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Since 1972

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Posts posted by Since 1972

  1. O look another post where we prepare to run Mario out of town


    Ok, we get it. You think some are on a crusade to run a player off( Do fans really have that power? ) So you start your own crusade to point out the other crusade. Hmmm, seems like a vicious cycle.


    Alright great plan. Now who are you going to bring in thats better?


    Youre mad at Buddy Nix for going out and getting the best defensive player in FA,. The one everyone on this board wanted? Youre mad at him for taking a DT in the top 5. You're mad at him for rebuilding the lines?


    I am amazed at the talent that was brought here in the past 3 years. I wont blame Buddy Nix for whats happening with this team. I cant. Cutting and releasing guys is no way to attract FAs or get better


    If we cut him this board would call the FO incompetent. Great plan.

    Ahh yes wash rinse and repeat. Fewell and Gilbride are terrible coaches right? Those super bowl rings suck right? Im pissed too this team should be sooooo much better. I want to see Gailey turn this around and I want to see improvement, I dont like the idea of starting over. It hasnt worked lately for us and i dont know who we will bring in thats better. Cowher isnt coming here


    If not Nix, who do you blame for what's going on with this "amazingly talented" team?


    You seem against any idea that change (player/coaching/F.O)could in any way help. So what's the plan to improve? Just keep


    doing the same thing with the same people and expect a different result?

  2. then why didn't New England, Seattle, Miami or Philly eat them up ?





    "Watching the Bills play the Patriots was like watching a middle school team play a high school team. The two teams had no business being on the same field. A trip to the playoffs would be rather pointless when you know--not think, but know--that in the postseason the Bills would get destroyed by the first real team they faced. In order to change that equation, the Bills should tank the rest of the season, and draft the best possible QB they can lay their hands on. If that means trading up, so be it. Any remaining draft picks could be used to improve the defense. "


    and yet New England didnt take the lead until 11 minutes were left in the game


    If only games were 49 minutes long...Damn.

  3. It all started with the holding call on Pears, then the terrible play call and INT, then the failure to blitz Hasselbeck on the final series. Up until that we were going to win.

    But overall I can't begin to fathom what is going wrong with the Bills. They are getting worse. Is Chan an alky? Is Dareus still busted up over his brother? Did David Lee make Fitz even worse than before? Is Mario's performance dragging everyone down? How did Wanny get the rep as a good DC?




    Wow, things must be really bad!


    Leading up to the season, I can recall you sarcastically asking more than one poster, "what makes you think this team has gotten worse?" when they predicted less than 6 wins for the 2012 Bills.

  4. Everyone is hating on the Bills right now, and mostly Fitz.. Didn't Fitz give buffalo atleast a chance to Beat the pats, we were up by 21 points for christ sakes, and if Spiller didn't fumble on the one yard line we would have been up by 28..If you are up by 21 points in the middle of the 3rd qtr and get beat then that is on your defense not your QB.! I'm tired of people saying they love the Bills then bash every player they can and coaches.. They lost the games WE KNEW THEY WOULD...If those games were closer people wouldn't be bashing them.. I think Fitz did a good job managing the game yesterday, remember he has a patch work O-Line, and no #2 receiver..Jones is not a #2 receiver in the NFL... And Grahmn is no David nelson.. I wish Nelson never got hurt, but it is what it is, we have one receiver on this team and it's johnson.. Does Fitz miss throws..? Yes he does, so does every other QB...! Lets see where the season takes us and stop bitching, Tevarese Jackson is not going to come in and be the next NFL MVP people, there is a reason he was traded..


    Ok,but why was he traded FOR?

  5. :huh:

    Dick Jauron was 11-6 over 2007-2008, including stretches of 6-2 and 5-1. I guess he's good too.



    Well one thing is for sure, Dick Jauron knows defense better than Nix or Gailey, which is no surprise. Nix and Gailey destroyed a decent defense in record time when they took over.


    My question is which is worse, the Bills offenses under Jauron or their defenses under Gailey?


    And which trademark catch phrase is worse:

    "If I had the answer I would have already solved the problem. I don't have the answer"- Chan Gailey.


    "It's hard to win in the NFL"- Dick Jauron


    This ^

  6. I don't understand how you can be a big enough fan to stalk these boards during the week, but not watch on Sundays. No matter how they are doing, I couldn't find a more enjoyable 4 hours during this time of year. Food, beer, and buffalo bills football is a great combination


    I have always seemed to notice that the food and beer taste better when the Bills win. But, that's just me I guess?

  7. We had a great time as well. Didn't know about the pre pay parking system they had there so we had to tailgate out in the dirt. We managed to find Bills fans to park with though. We sat 4 rows up from the goal line (to low for my liking) and the niner fans around us were great. We left with about 8 minutes left and being we sat so low, it was the longest walk of my life up the stairs to get out of that place.

    One positive from the game was I thought the Bills road uni's looked very nice.


    Really?..are you sure it wasn't the vertigo?

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