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Offside Number 76

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Posts posted by Offside Number 76

  1. A lot of people have called Obama the enemy, or worse, because of his politics. Hank may have gone a little overboard, but the least ESPN could have done was warned him first. Oh, well, what's done is done.


    With respect to Kluwe, I respect his right to be an advocate for whatever cause he wants to support; however, I also respect the ST coach's right to be a bigot. Neither is illegal. However, if Kluwe alleges his release was due to his activism, he has no hard proof. Also, he has no hard proof that the coach said what he alleges. The only place this could play out is in the court of public opinion.


    He also has no reason to lie. In fact, if he wants an NFL job, his best play was to stay quiet about it, and not to bring it up.

  2. The NFL is losing touch with local fan bases as this is the downside to big money buying season tix and boxes. The average family is hard pressed to cough up the funds it takes to attend games. People probably assume the game will sell out and would rather see it on tv.


    The "losing touch" extends beyond pricing. The restrictions on what can go in and out of a stadium are ridiculous. -2, and I have to worry about whether my handwarmer is allowed? Is my belt buckle within the size limitations? Oh, I can't bring in a heated seat cushion? The stadium experience isn't wonderful, either, when your ears are assaulted with generic music in between every play, etc. There are lots of reasons to stay away, unfortunately.

  3. Cornerback is arguably the hardest position for us as fans to judge. He could keep his man shutdown like he did all game yesterday but when he allows one big play like the one to Hartline everyone is up in arms saying he's a bust or he wasn't worth the pick. Give me a break, his game is going to skyrocket next year.


    Exactly. Unless you're at the game (or watching all-22 afterward) and focusing on one man, like the poster above, the only times you will notice a corner is when there's a big play (either favorable or unfavorable).

  4. They're not football guys so don't expect any kind of in depth analysis or insight. Even though he was an arrogant dick at least Dickerson gave some insight. Worse, you have skeletor lookalike Buscaglia who is the ""expert" who has no insight, no access and basic fan level analysis.


    Whats more entertaining is listening to Dope and Dog try to make the Sabers sound interesting and relevant.


    If you want to hear some amazing insight and analysis, listen to Kelso!


    So funny how everyone has different tastes. I was in the car for most of the game today, and all I could think was how much I couldn't stand Kelso.

  5. They actually used to play two or even three games a year at Milwaukee County Stadium until 1994. I think they are the precedent for what Buffalo is trying to do in Toronto. Green Bay needed to make its fan base regional...and, in particular, they wanted to solidify the Milwaukee fan base, since MIlwaukee is just as close to Chicago.


    Yep. And there never was any ridicule about it. Of course, there wasn't an Internet for most of that time, and Milwaukee isn't in another country, but I think you & I are on the same page here.

  6. oh please there are so many other factors that play a role in a win or loss. when you lose your home crowd, uh yea, it matters and ANY player of ANY sport will tell you that it's night and day.


    you can nitpick those two fumbles if you'd like and ignore that bigger picture that the Bills are at a clear disadvantage when they play up there, if that's what floats you boat.


    some players have openly express they discontent with the toronto series as well as fans.


    more games against teams coming off a bye or a thurs game and one less home game a year. all disadvantages. the FO is not putting this team in an environment to win. plain and simple.

    wouldn't have needed those plays in RWS....we would have been taking a knee....


    I didn't nitpick the two fumbles. How about blowing that lead and the momentum (as mentioned in my original post) in a stadium that, from my TV, seemed to be cheering for Buffalo? This loss is not on the stadium.

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