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Posts posted by vorpma

  1. 9 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:

    Also AB comes with a TON more baggage than ANY of the WRs i mentioned, which also might now have the Bills willing to lay out the financial risk.



    Or at the end of the day the Bills also could have just got used for leverage against the Raiders

    Believe it or not, I actually agree with MAJBobby!

  2. 6 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:

    It didn't happen, but there's no denying now our very serious pursuit of arguably the best WR in the NFL for what likely would have been for a relatively hefty price.


    No one really was talking about the possibility of that trade as a serious thing and I'm sure many questioned whether Brown is a Beane/McDermott type guy.


    Does it change your perspective on Beane, what we're going to do in Free Agency, McDermott's Bills` culture and the outlook of out 2019 season?

    Are you basing this post on your conversation via hotline to Brandon Beane's desk and his desire to bring you into Bill's stratagy discussions or merely on sceptical media reporting trying to create some excitement on a slow news day?

  3. 1 minute ago, nucci said:

    Having highest cap space makes you a great GM?

    No, but rebuilding an NFL franchise that reeked of a losing or mediocre culture, lousy scouting, lousy drafting, lousy FA acquisitions, lousy cap management, and lousy coaching for 16/16 years at least puts him in the running!!

    Just now, Jpsredemption said:

    He went to the playoffs and didn’t even draft any players that were apart of it or FA for that matter, traded a whole lot to land Allen and then the team went 6-10. His fate is tied to Allen. Let’s not jump the gun.

    Keep hoping for failure so you can loudly state "I told you so!"

  4. 6 minutes ago, Irv said:

    Yes - we've had some terrible GM's.  But,  he seems to have a solid plan in place.  We have the 4th highest cap space available this year and are projected to have the highest in 2020.  He arguably got the franchise QB we needed.  The fans seem engaged.  If we make the playoffs this year, I'd argue that he is one of the best GM's in the league and the best since Bills GM since Polian.   

    Good post but be prepared to be savaged by the anti Beane - no rebuild - I want it now crowd on TBD! 2019 will tell!!

    Just now, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:

    not so fast.



    doing a fine job but lets let him build a tenure, all the while building a contender as well.


    lets see how the draft goes at least before considering him the best since...

    Fair enough!

    • Like (+1) 3
  5. 18 minutes ago, CuddyDark said:

    I don't think you give that for a player they must trade. You shouldn't be offering more than a 3rd round pick. It just goes to show Beane is in over his head.

    How do you know what is going on - I think you are in over your head on TBD!

    3 minutes ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:

    I love "value" posters.  They are always so dogmatic: "drafting so and so in the first round is a fireable offense"; "paying X to player 1 is a fireable offense"


    Meanwhile, literally every scenario is NOT a fireable offense, and every deal they term a fireable offense is what is necessary to make the transaction happen.  If the "value" posters had their way, literally no deals would happen.  


    With respect to AB, Its not a 1:1 negotiation.  Its the Bills v all the other teams that may be interested.  Sure, the Steelers have to get rid of the guy, but if there is a large market of teams, which for AB there is, then the price goes up.  


    The OP is an idiot. 

    Well put - another one of our NFL experts who operates on the "fire everybody every day philosophy! 

  6. 4 hours ago, Nihilarian said:

    Buffalo Bills GM Stew Barber was a complete moron on so many levels.


    What pissed off Tom Cousineau was that he was invited by the then-Bills GM Stew Barber to dinner in Buffalo...then never showed up, never called...nothing! Then, the initial offering by the Bills vs the Montreal Alouettes was less than half of what MA was offering. Of course, Ole Tom would head up north.  This upset the new Bills HC Chuck Knox who managed to build a solid team despite the GM being a moron. 


    Knox had brought his scouting director (Norm Pollom) with him from the LA Rams and those two were given carte blanch to do whatever they needed by the owner. Still, Barber was involved in negotiations and managed to upset many Bills players by lowballing them.  I have to say this was partly on the owner's philosophy because, in the end, Wilson didn't want to pay Chuck Knox either, even after Knox rejuvenated the city of Buffalo by making the Buffalo Bills relevant again. The Bills hadn't beaten the Miami Dolphins over the entire decade of the 1970s and in that 1980 season opener in which the Bills beat Miami 17-7, Bills fans tore down the goal posts!


    Yes, Ralph Wilson gave Chuck Knox a top ten NFL salary when he hired him, (being desperate as he was at the time ) but this was five years later. In truth, my take is Knox grew tired of Wilson and his overly frugal ways and wanted a way out. 


    Wilson being Wilson, hires Kay Stephenson, Hank Bullough as his next two head coaches. Meanwhile, that ex-Rams scouting director (Pollom)wanted to hire a young scout named Bill Polian.


    Now that the Bills had lost Knox to Seattle and the Bills were losing big time again with back to back 2-14 seasons Bills fans decided they had better things to do on Sunday so the stadium was more than half empty game after game. Wilson was getting desperate again because if things didn't change he knew he would be forced to sell all or part of his beloved team, or move it. Luckily, his GM/VP at that time suffered a serious injury (Terry Bledsoe), so Wilson fired him and promoted Polian to GM. 


    Y'all can thank Bill Polian for talking owner Ralph Wilson into making Jim Kelly the highest paid QB in the league. Jim wanted to be a Raider as Al Davis had sent him on a vacation trip to London with two Raiderettes. Money talks, so Jim signed with Buffalo!  Yes, Kelly didn't want to play for the Buffalo Bills when he was drafted by Buffalo and the weather was only one factor as Kelly noticed that the Bills lost Cousineau to Canada over money. I think Bills owner Ralph Wilson was the bigger reason and Polian not only talked Wilson into paying Kelly, but he also talked him into upgrading the stadium, paying top free agents. Let's not forget the 87 trade for Cornelius Bennett on Halloween that helped turn that defense around. 


    Four straight super bowls! I think you can give a lot of credit to Bill Polian for those runs. Now, let's hope Beane/McD does as well.



    Many who post on TBD have no idea what bad times really are!

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 4 hours ago, cwater10 said:

    Your question may have been best answered by Roger Waters and David Gilmour in 1979


    "I don't need no arms around me

    And I dont need no drugs to calm me.

    I have seen the writing on the wall.

    Don't think I need anything at all.

    No! Don't think I'll need anything at all.

    All in all it was all just bricks in the wall.

    All in all you were all just bricks in the wall."


    It was easily the most dispiriting time ever to be a Bills fan.  The drought of 2000 -2017 was mind numbing mediocrity for the most part.  This was something quite different.  For Baby Boomer Bills fans, the 10 year period from 1976 - 1986, the experience of waking up every day to read the Courier Express, watching a 4 minute local sports report (or 3) every evening, just trying to live the good life of being a Bills fan,  was brutal.  And strangely, it was also wonderful.  It was, as Marv would eventually say, exactly where and when we wanted to be.  It was like a twisted dream that drew on emotions that would have been expected from...  let's say: The Great Depression, Woodstock, and some other horrific historical reference that was so inhumane, that a football metaphor would be completely and irresistibly inappropriate for.  By the time Jim opted for the USFL and declared that being drafted by Buffalo made him cry, it was just another brick in the wall.  Still, it somehow made viscous cosmic sense to Bills fans just like losing that 4th Super Bowl did. 


    In 1976, we came crashing to earth from the euphoric ride of the OJ era.  First OJ held out and demanded to be traded to LA.  Then, on the eve of the opener, he signed with Buffalo once again, and all seemed normal.  We all exhaled that the thrill ride of OJ would continue and at least the offense would keep us on the edge of our seats.  After a 2-2 start, Fergy suffered a broken back somewhere in that haze, and they never won again.  2 -12 in 1976 led directly to 2-12 in 1977.  OJ tore up his knee, and would never again be relevant (until he was again... in ways that we could not believe, until we had to believe it).  Because of prior trades and expansion, those twin 2-12 finishes did not even net us a #1 overall pick.  Instead we drafted Phil Dokes.  Remember him?  If you do, it's just scar tissue.  If you don't, there is good reason. 


    Finally, 1979 brought us a good break and the OJ trade gifted us the #1 pick overall.  After much fanfare, we selected a linebacker, Tom Cousineau from Ohio State.  Cousineau was apparently a role model for future Buffalo highly drafted stars.  He said thanks, but no thanks and opted to sign with the freakin' Montreal Allouettes of the CFL.  Seriously...  we lost the #1 overall pick to the CFL.  Can you imagine the Twitter meltdown if that happened today?  Yep, it was another brick in the wall to feed tortured Bills fans souls.  More hemlock please!


    Somehow the Bills landed on their feet and had a great draft anyway, landing foundational players in Jerry Butler, Fred Smerlas, Jim Haslett, Jeff Nixon and good depth in Rod Kush and Ken "Baby" Johnson.  A pleasant 1979 turnaround to an encouraging 7 - 9 (sound familiar), actually did usher in a brief period of Woodstock like euphoria for Bills fans.  1980 began with breaking the Miami "curse" of the 1970's (0-20).  The curse was every bit as vile in the 70's as "The Drought" was for modern day Bills fans.  Soon the city was all singing "Talking Proud" and players were dancing and partying on field.  Goal posts came down.  Chuck Knox was the football messiah that we had been dreaming of.  With the # 1 defense and Ferguson in a groove, Super Bowl dreams were real, even likely.  And then more bricks....  Fergy with a gruesome ankle injury on the eve on the playoffs followed by an apparent playoff victory in San Diego blown up in shocking and sudden Billsy fashion as Rod Smith (who?) goes like 85 yards with a minute left.  WTF?  Another playoff season followed in 1981.  1982 arrived with promise of more playoff fun, and the Bills started 2-0 after a thrilling come from behind home victory over Minnesota on Thursday night.  Times were good, right.  Look out!  INCOMING BRICKS!


    At that point the NFL Players went on strike for a month or two, and nothing was ever the same for Bills fans.  For added foreshadowing effect, 3 days after that thrilling Bills victory over Minnesota, the beloved Courier Express just went out of business.  The player strike followed a day later.  Bricks everywhere!  When the smoke cleared the Bills were a mess and just tanked the rest of the abbreviated season.  After the season ended in misery, Chuck Knox said "get me outta here" and decided that Seattle would be a nice place to live.  An angry Joe Cribbs would soon decide to spend what seemed like an eternity demanding more money or a trade, while checking in daily with reporters from "his mother's home in Sulligent, Alabama", instead of on the field with The Bills.  He would soon take his talents to Birmingham, Alabama of the USFL.  One last ray of hope was that The Bills had recouped some measure of compensation for the Tom Cousineau debacle in the form of an extra first round pick in the upcoming draft when Cousineau decided that The CFL was not so cool and he wanted back into the NFL.  Buffalo traded his rights to Cleveland for a first.  Yes, Cleveland Rocks!  


    That pick, of course, became Jim Kelly.  A moment of silence to digest the kick in the gut that we all felt when, almost on queue, Kelly turned around and pulled a "Cousineau" and refused to come to town. It really was the final brick in the wall.  1984 brought 2-14.  1985 brought 2-14.  Darcy Regier never imagined this kind of suffering.  


    So, in summary...  for those of you that were not around, don't remember or maybe don't care, this should give you a sense of why we lined the streets in welcome when Kelly finally came to town in 1986.  The 4 Super Bowls that followed were so great and so Buffalo!  I would not have missed a minute of any of this.  


    God bless Tim Russert's soul, and "GO BILLS!"

    Best post "ever" on TBD; many who B word daily on this board have no idea how bad it was back then!!

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  8. During this time period the Bills Front Office had a horrible reputation dealing with players and negotiating contracts. Stew Barber, an All Pro Tackle from the AFL days handled all negotiations and totally dropped the ball losing many - Cousineau, Cribbs, Kelly, and we almost lost Haslett (remember the bumper sticker "Pay Haslett and cut Barber).  Fred Smerlas wrote that Barber resented the raising salaries and the players receiving what be assessed as unreasonable and inflated paychecks for playing football and actually openly displayed his hostility. Not sure if Barber was still in place for the Kelly debacle for Bill Polian slowly turned it around. 

  9. 3 hours ago, AlCowlingsTaxiService said:

    Easy ... I was born outside Chicago.  I grew up in Chicago.  I took the train downtown as a young lad to watch the Bears with my old man.  I've lived in BLo the past 38 years, so yea, I'm a Bills fan first, but I still have a warm place in my heart for Da Bears.  If that's an issue to someone, I would suggest that they are wound just a bit too tightly regarding their fandom


    How can any football fan not enjoy watching "Da Bears"

  10. On 2/19/2019 at 3:51 PM, C.Biscuit97 said:

    That 2014 team would have murdered the 2017 team.  


    Again, they destroyed something they didn’t need to destroy.  We may pay a guy like Tyrell Williams $11 million/ year when we had Woods and Watkins.  They traded for Kelvin Benjamin.  


    I do respect you as a poster but you definitely wear the rose colored glasses (and I do wish I still do in a way).  But it’s such a genius move by them.  Tear down a middle class foundation and then cry poverty.  


    Either way, this is their make or break season.  And I truly hope you’re right.  

    "That 2014 team would have murdered the 2017 team." So what! Those of you who still buy in to the notion that a "tear down" was not needed are the reason this team sucked at everything from 2001 - 2017 - you accepted an almost .500 team and would convince yourself that "next year" was the year. Sixteen years of poor scouting, drafting, FA signings, poor coaching, and no QB (stop with the TT BS, he is finished in the NFL).  Bottom line this franchise was an utter failure with a mediocre culture that played on fans for a long time, keep tearing down and rebuilding - I know you want it and you want it now!  

  11. 2 hours ago, Bill from NYC said:

    I loved the old AFL. It really was great and much more fun than the NFL imo. Therefore, I will generally root for those teams against an NFC Team. None of those teams interest me to the point that I have a strong favorite.


    That said, I was an Alabama Crimson Tide Fan long before I was a Bills Fan. It isn't the same because it doesn't involve the pain of being a Bills Fan, and I'm not even joking. Even during their weak years the Tide managed to sneak in a championship.


    I want to live long enough to see the Bills win a title. My biggest reason is that I want the people on this board that I have known for more than 20 years to feel the happiness that they deserve. I hope that the win will involve Josh Allen throwing a game winning pass like the one Tua threw in 2018. I was up until 3 AM that night in pure bliss. Bills Fans have earned this kind of pure joy.


    PLEASE can we have a strong draft with no stupid mistakes?????!!!!!!!!


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Great post - loved everything about the AFL from the uniforms to Curt Gowdy and the innovation from Hank Stram and Sid Gillman! I still root for the AFC over the NFC!!

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. On 2/28/2019 at 7:28 PM, oldmanfan said:

    No they don't want talent.  They want to win without talent.  That's why they drafted guys like Allen and Edmunds, because they felt they had no talent.


    Why do you hate the Buffalo Bills?

    They made the playoffs two years ago.  They realized to take the next step they had to get a better QB and drafted him.  They knew they had to clear cap space to get better guys and did so.  That was last year.   This is this year.


    Why do you hate the Buffalo Bills, and why continue to comment on a team you hate?


    On 3/1/2019 at 9:37 AM, Straight Hucklebuck said:

    That's the quote Joe B had in his blog: 



    Anyway you dice it, I think the criticism is fair. 


    21 points is a low bar, and 21 points ain't going to cut it against Playoff teams. 


    A threat to score 21 a game is like an NBA team saying they are a threat to score 95 a game. 



    Most ridiculous post ever!

  13. 1 minute ago, Straight Hucklebuck said:

    Schopp and Jeremy White have come to a conclusion about Buffalo sports that I have come to; the standards here are laughably low. 


    For instance, when dubs asked a 3-Part question regarding Sean McDermott’s comments regarding 21 points, I responded with a thought out, thorough answer. 


    My point is admittedly repetitive, but I think it’s the truth, the “free pass” excuses for McDermott and Beane need to stop this season, and competiting for a Wildcard is not a defined, aggressive goal. It’s a lame and  casually written goal. When you have a Coach that goes out of his way to tell you about how he has seen it all, done it all from his time in Carolina and Philadelphia, then three years should be enough to get the Culture and winning method installed. I don’t understand Bills fans who want to hang-back and build in excuses for why winning is not the expectation. 


    We have tried the soft approach, give them time. Buddy Nix said 9 years ago now that the Bills were not that far away (far away from what he never defined), so we lived through him and his chosen successor. But the reality of losing, and ownership changes means you don’t get to see the end of 5-year plans if you are constantly losing.


    I’d argue that McDermott and Beane almost lost this fan base after the 37-5 beating the Colts put on the Bills who were scoring 10.3 ppg at that point in the season. If we’re being told how amazing Josh Allen will be knowing that he will be the QB in OTAs onward, then let’s see it this season, instead of couching expectations in lieu of Year 3 if a 5-year plan based on a Panthers model that made one Super Bowl and lost. 

    Go hang out with Schoop and white, "two intellectual giants," the three of you can have anger contests! The rest of us will enjoy football!

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Straight Hucklebuck said:

    Again, if someone doesn’t agree with your narrative you pour on the shame and personal insults.


    The truth is simple. In Buffalo you have to pretend that winning is right around the corner, and that there is honor watching the futility of both organizations. 


    And if someone does not agree with you, do you pour it on? Sorry dude, like I said in previous posts it's just a game - get over it and enjoy life. Not a personal insult just an observation that your posts suggest you are very angry! For the record I agree with your assessment of the 2000 - 2016 time period, but you just cannot wave a magic wand and fix 16 years of a failed organization; you refuse to give the new management a chance. Henceforth my recommendation of anger management therapy. 

  15. 11 minutes ago, Straight Hucklebuck said:

    How? Because the rest of the league has left the Bills behind.


    For chunks of time between 2000-now the Bills haven’t felt like a real NFL team - From Russ Brandon as GM, to Dick Jauron as Head Coach, to Doug Whaley’s people shouldn’t play football, to our current Head Coach trying to out-culture the league, it has led to a 24 year Playoff win Drought. 


    Due to the Bills out-dated decision making, losing, and constant rules changes, I have cut my consumption of the NFL substantially and have no interest in any other franchise. 


    But I have no issue with other fans looking to smarter, better teams to experience the NFL. To be a fan in Buffalo you have to talk about perpetual 5-year rebuilds and spin 6-10 seasons as “progress”. You have to accept talent equals locker room cancers and that lunchpail is the way to sustained winning.


    The Bills are like the Atkins Diet. When fat people started telling the rest of the world how to lose weight. A historically inept organization, constantly siphoning good-will from a 5-year window from 1989-1994. 


    Jim Kelly endorses this Coach and QB. Buy your season tickets and merchandise today ?.

    Try anger management therapy!

  16. 21 minutes ago, MiltonWaddams said:

     I cannot say that I am a fan of any other team than the Bills in the NFL. However, I do go to Seahawks games annually and I am more interested in watching their games than any other team due to proximity and friendships with many Seahawks fans. But, I would never consider myself a fan of the Seahawks, but if I had to have a second team,  that would be it. The older I get, the more allegiance I find to the Bills. I’m not sure why, but I don’t consider it a character flaw.

    Maybe because it's not a "character flaw!"

    • Like (+1) 2
  17. 29 minutes ago, BarleyNY said:

     I grew up in Cleveland and  have always rooted for the Browns.  They’re my #1.  Great city and fans.  I live in Buffalo now.  Great city and fans.  So I adopted them as my 2nd team. Heat to head I would root for the Bills over the Browns if they had something to gain and the Browns didn’t.  For example, if the Browns were out of the playoff hunt and the Bills were in it.  Otherwise it’s Browns, then Bills, then against some teams - Pats, Steelers, Ravens.  

    Some trivia - during the 1960's, channel 4 - WBEN had the broadcasting rights to the Browns and the Buffalo area seen the Browns home and away every weekend!

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