say stupid things like, "Here's to a no injury game" or anything else. I've been reading your message board to try to get a handle on things or the jist of what you all are talking about in our upcoming game.

    Believe me, The Colts are not taking this game lightly whatsoever. They now have a 2 game lead for HFA in the AFC and want to continue it if not get a larger lead if New England, Denver, Chiefs and the Chargers stumble along the way. I think we can safely say that Pittsburgh is out of the picture with Worthlessburger doing so bad.


    That said, I know your all disgusted with your team and most of you already has given up on our match but anything can happen. Peyton Manning is playing with more fire in his eyes than I ever seen him and losing is no option for him. He also grew a pair of legs in the off season and has now become a mobile QB which triples his advantage over most Defenses that play him as a pocket passer. Flush him out and he'll burn you big time. He's never had that ability before so your Defense may have a bit of trouble with him. Couple that with an excellent O-Line and the best receivers in the game and you have an Offense that is unstoppable.


    Our Defense is slowly getting their much needed injured players back on the field and are playing better each week. New England felt the impact with 4 picks and a fumble. I know your team just suffered some painful Injuries to key players and that means other peole are going to have to step up and contribute. You never know if you have a diamond in the rough until they take the field.


    I do hope that no one gets injured on both sides of the ball but it seems to me that all of our home games brings alot of injuries to visiting players. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the type of turf we have at the RCA Dome. Tennessee lost 7 guys in our 1 point win over them.


    Another thing. Never judge any team by who they played or by how much they won. Miami is a good example of that when they crushed the mighty Bears. So is Jacksonville when they stiffled the Eagles in their house. It all boils down to if your team takes a game seriously and bring the A game or not. Yes, we hung 30+ on Denver's mighty Defense and 27 on the Patsies who just got done beating the snot out of the Vikes. But then again, the vikes are a inferior NFC Team and we all know that the worst AFC Team will normally beat up a great NFC team. (Can't count the Oakland/Seattle game, we all know that the Raiders belong in the High School Leagues).


    But here's to us and you and the many memories we shared together when we were in the AFC East.


    Note: Remember, It was the Jets and the Colts that started the AFC East and I'm sad we ever left it, but hten again, I'm glad we don't ever have to face Dan Marino type QB's again. Have a good one Buff Fans.




    I would tell you good luck, but you dont need it. It is going to be a blood bath out there sunday. With that being said, get the f**k off our board.

  14. I'm just saying that when two guys are pretty equal like Travis and Willis you should keep the high character guy.  Donohue didn't.  I bet Marv would have.




    I wouldnt exactly call Travis a high character guy. Having sex with a 15yr old & getting suspended for substance abuse is not exactly the kind of character Marv wants in the lockerroom.

  15. Americans demand inexpensive goods produced from low-cost labor sources. And so a good deal of American manufacturing has been supplanted...Chinese clothing. Chinese electronics. Chinese appliances. Or Japanese, or Korean. Honduran clothes and Indian clothes. Mexican axles. And so on.


    Lest someone start on a President Bush rant, the decline of American manufacturing started a long time ago. As well as huge trade deficits.


    I've seen a lot of unions close a company's operations because they wouldn't bend an inch in the face of the changing economy. And I'm not an enemy of unions.


    I recall when the first robotics were installed in the auto manufacturing plant I worked at. The UAW skilled tradesmen that installed them stenciled first names of the workers who lost their job on them.


    Nice of them, eh?...




    I see it from both sides. I have a white collar job however my wife's family all worked at GM/A Axle. Believe me I have butted heads with her father many of times about Union greed & how they are a big problem with driving the manufacturing jobs out of this country. With that being said, this commercial is not only offensive preying on American pride, but it is hypocritical of GM also. Plus the song is annoying.

  16. I agree. That song is horrible. The lyrics suck, the song sucks, and it is the most contrived moronic crap I've heard in quite some time.




    I couldnt agree more. The song sucks & mellonhead should give it up. Old f**k.

    This our truck, this our country, tell that to my brother in law who just lost his job at American Axle because Chevy sold there contract for axles to a plant in Mexico.

  17. Switch Mangold for McCargo and I'd bet you'd be calling this the best Bills draft since some point in the eighties. There has to be something you like about these young players we picked up, no?



    I guaranty, you are going to see next year the real benefits of this years draft class. The defense, with a little tweaking will be top 15 next year. Mark it down. Mcgargo & Williams will anchor the line & Whitner & Simpson(with possibly Youboty) will lock down the secondary. There wont be the rookie mistakes you are seeing this year. I still say, if we are picking somewhere between 8-12(which I expect) you take the best linebacker on the board. Let Spikes come back(Im confident he will be the old spikes next year) look at Julian Peterson, say goodby to fletcher(i think his time has come) & you have a prettyy good lbcking corp with Spikes, Crowell & hopefully your stud middle linebacker you picked up in the draft. Sign a CB to replace playmaker & throw whatever fa money you are going to spend on the offensive line. If your going to have to overpay for a guy like steinbach by all means do it.

  18. People may not agree with me, but I think our defensive tackle position has been taken care of in last years draft. Although, the results may not be what people wanted this year, people must realize that the bills on d are very green. Mcgargo & Williams I expect to get better next year(it usually takes Dts at least one year to fully reach potential for whatever reason) & although he has not had a great impact this year I still like Triplett as a rotation guy.

  19. When I was 14 or 15, I seen him in the mall. This was probably in 89 or 90. Me & my friends went up to him, I said nice game yesterday Mr Kelly. My friend had to kelly posters that he had purchased that day. He like "thanks alot guys, can I sign those pictures". He seemed pretty cool & hospitable.

  20. Now I remember this game ... but I only remember it because of Wade Phillips sending the team to the locker room and I believe Belichick had the Pats go for 2.


    SMOKINF N JOKIN really needs to read that review from lori and then tell me refs dont !@#$ up games royaly




    I dont know how any bills fan could forget this game. To be honest with you, besides Wide Right & Music City this is the one game that sticks in my craw most about being a bills fan. Absolute disgracefull display by the refs in this game. I still remmebr Pete Carrolls snide smile when Adam V ran it in for 2. Poetic justice came later that year as NE had to play without Bledsoe in the playoffs because I think of a broken finger & got hammered by Jacksonville in the first round. To this day, I despise P Carroll because of the tragedies in Foxboro that day.

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