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Posts posted by Andy1

  1. 7 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:


    Good Lord.  Chicago just elected one last night.  

    There is no cookie cutter absolute version or every communist revolution or movement in history would have worked the same.  

    There are tenets - variations of all the same ideology.  


    The State knows better then you and capitalism sucks.  How far they push that - North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, or Canada - that depends.   

    Lol you must think every industry has to be nationalized and all wealth distributed equally before you say you live under communism.  Lol sure.  

    So is government subsidizing industry is a communist tenet?

  2. Yea Trumps best friends are Putin, rocket man and the Saudi crown prince.  But dems are commies? No logic there. Total projection but they probably don’t understand that either. 

    In my experience, people who scream about communism have no clue what real communism is. They should speak to someone from a communist country to learn something. Everyone I have spoken to laughs at the comparison. Stupid American….

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  3. 6 minutes ago, HamSandwhich said:

    I would call that a budget agenda rather than an official party platform. Platforms are usually big wordy documents describing a longer term vision for the future.

    When they release their budget we will see what their priorities are. Hopefully the House and the Pres can reach compromise without crashing the economy. 

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  4. I don’t know how the trans issue relates to guns. I don’t know anything about trans issues other than people who identify as such should be free to live without harassment or discrimination. I also don’t understand the desire by some to flaunt their sexuality. Drag queens and weekend GI Joe with his AR meet at the parade. Welcome to America today!

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  5. I’ve always viewed guns as tools to harvest food, protect your home or use at the range for target shooting. I have no issue with responsible ownership. Lock them up so kids can’t get them. However, I do not understand the gun culture in this country. People posing their kids with assault weapons is sick. Politicians posing with military weapons like they are some pretend tough guy are morons.  Weekend warriors pretending to be GI Joe are stupid and need a life. The glorification of Kyle Rittenhouse is sick. There is nothing worse in this world than killing another human. It is not something to be celebrated. A political party embracing guns at all costs is bizarre. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Orlando Tim said:

    It must be nice to be 5 years behind the times and pretend you have an original thought. Every school in Florida has an armed officer on campus during the school day. We have one entry point once class starts and only three during entry and exit where an armed officer is at all three. Does it cost some money? Of course, but a 100K a year from a school with a 35 million budget seems reasonable. Literally the math works out to be about $30 per kid per year, of the kids $20k+ expenditures. 

    That’s great to hear that the problem is all solved in FL. May your kids be safe.

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  7. 12 hours ago, Orlando Tim said:

    You have no idea how much money school districts spend, Rochester spends $40K per student. There is plenty of fat in almost every school district to cut without a damage to student situation. Your concern is misguided.

    Ok, I may be a little dense but I’m just trying to imagine how this school good guy with a gun works. Schools now have a resource officer (which is great) but that seems inadequate to deal with the threat we are talking about. So I assume our good guy(s)/gals will be armed with AR-15s, I mean they need to fight fire with fire and shouldn’t be outgunned when their service is called for. Bullet proof vests and combat helmets, Glock on the hip too with plenty of ammo on them. Maybe the ARs can have Hello Kitty stickers on them to not scare the kids. They would train urban assault tactics with the local SWAT team. Frequent training is critical, we want them in shape and sharp when they are needed. This isn’t a job for fat retired mall cops.

    The high school I went to had 2,000 kids with four wings on the building, 2 floors. Since an 18 yr old screwed up kid with an AR can kill 20 people in 30 seconds, reaction time is critical. My school would need at minimum 8 trained guards, one per building wing and floor to watch over the students each and every day. We will need protection at the school during classes and school events like plays, concerts, club activities, volleyball, baseball, etc. Since these events are during off hours or weekends, we’ll need more good guys trained to cover the time slots. 

    School nurses will need annual combat medic training in tourniquets, battlefield wound care, etc. to be prepared for that fateful day. Now it would be stupid for the school to not have adequate insurance to cover the chance of accidental death as a result of the armed good guy who is a school employee. So I would assume their insurance premiums will rise to cover the increased risk. I think that about covers it, but that just keeps the kids safe at school. Or we can do something to limit who gets guns. 

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  8. I still believe Trump loves all this. He loves playing the role of the billionaire victim. He is once again relevant and in the news. His greatest fear is becoming mute and irrelevant. Good news or bad news doesn’t matter to him. 

    The time elapsed since the alleged crime is irrelevant provided the charge is within the scope of the law. Remember Barr and everyone else claiming a sitting President can’t be charged. As far as it never happened before, well Trump intentionally wanted to be unlike prior Presidents. A first is what he is in many ways. It’s the path he has chosen.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Gen Z will grow up to be more and more conservative just like the millennials did. It wasn't too long ago that people were probably saying the same things about millennials but the older you get the more conservative you typically get because you are working hard and you don't want to take 1 step forward and 2 steps back by paying the way of idiots that don't work or people that take advantage of the system and you want the world to be more like the way it was when you were a kid so that your kids can have the same good life

    You may be right, but I think “conservative” 20 yrs from now will be different than what is conservative today. Just as todays Trump brand is different from the Bush brand.I could see a version of conservatism that is somewhat more restrictive on guns. Ideologies of both parties evolve over time. 

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  10. Eventually, as the demographics change, as more horrendous slaughters occur, the  politics will change. At some point in the future , Gen Z will vote in change if politicians don’t act. People in other developed and less developed nations think we are absolutely nuts tolerating this in our society.

    The problem with these guns is their killing power far outlives the lives of, or the desire of, their owner to possess them. They sit in homes for decades, waiting for some tragic event of human error to occur. Taxes on guns and ammo should be used for aggressive gun buy-back programs to get unneeded guns out of society. A lot of other changes can be done too regarding safe storage, background checks, etc too. 

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  11. 16 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

    I'm relieved to see people ready to turn the page on this awful piece of human waste.  Wondering what you all think the likelihood of violence in response to this is.  My feeling is that it's pretty low.

    I think it’s low for mass protest. After J6, I don’t think many rational people want to sacrifice their lives for the orange king. But then there are the irrational true believers. One lone wolf can cause tragedy for many. Unfortunately Trump has and will continue to use incendiary speech to encourage violence. He thrives on this crap.

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  12. 32 minutes ago, Wacka said:

    Rand Paul's aide got seriously stabbed on the streets in DC in broad daylight the other day.  Where is the knife ban. No one needs anything sharper than a butter knife!

    This reasoning ignores the probability of one dying due to the actions of another. Butter knifes are not used in mass killings. Knife laws are stupid and outdated. Why kill with a knife when anyone can get a gun? The discussion is about high powered assault weapons, where if you get shot, your probability of dying is much much greater than from other guns. They are designed for easy carrying and mass killing. 

    We as a society need to decide if we are fine with losing our brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews to preserve the rights of assault weapon owners. Cops don’t want to face off a nut job with assault weapons either. You can’t harden everywhere. Psychos will find a crowd to kill. At minimum, there should be waiting periods and mental checks on buyers. Until then… thoughts and prayers and hope a nut doesn’t find you. 

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  13. 23 hours ago, Chris farley said:

    that last part would be a cost cutter but would also hurt disabled people.

    Legislation can protect those who are truly disabled. With todays economy though, there are many more opportunities for employment for people with disabilities. Lots of people work at home. The goal should be to move people into employment, consistent with their abilities, rather than providing lifetime checks. 

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