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Everything posted by colin

  1. they already have you self righteous loser. you are the little girl getting huffy on a message board, people are trying to have fun celebrating a gutless punk getting what is due to him, and all you can do is snap out at bills fans and use your mouth to sooth the enemy. what's funny is my awesome posts, and what's pathetic is you being a wet blanket even on the internet. if they made viagra for humor even that wouldn't help you.
  2. so i'm a punk for calling the punk brady a punk? you are a useless wimp, you are to being a football fan what a pacifist is to a war. too gutless to throw down, but just oh so willing to sh1t on your own. fan means fanatic, it's a label for people who really love something and live vicariously through a group experience. it's being part of something bigger than one's self. you are no fan, you are a pats* apologist.
  3. i'd give it to the whole D line. stroud is a monster, but williams ripped out 2 sacks, and the whole unit didn't let anyone by. fewel might get it if we are including coaches. dude went head to head with holmgren in the chess game and walked away with it.
  4. lol! that would be too quick. i'll punch you once, pick you up and make you buy me beers all night while i B word about what you did! then you'll have to drive me home, and my directions will be TERRIBLE. shooting you would be too easy.
  5. if Cassel makes the bowl I'm drving to 07054 - Corner of RT80 & RT28 and i'm gonna smack you!
  6. yeah it says i have the balls to say what's true in spite of good guy badge limousine leaders (to coin a phrase) you saying that you're not being sanctimonious but then spewing out this syrupy tripe. brady is a cheating punk, the pats are garbage, their fans are sub human, and this is a good good thing, and long overdue. the blocker, morris, was pulling on the face mask of HERO Pollard number 49 (my only non bills jersey) while he was down. the pats are dirty dirty dirty and this is awesome.
  7. if it's acl and mcl, that's a career folks!! eff him, eff *pats fans, and eff anyone who stands against bills nation in their righteous hate!!
  8. anyone shining up their good guy badge to stick their chest out in bravery defending gaydy needs to check themselves. guy is a punk and punked us last year. he's just getting his.
  9. the jags' oline is a friggen mess. we will be all up in them next week. clevland has a HORRIBLE D. san diego lost their best player on d (merriman was invisible) and O (turner/!!!). titans lost VY. we are gonna win the division!!
  10. i'm excited too! brady lol!! oh, jax lost some linemen, and they gave up a ton of sacks and couldn't block today. our d line will feast on them.
  12. EXACTLY. this guy sh1ts on us, and some light in the loafers posters are tripping over themselves to nurse him back to health. IF YOU CAN'T TAKE HATING THOSE WHO HATE US, JOIN THE PEACE CORPS AND SING SHOWTUNES.
  13. don't fret, he remembers a better america, when his shiny good guy badge would turn water to wine, and jesus himself made personal appearances in mexican food stores and car washes all over the nation.
  14. DAMS STRAIGHT. the bills fans who aren't willing to take this all the way are a little too squishy for my taste!
  15. i hope we run up 70 on them and shady brady comes back and has his leg shattered in 22 places and is forced to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of his life. 12 months, until the aids kills him.
  16. you're a lot of fun. smart, handsome, and fun, the trifecta of awesomeness!!!
  17. oh, and that's how the pats will look this year on D too.
  18. goes to show you can't just say TEH BIG LINEMENZ IS TEH WINZ because how your entire D plays together and compliments each other is important. oh, and secondary counts. witness our D today vs the browns, if a guy gets 2 yards from the pile in the middle of the LOS for dallas, he goes for a first down, due to the browns poopy D. just thought i'd share.
  19. the pats and especially brady are dirty cheating punks. he knew everyone's plays and that's why he looked good. the pats are punks AND PUNKS JUMP UP TO GET BEAT DOWN!!!
  20. lol, what name did you post under?
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