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Posts posted by vorpma

  1. 1 minute ago, muppy said:

    I live in san diego and alex and dean spanos name is mud as far as Im concerned. La Chargers indeed **smirk** Count me a RAIDERS fan now u schmucks. Of course the Bills are my team but I like to party with the Raiders crowd and we have storied history we razz each other and on it goes.... 

    I have removed the Chargers from my original AFL list based on the screwing they gave San Diego; somewhere Sid Gilliam is weeping!

    6 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Haven't you asked this question before?  No matter.


    It's pretty easy for me.  I like the Green Bay Packers.  I like the small market factor and the community ownership (only team allowed to be owned that way, grandfathered).  I had a good friend in graduate school from a farm in Northern Minn.  and it gave us something to talk about.


    It doesn't affect me rooting for the Bills at all except once every four years when the Bills play them, in which case of course I want the Packers to implode. 


    I don't get the problem, can you explain? 



    I love the Packers too, and the fact they are a small town market and thrive! So much history and memories from Green Bay except for the first two Super Bowls ha ha!

  2. 1 hour ago, shane nelson said:

    I have lived in NJ for 30+ years. I have had Giants seats for 25+ years because I love football.  I have taken my kids to Giants games their entire life.  Almost all of my friends are Giants fans.  My house is split.  My wife, son and daughter are Giants first, my other daughter and I are Bill all the way.  With that said, while I enjoy watching the Giants and hope they win, there is nowhere near the same passion as the Bills.  I don't read Giants blogs or really follow their players.  


    Being a fan of two teams has allowed my family and I to enjoy the passion of football, tailgate every Sunday and have wonderful memories with great friends.      

    For most, that is what being a fan is suppose to do; great post!

  3. 21 minutes ago, JohnnyGold said:

    Having kids changed my perspective on sports. 

    A) it made me care a whole lot less, because Sunday afternoon is 1/4 of a weekend, so those are prime hours to spend doing things with them.

    B) everyone out there is someone's kid, so i know how proud their parents must be of them, so i don't want to see anyone get hurt and i want a good, clean game and dont begrudge anyone their success, even if it comes at the expense of buffalo.

    C) living in new england, being witness to the greatest sports dynasty in history, and surrounded by passionate fans who wear their jerseys all year long like buffalo in the 90s, trying to prevent a young boy from going in that direction--to instead cheer for a historically inept franchise that had a half decade of success a quarter century ago--is an exercise in futility. although he wears bills gear and cheers for them, hes still too young to really grasp the concept of it all, i would never, in a million years, teach him to "hate" the patriots. if he picks that up from me, by osmosis, so be it. 

    D) i go to a lot of minor league sports events with him, and i clap for a good play regardless. im not going to boo some 20 year old minor leaguer who dekes a defenseman on his ass, or throws down a rididculous windmill, or pitches a complete game no hitter, just because he was drafted by a team that has a minor league affiliate in a different city than the city i just traveled to which is close to my house, to watch them play a minor league game.

    E) you begin to realize that the people who are so passionate as to feel hate in sporting situations are, by and large, losers who argue on the internet too. and while thats fun from age 12 to about 25 or so, and i recognize my son will do it too, at some point you have to grow up and stop doing that. and as a father, its best to set an example and laugh at people that do it, so my son knows theyre losers and nothing to aspire to.

    The Bills are my team, grew up during the 1960's in a family of original season ticket holders and witnessed some really great AFL games. After the Bills I root for any original AFL team except the Titans or Texans (remember the Oiler's); in 1969 the fans in War Memorial Stadium gave a long standing ovation to the world champion New York Jets in the home opener. I can hold root for the Dolphins when it helps the Bills (still remember the streak) and I don't suffer from the intense hate of the Patriots that many seem to be afflicted with.


    Great post by Johnny Gold!!! It's only a game, life is too short, enjoy!










    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, CookieG said:

    Blessed are the meek in offense, for they shall receive high draft picks;

    Blessed are the poor in blocking men, for they have refrained from being bullies;

    Blessed are those who score few points, for they shall be known as also-rans.


    The "Four score and seven years ago, we were a contender" speech comes around training camp.

    Ya, whatever

  5. 1 hour ago, Straight Hucklebuck said:

    What are your "know football" credentials? 


    And if you can produce them, then please educate everyone who "know little" on when the Bills will start winning in the Playoffs again? 


    If I can't ask that question because I don't know football, then by all means, go ahead and enlighten everyone. 

    Reference response to John Wawrow! Enough said on this topic!

    Just now, MPT said:


    Yikes. Overreaction indeed.


    How is it that some some people can disagree with one thing the coach said and all of a sudden they're a Bills-hating pitchfork mob? Someone clearly thought it was an important enough topic to make a thread about, so why not debate it? 

    No, sorry it's not disagreeing - it's attacking over some really silly stuff - haplessbillsfan I refrained from profanity - I am turning the corner!

    Quite frankly, the initial post is silly!

    3 minutes ago, vorpma said:

    Reference response to John Wawrow! Enough said on this topic!

    No, sorry it's not disagreeing - it's attacking over some really silly stuff - haplessbillsfan I refrained from profanity - I am turning the corner!

    Quite frankly, the initial post is silly!

    Wow, I purge the quite frankly, the initial post ..... the follow on post were silly!

  6. 26 minutes ago, john wawrow said:


    Disagreeing? This isn't disagreeing with what the coach said.

    This is bringing out the pitchforks and torches by parsing something McDermott essentially said in passing.


    Holy bejeez.

    He said he'd like the Bills to score at least 21 points a game.

    So damn him because he didn't 42 or 487 for that matter.




    This wasn't some Sermon From the Mount or a State of the Union address in which every word must be parsed and interpreted and then taken as pure and unadulterated Gospel.


    And it's ... checks calendar ... March 1 for cripes sake not Week 8.




    But please, proceed. I'm here for the over-reaction.




    My response; John captures it very accurately!

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 46 minutes ago, MPT said:


    Show me one post where someone demanded a firing please.

    Can't even respond, I have watched it posted on TBD quite often over the last year by many providing the negative posts on this topic. As one post stated, many members of TBD will never be happy with anything this organization does! 

  8. 20 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    If you think the offense the first 2 years is the offense he "built" then I don't know what to tell you dude.  He clearly didnt build year one, and year 2 was it torn down so it can be built back up.  Honestly do not know how this is confusing to you.


    Lets say you are a contractor who buys a house to live in while he remodels it for a flip.  When do you analyze the quality of that contractors overall work?

    • When he first closes escrow and moves his stuff into the house?
    • During the process of the remodel where he has torn most the things out?
    • When the house is actually complete and ready to be sold or lived in?

    You are obsessed with stages 1 and 2 with no patience to see stage 3.  Got news for you, stages 1 and 2 are always necessary on a remodel just like they are on a rebuild.  Sometimes a coach can enter the picture with part of the rebuild started.  Like when McVay took over the Rams and it had talent on D, its franchise QB already on the roster, and an elite RB to help his offense.  Thats like taking over a house that already had the heavy lifting done and now you just gotta come in and add the amenities.  Much quicker flip, much quicker team rebuild.  


    McD didnt have that luxury.  And what he and Beane have done in 2 combined seasons is pretty encouraging.  Year 3 (or year 2 for Beane) is now about doing the finishing work to really make the place shine.  And if they don't do a good job, they will be on the hot seat.  But their body of work is not what they did to get here, its what they do NOW that we are ready for this stage.  

    Great post; some adult input!

    Just now, oldmanfan said:

    You are the one who misquoted Joe B, and when shown that you ignore it because it doesn't fit your negative agenda.  And I am so tired of your crap about people lowering the bar.  It's crap, pure unadulterated crap.  What did I say just this morning?  That Beane and McD have the picks they want, the cap space they want, the QB and MLB they wanted, and now it is up to them.  And if they don't succeed they'll be looking for jobs, AS IT SHOULD BE.  I capitalize not to yell but provide emphasis, because you yet again apparently show a predilection to ignoring those things that don't fit your agenda.  Two year ago they were in the playoffs, last year they got tools they felt they needed and dumped guys for cap space.  That was their plan, they executed it, and now the pressure is on to continue executing their plan.  That is not a free pass, that is not lowering the bar.  That is how it is, not only with the Bills but pretty much any other professional sports enterprise you care to name.


    Your stuff is nonsense.  All here know these guys have to succeed or they won't have jobs down the line.  And I suspect no one knows that more than Beane and McDermott.

    Oldmanfan comes through again; great post!

    15 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    "You have to score points to win in this league".  But you insist on taking anything said by this organization and spin it into a negative. 


    Hyperbolic lunacy.

    I swear many who post on TBD really know little about football, it is a passing fancy much like following trending entertainment. Then there is the "temper tantrum" approach - I want it and I want it now, give it to me, and if I don't get I throw a temper tantrum. Fire everyone now! 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 4 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I’m not one to be super picky but yes it’s a little odd that the coach isn’t aware of the amount of scoring it takes to win at his job. You don’t find that odd? It’s like a rocket scientist that doesn’t know the distance to the moon.

    I lose sleep over this every night and will continue to do so until rectified! What the heck is going on here, this is the ultimate crisis - pile on TBD!

    1 minute ago, Bangarang said:


    There have been concerns over McD’s ability to produce a good offense given that his background is all defense. I’m not a HC and I don’t spend 16 hours a day analyzing and studying the game but even I know that when talking about putting up points, 21 per game is just not good enough. 

    You missed your calling, how did the NFL not recognize your unique talents and aptitude!

  10. 29 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    But what does it say when you hire/elevate someone and then fire them a month later? If they are "dead weight" why were they given that executive role in the first place?

    In my world it means the hired individual did not work out as intended; it happens!

  11. Yup

    1 hour ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    That's my take as well. @JohnnyGold made a reference to Russ Brandon's lingering presence. That may well be but the rate at which they are turning people over is alarming. Aren't they in the middle of two huge arena/stadium projects? Weren't some of these people hired recently to oversee those projects because of their level of expertise?


    I can't see how you get good people to work for you when you go through senior people this abruptly. 

    Yup, always hang onto dead weight and non - productive individuals until it is so bad you have to fire them, great business model!

  12. 3 hours ago, nucci said:

    Marrone quit, hired Rex, fired Whaley, fired Rex...they inherited a decent football team and messed it up....looks a bit more promising today

    What planet have you been living on - a decent football team? More like a perennial almost .500 team forever that never demonstrated the ability to make a serious playoff run; terrible scouting, drafting, coaching, and FO management from 2001 until 2017! 

    1 hour ago, MJS said:

    Lot's of people pretending that they know what they are talking about.


    Face it. We don't know why these individuals were fired. Jumping to conclusions and speculating is stupid.


    Perhaps they were great moves, perhaps they were foolish moves. We'll never know.


    And, BTW, winning and losing has nothing to do with these management positions. If the Sabres are winning does that mean their marketing director is effective? These are purely business moves and have nothing to do with the product on the FIELD.

    "Lot's of people pretending that they know what they are talking about." You must be new to TBD; it's what we do - with pride! 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Inigo Montoya said:

    I think a lot of people on this board are getting too far over their skis with their expectations for the Bills this season.  I think we can be in the mix for a Wild Card at the end of the season but we are not going to be making a playoff run this year.  McBeane knows that.  McBeane is still working on setting the table this year.  He is not building a roster in this year's free agency and draft to win in 2019, he is looking at least one more year down the road.


    That's why I'd be surprised if McBeane goes TE shopping in free agency this year.  This is one of the deepest TE drafts ever and we have boatloads of picks.  Why burn a big chunk of cash on a middle of the road free agent TE when you can get a good one on a rookie contract and let him develop on a team friendly deal for the next four years?  I wouldn't be surprised to see the Bills grab two TEs in the draft this year with Clay being released.  I do hope he goes after O-linemen aggressively in free agency this year.  Talented "Hog Mollies" are really hard to find and need some time playing together to really gel and become a solid unit. 


    Realistically, years 3/4/5 of Josh Allen's rookie contract are when we will have a team ready to start making deep playoff runs.  That is not this season.  If Allen continues to develop this year he will be ready to roll and we should have a roster built of young and talented 2nd , 3rd , and 4th year players with a few key veterans on each side of the ball ready to take that step along with Allen.  


    I think Beane and McDermott feel like Terry and Kim have their backs and will give them the time they need to  build a roster the right way for long term success.  I'm a long suffering Bills fan just like everyone else here but I'm willing to wait one more year if it will help create a team capable of sustained excellence like in the Kelly Era.  I think that is the type of roster McBeane is trying to build. 


    I think McBeane's offseason moves this year are designed to bear fruit in two or three years when the Bills are in their playoff window, not this year.  I think McBeane is looking at this year's free agency  and draft with a different timeline in mind compared to many here and it will color every decision McBeane makes.



    Great post, I agree!

  14. 4 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    Faux dynasty?  Please.


    I sat in the Rockpile for the first ever home game in 1960 when I was a little kid.  I was there for the AFL championships and the Hit Heard Round the World.  I agonized through the 70's when we lost to the Fish the entire decade.  I put up with the stench of the early 80's and celebrated (And cried) during the Super Bowl run.  And I've had to watch and suffer through the 2000's, and the terrible decision making by the organization coupled with the rise and dominance of the Pats.


    I say this all to give some perspective, when I say that I have no love for the Patriots.  While the Fish will always be my most hate rival, the Pats are right behind them.  I can't stand that they have dominated for so long, and I hate the smugness of Brady and the aloofness of Belichick.


    But having said that, they are the best coach and QB of all time.  You can be a huge Bills fan, you can hate the Patriots, and still acknowledge the obvious; that they are the best that have ever done their jobs in the history of the league, and that they deserve whatever kudos come their way.  For me it's like the Yankees of my youth, couldn't stand them, but had to acknowledge they were the best.


    To not acknowledge the greatness of Brady and Belichick is simply rooted in envy.

    Right on oldmanfan, great post but you will get hate from the "new" NFL fans!

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