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Offside Number 76

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Posts posted by Offside Number 76

  1. Pressure was there, but our coverage was weak at times. Specifically Gilmore.


    They had a lot of calls with Gilmore not pressing the WR, which is confusing to me, because that's his strength, no?


    He was a mess.


    It sure seems like Gilmore has digressed. He was beat like a cheap drum all day long.



  2. I like Chandler, and we all know his "signature" TD catch (BTW, why can't the Bills run that play when they're not on the goal line?), but he dropped twice today and, of course, had the game-losing fumble.


    I'm about done with Johnson, thanks to the analysis and encouragement of friends who pointed out his body of work lately, but why Chandler is immune, I have no idea.


    He's the one who lost the game today.


    PS: Mods, if this is elsewhere, please feel free to merge; I did not see anything about Chandler on the first page.

  3. 1) While we are all hopeful, to call this game "pivotal" is a bit of stretch.

    2) NFC games at RWS historically sell badly no matter what time of year. The combo of being Dec, being 4-7 and playing a dull NFC team is a triple whammy.


    My point is just that for all the complaining about the game being in Toronto, many Bills fans wouldn't have gone anyway.




    It's also Thanksgiving weekend. I'd imagine that a lot of the Buffalo diaspora would have extended their trip home for an extra day to go to the game.

  4. Might the Bills finally be good enough to go BPA in the first round and fill needs (TE being one) later? I think they could be there, or at least close.


    (And if they draft sixth--which I don't think will end up being the case--and if a QB is BPA, time to trade that pick!)

  5. The other issue. Who says the head coach should be in charge of in game management?


    In every other way, the head coach acts like a CEO and delegates to others. Why shouldn't it be the same with game day management? He should have more important things to handle during the game than running numbers and doing the math on whether to go for 2 or punt from the 40.


    He should have some general guidelines before the game and then let a strategy coach make all the game day calls. The head coach would basically only have veto power.


    I like it.

  6. Sorry, even then there has to be just cause. Sure they can do it, and they can successfully be sued too!





    Employers and employees are free to hire/fire/quit at will. I'm shocked that this comes as a surprise to you. You've never heard stories of people getting canned for inappropriate conduct on social media or while outside of work? DUI's alone have cost many people their jobs, even though it in no way affects their work performance.


    There doesn't even have to be inappropriate conduct.


    Realistically as long as it's not race, religion etc you can be fired for wearing an orange shirt when your boss wanted you dressed in green. No lawsuit, case closed, pack up your desk, goodbye.




    Most states are employment-at-will states which means the employer may terminate any employee at any time, for any reason, or for no reason. As a general rule, therefore, the employee has no right to challenge the termination. There are a few very limited exceptions. Also, federal law protects employees from discrimination because of age, race, sex, religion, national origin or handicap.



    Add sexual orientation to that list, in this state.


    Unless you are part of a union or if there is something in your employment contract that places limits on reasons for termination, you can be terminated for practically any reason . That's what "employed at will means" . There are some exceptions (e.g., discrimination that is forbidden by law ). Being drunk and stupid at a football game is not one of the exceptions.


    Correct. You also can quit for any reason.


    Not quite always true. Employers have the right to fire employees for just cause, meaning there was a good reason to fire you. But if you were fired without just cause, you have the right to advance notice, or severance pay if you don't get notice. If the employer doesn't give you notice or pay, it's called a wrongful dismissal.


    However NY is a fire at-will state so assuming this guy works in NY, then his employer is free to fire him for being a dumbass,


    It is an at-will employment state, not a fire-at-will state, like most of the country. It means that absent a contract, an employee can quit or be terminated for good cause or for no cause. Discrimination laws still apply.


    Seems like some labor lawyers side with the company, citing NY law.




    “Under the at-will doctrine, they have the right to terminate an employee for any reason as long as it’s not something protected under the law,” he said. “So if he was engaged in conduct outside of the workplace which they believed reflected negatively on them, they have every right to do that.”


    Or if he stayed inside that day and was engaged in no conduct at all. He could have been fired just because someone else was in a bad mood that day (not that EMA is that type of place).


    Source: I do this for a living.

  7. Guys, none of you are perfect, and none of you have never made a mistake.


    I really hope they are both ok. These guys are human beings. How you can be so flippant about someone who possibly could have lost their legs?


    I'll say a prayer for both guys. One may have been stupid drinking too much or not. That is a leap.


    What if it were your son who was drunk as a dingbat at 19 yrs old? You'd be fine with him as a paraplegic for the rest of his life? If you answer honestly, you know you would not be ok with it. I'd love to hear from a guy who would be really happy with his boy being in a wheelchair for the rest of his life even if he was stupid. If you respond your fine with it, your lying!


    Of course we feel even worse for someone in the second level who might have been the recipient, but don't be so flippent on this issue. It is very superficial.


    I hope they are both ok, and if the guy abive was drunk, and we don't know that, I hope he learned a lesson and is ok.


    I was really disgusted by some of these responses. I guess I'm wrong for actually thinking this through. It doesn't mean I don't have a problem with consequences, but a paraplegic?


    Best post in the thread, even (and maybe even especially) after the video came out.

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