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Posts posted by Gordio

  1. firstly, Looser is an adjective not a noun.  secondly, you cite Toronto as part of the Buffalo market and then go on to deduce that 20,000 empty seats on Christmas Eve is a disgrace because Bills fans (who, thanks to Tornoto are NOT in a comparative short supply) are lazy and cheap. 


    Are you suggesting that Bills are a lousy francise because they aren't good enough to convince patrons from a foreign country to cross the boarder, drink alcohol and do drugs all day, watch the Bills, then sit in traffic for a few hours while attempting to make it home in time for the midnight candle lighting service?


    I dont know if you've ever been to a Bills game.  I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have but I must believe that you've never tailgated at one.  I for one do not remember anything about the last two games I saw (Denver 05, GB 06).  While the sun rises and sets on Buffalo Bills football for a large population of men between the ages of 15 and 75, there are wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and girlfriends who probably wouldn't approve of their respective 'men' returning home on Christmas Eve stinking like a stale combination of beer, bourbon, pot, and urine.  Cut them a break.





    Wow, this post is really reaching.  When did I ever in any of my posts call the bills fans lazy & cheap.  I have been to more bills home games then 90% of this board.  Been a season ticket holder for 12 years.  We are in lot 5 off of southwestern @ 8:30 every sunday home game.  We park in the same lot as the bills army & their white bus parks.    Im certainly not suggesting that the bills are a lousy franchise.  All Im saying is that paint brush for greatest fans in the league gets spread pretty wide around here & it is just not true.  There will probably be 2 or 3 stadiums in the league that dont sellout this weekend.  Unfortunately ours will be one of them.

  2. Yeah, I'd move all the way out from NY to be a CSR...  :doh:


    And while you're at it, try responding to Lori's comments.




    I did respond to Lori's comments. She doesnt want to get it. Why is Pittsburgh & Cleveland considered small market in baseball, but the same logic does not apply to football? BTW, Columbus is a real stretch for Cleveland. They are closer to Cincy then Cleveland.

  3. And why don't you include Akron and Sandusky in the Cleveland numbers?  :doh:


    You know, it's really not a smart thing for someone to disrespect one of the most respected and knowledgable posters on an internet message board.  That usually gets treated with contempt, and when you don't spell that person's name right, it usually gets you branded as a loser.



    Look, my original point was you cant look at markets in a vacuum & just assume Buffalo is a small market. From where they draw from, which includes Toronto, they have a bigger market then most. There are going to be 20,000 empty seats at the game sunday & I think that is a disgrace. I also think it is a disgrace that we have had the last 4 games blacked out. Spare me the talk on we have the largest stadium. We also have the cheapest seats so I think it evens out. Everybody gives Jacksonville & Oakland a tough time, you know in order for people there to even purchase some season tickets, they need to buy a PSL. If they tried to do that here, there would be riots in the street.


    As far as you calling me a looser because I spelled someone's name wrong?? Lets compare paychecks, we will see who the looser is.

  4. Baseball is very dependent on fan interest.  See: Miami and Minnesota.  Both are larger than St. Louis, but can't compete in revenue, regardless of record.



    That is true to a point but dont kid yourself. Teams like the Yankees & mets, who both gross around $100 mill from tv revenues is what allows them to spend in free agency the way they do. Cleveland for years always had one of the highest attendance in the league(in fact I think they were sold out for the entire year before the season even started a few times) but were always middle of the pack spenders as far as players salaries went.

  5. Small markets compared to NYC and LA. Not to Buffalo. And I don't care about baseball.


    List_of_United_States_metropolitan_areas (from Wikipedia)


    #21  Pittsburgh, PA - 2,386,074

    #23  Cleveland–Elyria–Mentor, OH - 2,126,318

    #47  Buffalo–Niagara Falls, NY - 1,147,711


    As the caveman in the GEICO commercial says, "Next time, do a little research."



    Okay Lauri, whatever. Why dont you include Rochester, Northern PA & Southern Ontario in the population for the bills. I know you think you own this board because you have 6,000 posts & you are one of the few people who bring some kind of food to the annual Bills Tailgate, but please spare me.


    When it comes to this subject, you should care about baseball because it is interchangeable. I explain it for even a moron like you could understand. In baseball cities like Pittsburgh & Cleveland (mainly pittsburgh) have low payrolls because they dont have a big tv contract. Why dont they get a big tv contract? Because baseball(unlike football) doesnt have shared revenue & their markets are not big enough to warrant a tv contract. Hence the phrase small market. The same logic applies for football also. Did I go slow enough for you jerkoff.

  6. Not only is Denver one of the 20 largest MSA's, they draw fans from at least a 6 state area.  They have many STH's in Wyoming and further out.


    If NYC, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Cincy ALL didn't have teams, then a slight case could be made for Denver and Buffalo being comparables.




    You didnt read my whole posting, it said most of these cities are small markets. One last thing, if you include Toronto, Rcohester, Syracuse & Erie, Im pretty sure sure we have a pretty big fan base to choose from also.

  7. Cleveland? Pittsburgh? Denver? Small markets? Yeah, right.


    The only metropolitan areas smaller than Buffalo with NFL teams are Green Bay and Jacksonville. Green Bay is special; we all know that. (Of course, having Milwaukee, the 26th-largest MSA in the country, 100 miles down I-43 doesn't hurt.) And Jacksonville covered 9700 seats before the 2005 season, after having 12 of their previous 16 home games blacked out.




    You consider Cleveland & Pittsburgh big markets. Give me a break, why are they considered small markets for baseball & not for football. Cant have it both ways.

  8. I blame the stupidity of the NFL.


    it's Xmas eve on Sunday. There are no college games on Saturday.


    why didn't they schedule ganes for Staurday this week instead of Sunday?



    I do agree with this. The nfl did not use their heads on this. It would of been no problem putting the majority of the games on saturday & playing 3 games on sunday with one or two on monday. They did it last year when christmas fell on sunday. They put all the games on saturday. I guaranty if this game was on saturday, it would be sold out.


    With that being said, this best fans in the league crap has got to stop. Where not the best fans in the league, were just not. Pitt, tenn, green bay, kc, cleve, denver all have waiting lists for season tickets. Most of them are small markets too. So spare me that bills fans are the best. We are middle of the pack.

  9. I see your points, but I think it is really important in the first year of law school at least, for a student not to work.  Critical decisions are made about law review membership, summer internships, and inns of court that are wonderful educational opportunities.  Without complaining (I actually learned a lot as a cop) I missed lots of educational and networking opportunities with working.  I don't like carrying debt and I don't want my kids to get into a major habit of carrying more than they can actually pay for reasonably or starting their careers with crushing debt hanging over them.  After she graduates she'll be on her own, as was her brother, who has done quite well. And then in a few years they can pool their resources to take care of their grumpy old man!!! :rolleyes:




    Man, dont apologize because you want to pay for your kids schooling. People that say oh kids should pay for their own college have no idea what they are talking about. It is different today. I graduated 9 yrs ago from Canisius College, my parents paid for it & the year I graduated it was 12,000 per year. A mere 9 yrs later it is 25,000 a year. So for a kid to pay for his tutition, going to a school like Canisius, which is not ivy league by any means, they would probably have $100,000 student loan to pay back once they get out. If you have the means to help out your kids, why wouldnt you? I guess some people think there kids should pay 1,000 student loan payment per month for the next 10yrs to teach their kids about life??? Yeah that makes alot of sense.

  10. Bad planning.  Next time prime her by saying you are getting something special for her and about a week early start getting nervous about it not being ready/in stock... by Christmas.  When you have to make a herculean effort to go "pick it up" on Christmas Eve you can see the game, ditch the in-laws, and be a hero.




    Or you could just grow a set of balls & tell her you want to watch the football game.

  11. Posts like this are what makes TBD what it is. Seriously, your speculation is quite worthy of much consideration. If this happens, we wouldn't be totally screwed.

    I gotta admit that yours is a scenario that I have never considered.

    Great work!  :rolleyes:




    They are not going to tag him. Im pretty sure that NC's agent had it put in writing that the bills cant tag him this year. If not he is an idiot. The best case scenerio is the one before, throw a 20 mill signing bonus at him right now. I dont care what kind of payday you think your going to get, that is alot of coin to turn down.

  12. I got mixed emotions about this whole san diego thing. Not to stomp on the man's grave, but I dont like Butler & I certainly dont like the way A J Smith does business. The way those 2 sold out the bills was disgusting. & please spare me the rhetoric that the bills werent going to pay butler. On 4 or 5 occasions wilson asked John to sit down & lets talk about a contract. Butler always refused. Instead of acting like a man & being honest with wilson, telling him that he is going to go to sd or has other plans, he kept making every excuse in the book why he didnt want to talk about a contract. Looking back at their last draft for the bills, it is no dount in my mind they knew a year ahead of time after the 2000 season they were bolting to san diego.


    I totally agree that they really did luck out with some of their picks. Sometimes, teams dread having the number 1 pick but if a special player is on board, teams could parlay that pick into a windfall. That is what happened to the charger not once but twice. The 1st time that special player was vick, the 2nd time that special player was manning. Even picking up gates was by luck. 20 teams had appointments to see gates, the chargers just happend to be the first ones. They offered him a contract after 20 minutes of workouts.


    That is why I really hope the chargers fall flat on their face in the playoffs probably more then every team besides NE. I really cant stand the arrogance of AJ Smith & I really dont appreciate as a die hard bills fan the way butler left this franchise. BTW, after his one super bowl year with the bills(93 which was Polians team) the bills won 1 playoff game in the last 7 years butler was the gm. Think about that next time you think about enshrining this guy for the hall of fame.

  13. I can't tell if this post is just based on ignorance (I've been to the last three Bills/ Browns games in Cleveland and it positively blows away in terms of atmosphere any rinky dink boring ass Miami Bills game) or more brain conditioning courtesy of Ralph and the local media in a lame attempt to prop up this non rivalry.

    If Miami and Buffalo is still such a great rivalry how come there are 5000 seats left?




    The last three times buffalo has played in Cleveland was 1995(the last year the old browns played before moving to baltimore, 1990 & 1985. In 1985 there were 48,000 fans in attendance. 1995 must of been an absolute ugly atmosphere since the fans knew the team was moving the next year, 1990 we beat them 42-0 & in 1985 the stadium was 1/2 full.


    Please stop making stupid comments to get everybody riled up here. You just make yourself look like a fuggin idiot.

  14. Add to it one of the most horrible 1999 Draft....Erik Flowers, Travers Tillman.....Uh




    Great point, to be honest with you, this draft in my opinion was the key component in our current 8yr slide. You just can not miss on a draft that badly.

  15. Really.  You have a job for a Senior System/Technical/Data Architect specializing in large enterprise wide systems with specific expertise in database design (oracle, sybase, Db2) and J2EE implmentation?




    Give me a break. 4 of my friends have highly involved computer/Architectual jobs & none of their companies are located in Buffalo. They all work out of their home. See if your good enough at what you do, most companies especially in the IT related fields will let you work wherever you want. So please spare us the technical job talk, none of us are impressed.

  16. Just before my 1 year suspension I said the JP experiment could cost us the franchise. We were a Lindell FG away from the playoffs before the dice were rolled.

    Two prototype California QB's may have doomed us.




    Geez, what do you have to do on this board to get suspended for a year?

  17. And the Bils are 34-50-1 overall against Miami.



    What's your point? Do you still get excited about that barnburning Miami match-up?


    I know I certainly don't.

    Piitsburgh and Cleveland on the other hand generate a lot of excitement when they come to town. Anyone who was at the final 2004 game against the Steelers can attest to that.



    you have to remember they were 20-0 against us in the 70s though. The last 25 year, I think we have actually have had the upper hand against the dolphins. We are the reason Marino never got to a second super bowl & we put shula into retirement after that one playoff game.

  18. Who knows.  We have heard so many conflicting things about why the team will or won't stick around.  Figure though that a mere $10 more per ticket per home game would generate about an additional $6M annually.  Since our region doesn't command that kind of ticket price, maybe that's at the core of it. 


    It's a fact though that our TV market isn't as big as the others.  Remember that for TV to be appealing you need the attention of the 18-35 year old demographic and that is diminishing in the region.




    This arguement is actually a little flawed. You are right in a way if just consider the immediate buffalo market. However, since Toronto I believe gets the buffalo CBS, some argue that after adding in toronto for CBS games, we are like the 3rd or 4th largest tv market. Just another way of looking at it I suppose.

  19. I guaranty you next year this will all be a distant memory. With teams like Dallas, NY gIants Cincy & Baltimore on the schedule & the strong finish, the games will be sold out once again before the season even starts. That is the key. With Ebay now, I think the bills really have to sell 90% of the tickets before the season starts to hope to have complete sellouts.


    BTW, dont blame the weather, that is a copout & it is just not true. The jacksonville game was sunny & 60 degrees, sd was cold but there was little snow & this week it is supposed to be in the 50s for the game. Im so sick of people saying that buffalo weather is horrible. People that say that are just ignorant. In fact im thinking of going GOLFING on saturday. The weather isnt nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Sorry for the rant, I work with alot of people from NYC & listening to them you would think that Buffalo is Antartica & NYC is the Caribean. That 5 degrees warmer in average temps must really make a difference & every time I go to NYC for business the weather sucks. It is either too hot, a severe thunderstorm rolls in or it is cold. F*ck NYC.

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