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Since 1972

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Posts posted by Since 1972

  1. This is the most pathetic bunch of losers I've seen play. I'm only 32 so I can't suffer the pain some of you felt in the 70s. The qb is just not good enough. The defense is putrid. Worst of all the coaching staff is completely inept. I was laughing by the 3rd quarter.


    That said, I'll be watching next Sunday and every Sunday there is Bills football. Suck it up you wimps.


    I assume you are referring to the tasty product of winning football the Bills organizaqtion has been offering fans for the last 12+ years?


    Mmm,Mmm, Good!

  2. Hopefully nothing, if they win - although if one looks hard enough, I suppose one can always something to whine about.


    One does NOT have to look hard to find things to complain ( I know you prefer the term whine) about when it come to OUR 2012 Buffalo Bills

  3. You don't understand how Vegas odds are formed, do you?


    It's hardly scientific. in short, it's far more pop-oriented. Put another way, it's done similarly to the way many fans supported Nix, Gailey, Wannstedt, George Cortez (Gailey's choice), now David Lee to replace Cortez to help fix Fitz, etc., with most people simply running on opinions without looking at any facts.


    As Marx once said, repeat a lie often enough and eventually it becomes the truth. That's how it works in Buffalo. The FO will pony up the next pudding pop of a GM and HC and everyone will fall all over themselves digging the microscopic hints of success from the mound of **** that's sitting in front of them and bolster those as if they were top notch credentials.


    Meanwhile, all the fans will go "MMMM, Yummy, thank you sir, may we have another!"


    Then of course it once again eventually becomes wash/rinse/repeat time.


    That's how Vegas works. Most people research games about as much as anyone here researches blind dates.


    it's more like a pop-belief more than anything scientific. Kind of like one of those stooge talking heads like Cowher, insists that we're going to win the Super Bowl five games into the season like he did a few years back. That's why Vegas is often easy to beat in sports for those that do their homework.


    I'm sorry you had a bad blind date.

  4. Wow. Just wow. With 11 regular season games to be played, I cannot fathom such despondancy.


    No doubt folks are in much better spirits after a win, but I can only surmise that the near-suicidal tendencies being displayed after consecutive, embarrassing, blow-out losses just reinforces how passionate Bills' fans are about their team.


    Sure, we sucked the last two weeks - and sure, we not only sucked...we sucked really, really bad - but I am of the strong opinion that this board will have a completely different tone next Monday.


    Possible QB questions for the Cardinals (Skeleton is healthy and practicing) - plus facing "the lowly Bills", at home, after a long week, with the idea of traveling to Minnesota to face the Viking the following week looming in the back their minds - all could add up to a stunning upset by the Bills.



    I'm thinking that a week back in his home town helps Fitz get his head screwed back on straight...



    Buffalo Bills - 58

    Arizona Cardinals - 0




    As for any talk of relocation, the Buffalo Bills will be playing their home games here in WNY long after we are all food for worms.



    GO BILLSSS!!!!


    16 and 3 baby!!!!! :beer:




    Wow...something besides 19-0. 18-1. 17-2, 16-3



    I'll have to take your prediction of a 'Stunning upset" with a grain of salt, the same as I did with those that thought the Bills would "upset" the niners.

  5. In this hypothetical situation, it would depend what the matchup was, and where it was played.


    There are so many variables, but...


    If we were playing at the Patriots, them as the 4 us as the 6, I would imagine the line would be 4.5 in the pats favor, because it's a divisional game, and vegas hates divisional games in the playoffs.


    if we were at the texans, i bet it would be closer to an 8 or a 9, because historically, good teams do better against the bills with more tape on fitzy and more knowledge of gaileys "tricks"


    if it was at the broncos/ravens/chargers/steelers i would reckon the line would be somewhere between 5 and 7, because we dont play them much, if ever, have played each of those teams close in the last year or 2, and home teams always have about that line in a wild card weekend.


    How many times does one need to see badly thrown balls and what are these "tricks" you speak of?

  6. Las freaking Vegas.


    The whining, the crying, the pissing and moaning that the wheels have completely fallen off and the team is 11 games away from becoming the Los Angeles Bills has reached fever pitch here.


    Much like women in an Aboriginal tribe who have locked into the same menstrual cycle, twobillsdrive.com is an overwhelming display of vaginal and hormonal imbalance.


    But for the people out west who rig the game, pay off the refs, and pressure Goodell into destroying video tapes that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the game is controlled by factors other than blood, sweat and tears from these proud gladiators on the field (see: spygate,) they see the rest of the season playing out like this:


    In order of odds win the American Football Conference:

    1) Texans

    2) Patriots

    3) Ravens

    4) Chargers/Broncos

    5/6) Steelers, Chargers/Broncos

    7) Buffalo Bills,Miami Dolphins,New York Jets,Cincinnati Bengals


    So the Vegas money, RIGHT NOW, the morning when most of you woke up ready to call direct tv to cancel your Sunday ticket, has the bills as a not very profitable prop bet to get a wildcard.


    i repeat: if you go to las vegas and try to place a prop bet at one of the casinos on the Bills getting a 6 seed, you would get essentially a push bet.


    Meaning Vegas, who's business it is to be right about these things... literally, it is their source of profit... thinks it's a safe bet the Bills will contend for a wild card spot.


    I want you to think about that for awhile, before you respond with the "big whoop, that doesnt mean anything."


    Because if you've ever gambled before... you would know... it means EVERYTHING.


    no offense... actually, i dont care if I offend you... vegas is right about professional football a HELL of a lot more than ANYONE ive ever seen predict ANYTHING 3 months out on this board. If they werent, you would be the billionaire building hotels in the middle of the desert - not them.


    So... go ahead and flame away, and talk about how bad our defense is, and how my head is up my ass, and on and on and on. Every gambler knows, its the emotional ones who make stupid bets - like bills fans. But the house money is on the Bills to be RIGHT THERE in week 17 for a wild card spot.


    Wonder what the "vegas odds" will be on the Bills to advance in the playoffs?

  7. I don't believe in curses but the Bills, the city and the fan base sure seem like they are cursed. Remember the 250+ page thread when Mario Williams signed? Who but the usual negative trolls thought that was a bad move? How many "Sign Wanny!" threads were there? How many national media people thought the Bills were going to be good? Our optimism wasn't unfounded.


    And yet here we are. It's inexplicable. Maybe there is something to "The Secret", only in reverse. The more that goes right for the Bills, the more people expect something horrible to happen....and then does.




    Self-fulfilling prophecy?

  8. Right on.


    The whining, crying and suicide threats on this board the day the Bills do leave town (God forbid) will be beyond description. To be fair, though, I'm sure a lot of that talk is from extremely aggravated and depressed fans. I'll give the benefit of the doubt that no one 'round here wants the Bills to disappear for good.


    This was a winning franchise before and it will be again.


    Any idea when that will happen?

  9. Hard to relate to this thread because I haven't read the book necessary to participate..."Things Losers Say".


    I mean seriously, who really cares about a soft schedule? I could care less about beating bad teams. I have watched this team beat bad teams and get crushed by good ones for WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long. It just further develops the pussification of this team and fan base to scrub the schedule for soft spots to somehow find some wins. F That! When is this damn team going to be a team that we can look at games on the schedule against other winning teams and be like we can and SHOULD win that game?


    I mean you guys are looking a teams who are at or below .500 and still cant decide if we will get a win... that's how pathetic we have shown up in 2 key divisional games. This thread reminds of those people growing up who play video games and use the exploits or cheat codes because they are not good enough to play on their own. You guys are looking for soft spots on the schedule to manipulate that into hope...hope for what? A playoff berth where a good team would destroy us?


    If we can not beat winning teams, then I don't care about the playoffs. I don't want to play the bottom of the barrel in the league just so we can get some false hope with some easy wins to be able to just say we made the playoffs. I want to play the good teams and I want to beat the good teams. I want this team to go into the playoffs and be a team that can do something about it when they get there. I want to be a team that we can believe in week in and week out against all competition rather than a team that when they travel to SF the conversation doesn't become "Man, I hope we can just make it competitive rather than another blowout".


    People always ask me how I can still be a Bills fan, especially since I have never even been to Buffalo and grew up in CA. My answer is always simple...right about the time in the season where the Bills prove they still suck, NBA season begins and I have my Lakers and their 16 titles to cheer me up, especially since the Lakers frequently play on Sundays after the Bills games. I am still waiting for the day where the product on the field stops people from asking me this stupid question.



    No edit required!


    I hear ya Alpha. We have some common experiences, as I too grew up in CA (northern part) never been to NY. I am also a Lakers


    fan...really looking forward to see the NEW team with Nash and Howard.


    Back to your post. I agree completely. As for those SB winning Giants that went on that streak, didn't they have the advantage of


    having a journey level QB, what was his name again?

  10. Everyone plays hurt, stop trying to justify his lack of production. He should have at least 5Qb pressures and a sack a game. A guy with his past talent and ability this is ridiculous. The scheme is terrible, granted they could throw a blitz in Marios direction to free up a miss match or force a blown assignemnt, the guy is severly lacking confidence. Until we drop the Vanilla defense and grab our balls and throw some blitzes at the opposing offenses we will only beat the subpar coached teams and talent. Hate to break it to you guys but we are sub par as well. That is why sneaking a wildcard is our best option. We don't have the coaching or the talent to match up witht he better teams.


    What's the point of "sneaking a wildcard" when they (Bills) don't have the enough coaching or talent to hope to match up?

  11. probably. big bounce back effort-wise I would predict... i would be totally shocked if they are healthy during the game but lay down and get crushed... not happening. Alex Smith is a nice player but not brady


    I can't decide if you think the Bills will win or keep game "respectable", but still lose?

  12. I don't know. You seemed butt-hurt by my comment.




    "I don't know"...Classic. If you are not a politician, please consider becoming invovled in such endeavours.


    I can actually picture you, in your robot attire, giving the keynote address @ the 2020 RNC.


    One piece of advice, if I may , keep phrases such as, "butt-hurt" on the downlow as soundbites such as that can be problematic.

  13. I believe coming into the season, he was 3rd in the league in sacks/ game. He also was supposed to be pretty stout against the run. And not a guy who needs the rah rah BS, but it would be nice to see a little more fire in Mario. A guy who is built like that with his physical tools should never be able to be blocked one on one.


    Did I hear MW was blocked 1-1, sixty-five out of sixty-nine times by the pats?

  14. You could have saved 29 more words and not posted at all. Why bother following the team if you're outlook is so bleak?


    Maybe his outlook seems so bleak because he is a fan.


    Funny story. Who could have thought that optimism could be a negative quality! If we are looking for a silver lining (Other than being 2 and 2 and tied for the division lead). At least were not Cubs fans. No. Seriously. At least were not the Cubs. That's 100 years without a championship!


    Good Times.


    I am. Guess the ole saying...Misery loves company is true after all.

  15. I'm just sick of reading week after week the same people post that they are fed up with this team. You're all just full of crap. If you were really so fed up I wouldn't have to read the same old posts over and over and over again. Move on, like another team, stop watching football, whatever, I don't care, stop posting the same thing every single week.


    Yes, the Bills have looked terrible in two games this year, yes they have stunk for over 10 years, yes it's going to, most likely, continue. Either get over it or move on. Your act is very, very tired.


    I'm not fed up. I enjoy the misery 12 years of losing brings.

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