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Offside Number 76

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Posts posted by Offside Number 76

  1. I can't stand how they pick Super Bowl venues.


    The league ought to reward the cities which add the most value to the league-- ie, winning teams, revenue generating teams. Reward those cities with the revenue boom of a Super Bowl because they are the ones that are most effectively adding value to the NFL's product.


    For example, the Super Bowl winning team (Seattle) should get to host next year (or in 2 years, if you need more planning).


    What are they going to do when Green Bay, or Buffalo, or Kansas City, or other locales that obviously lack the necessary infrastructure, win? Is Green Bay supposed to get 2000 taxis just for one weekend?

  2. if you haven't tried it, how the hell can you make any rational argument against it?


    you can't.


    I've more that tried it. Well over 100 times. Mostly in my 20s, but even once or twice in my 30s.


    I don't like it (at this age), for myself.


    I think it should be legal, but that doesn't really matter for this discussion.


    I don't think the NFL should waste its time with it; that's what matters. It's silly to be busting players for grass.


    How's that?

  3. According to the federal government marijuana is a Schedule I substance, thus it can never be "prescribed" by a physician. And since the DEA governments every physician's ability to prescribe controlled substances, it's not likely going to be violated by any doctor in any state. To get around this, in some states, medicinal marijuana can only be "recommended". I can't possibly see the NFL going against the federal government due to its anti-trust status, regardless of what state a team plays in.

    No but they can reduce penalties for violations.


    PTR, it goes even further: They can eliminate penalties for violations, or even eliminate it as a violation to begin with. kas23, It's not "going against the federal government" because it is not the NFL's job to enforce federal laws. The NFL doesn't have to do any drug testing; it chooses to.

  4. Hockey Hotline.

    Thank god. Need to hear about hockey on the most important day of the year in the NFL.


    How many mock drafts do you need? There are hockey playoffs going on. I'm sure if the Bills make a trade, they will break in. Other than that, just what do you expect to be said between ten and noon that wasn't said between six and ten or won't be said between noon and eight?

  5. Guys $44 million, to ruin and pussify the game we love?


    For those of you justifying it by comparing it to other CEO's, don't you find it obscene that they make this much money as well?


    To me, it seems excessive as he is running a company that doesn't pay taxes and demands that taxpayers fork out billions of dollars for new stadiums. Furthermore, he encourages people to keep coming to stadia where the rate of ticket prices has been inflating at a significantly higher rate than the cost of living. If you got word than any government employee got $44 million last year, you'd be ready to torch city hall, Albany, or DC. How is it not any different considering the amount of public funding that is financing his salary?


    On your first point, sure, but we live in a deregulated capitalist economy. That's how it works. There are other systems out there, but most people would deem them to be too "liberal" or "Euro."


    On your second, it's old news that big companies find a way to avoid paying federal corporate income taxes while simultaneously demanding infrastructure, property tax and state tax breaks, etc. E.g., Apple.


    We can torch and pitchfork Harvey Weinstein, Dr. Dre, and Alex Rodriguez, too, I suppose, but in our system, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you're able to convince others to pay you.

  6. 1. Your comment regarding Sam is just so, so stupid and hateful. You are now the inaugural member of my ignore list.


    2. You could have started an interesting discussion on whether Goodell does enough to control players, or whether there is a criminal subculture in the NFL. You didn't.


    3. What do you think CEOs of billion-dollar companies make? Yes, it's more than the President.


    EDIT: punctuation.

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