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Since 1972

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Posts posted by Since 1972

  1. Dude, do you believe any single person on this board puts football before their family? That the only time you will have to Christmas shop is November 11th?????


    You spend a good part of your day posting to a freaking Bills message board for Gods sake..do some internet shopping instead. If you and your wife really only have a few hours alone over the next 45 days as you imply, i sure as chit hope you can do something better with it than spend more time In a retail store!


    Stop with the holier than thou crap insinuating people here care more about football and that you will show us the way to father of the year awards.


    And man, that was some great entertainment for 3 hours!




    Except I wasn't that entertained. I just knew the Bills would find a way to lose

  2. 31 points on the road and almost 500 yards of offense. Fred and Spiller both had over 100 yards total. We also lost a fumble on the one yard line. Not sure what else you want from the offense. The defense continues giving up 40 points a game, it wont matter what we do.


    The biggest problem against the texans was we didnt get in the endzone. We moved the ball up and down the field on them.


    Well, I want an offense that when given the opprtunity to win the game,to do so...This offense had that opportunity and failed!!

  3. I already answered you in another thread

    avoiding the doom and gloomer reasoning


    I see no reason why the Bills can't win 4 if not all of the 5 remaining home games - Miami, Jax, Rams and the NYETS. Seattle could be a Bills W up in Toronto. The road games are Miami and Indy - again both winnable for Buffalo.


    Sorry, I work for the Redundancy Department of Redundancy.


    Maybe it had something to do with you reiterrating your predictions.


    So really you see 7 wins, not just 4 or 5? Man. I wish I could throw reason out the window and have blind faith.

  4. For all you LOSERS that want to cash it in - LEAVE NOW!!!



    Given a L this Sunday it would put them @ 3 - 6 ..... with a lot of winnable games left - they could get to 8-8, 9 - 7 or even 10 - 6. There will be only 2 road * games left on the schedule. It aint over til its over NEVER give up.


    Nov. 15 Miami 8:20

    Nov. 25 @ Indianapolis 1:00

    Dec. 2 Jacksonville 1:00

    Dec. 9 St. Louis 1:00

    Dec. 16 Seattle* 4:05 - In Toronto

    Dec. 23 @ Miami 1:00

    Dec. 30 NY Jets 1:00



    My pre season prediction(s) - the Bills have lost to 1 team that I didn't expect them to lose to and that was Tenny.


    so far 10 - 6 is still a probability



  5. Well if one victory over the Pats is so meaningless why even play the games? I prefer to savor the memory of the Pats choking a 21-point lead and slowly sticking it to Belichick at the end.




    One victory over "anybody" is meaningless, is it not? The idea is to get multiple victories( double digit) over a host of teams.


    The latter seems, as usual, doubtful. The Bills are the proverbial "blind squirrle" they happen to get their nut on that "victory" day.


    Just keep that memory on a loop.

  6. Given our schedule down the stretch I don't think 8-8 is unrealistic. Sure, we'd almost certainly miss the playoffs, but at this point I'd be happy not to have a losing record. Plus, it's not like the only elite players are in the top 5 picks. And if the staff really thinks G-No or Barkley is the man they can trade up. But this years QB crop is more like 2011 with a lot of good prospects but only a few teams likely to take a QB that high this time around.


    If only we can get to.500...how sad :cry:

  7. I agree completely. Another point-- Gailey does a great job using the pass to set up the run. We saw this more often last year, where he'd run a lot more shotgun draws, etc., but we've seen it at times this year, as well. Query whether we'd be as good running the ball if we just lined up and tried to do it against 7, 8-man fronts.


    It's almost like people have blacked out the entire Jauron era. The offense we have now is about a million times better. They are very effective in the redzone. Some more consistent play by the players and Gailey will start looking a lot better again.


    I know it's just the offense, but if it is, as you say, "a million times better" shouldn't the team be able to surpass Jauron's winning percentage?

  8. So who's going to the game? We will be there, Section 203 . Getting in early Saturday morning.


    I have a group of 3 couples..one couple are Pats fans, the other couple just going for the party. We are arranging for a private walking tour Saturday afternoon, non freedom trail,...wanted to see if anyone else wanted to join our group. Prooly looking at a combination of Downtown, Back Bay, North End, Beacon Hill or something along those lines.


    We are staying at W near Boston Commons, so assume we will start in the Park or close to it.


    BTW, we always take train from South Station to the stadium, good way to get there and back from Downtown for only $15 round trip.


    And for once, it will be a miserable train ride for all the knucklehead Pats fans, and the few Bills fans will be rocking that train all the way back to downtown


    Still expecting those four extra games , huh?


    I'll be thinking of you on your "rockin ride" after the Bills put on their display.

  9. the patriots haven't won a regular season game against a team with a winning record since december 2010.


    they. suck.


    it doesnt matter if they made the super bowl last year, they got tebows broncos in round 2, and smoked by the ravens in the conference championship--yet somehow they won.


    in 2010, the last time they beat a team in the regular season with a winning record, they got beat handily by the jets in the playoffs.


    the year before THAT, they got steamrolled by the ravens in the wild card round.


    tom brady is every bit of 36 years old. he is slow, scared, and losing his accuracy in the pocket.


    you can say "THATS NOT TRUE," all you want, but i bet the only patriots game you've watched this year has been their win over us, no?


    they SHOULD have lost to the jets, and we COULD have beat them if cj didnt fumble that ball away.


    dont get so caught up in the fact that they hung 50 on us. we dominated them for a half, they dominated us for a half.


    whats their quality win this season? beating the RAMS??


    this prediction has less to do with the faith i have in the bills (which is little,) and more to do with the fact that the patriots are a not-very good team, that people on here have been absolutely conditioned to think is unbeatable. the cardinals beat them. IN FOXBORO!


    the patriots could just as easily be 4-4, had they lost to the jets, like we could be 4-4, had we beat the titans. 2 VERY close games, that happened to swing in their favor, and against us, respectively.


    we are VERY VERY VERY close to them, as much as you dont want to believe it. i mean... the texans are by far and away better than the patriots, and its not even close. and we hung with the texans.


    look-all im saying is, i knew we would lose to houston - we all did. i even had a bad feeling about that tennessee game. but this patriots game? 2 healthy running backs, fitz has had 2 good games in a row (as much as it pains me to say that,) mario is healthy, our o-line is healthy.


    we shock the world this weekend. not fanboy optimism, just telling it like it is.


    we matchup well with them, and were going to do it this weekend.


    The Bills accounted for a good # of those, "less than winning records" wins for the Patriots since 2010.


    The Bills get one opportunity to beat the Patriots every year IN FOXBORO. When was the last time they did?


    The Bills dominated for a half and finished with 28 points...The Patriots dominated for a hale and finished with 52 points.

    Which half would you prefer?

  10. Im not going to up this if we win.


    I just think that looking at this situation OBJECTIVELY.


    In our last 3 meetings against the patriots, we have




    gone up 21-0 until we benched stevie




    were a CJ spiller fumble away from going up 28-7 on them this year.



    as unlikely as it seems, as improbable as it is, as bizarre as it sounds, we play fairly well against the patriots.


    they are NOT the team they used to be. I live here, i listen to about 2 hours of new england sports radio a day. Brady is terrified of pressure in the pocket--mario williams is healthy. the patriots are unable to score in crunch time. they cant stop anyone in the fourth quarter. i've watched most of their games, BELIEVE ME, they suck, and will lose in the wildcard round. anyone can say


    "ohh well the patriots defense is 11th and were 20 something so theyre better than us."


    that is FALSE. The patriots have not had a defensive performance like we had against arizona, like we had against cleveland, or like we had against houston all year, or last year. take your stats and go solve a sudoku.


    we have the recipe to beat them THIS WEEKEND. this team was built to beat the patriots, and now its going to happen.


    they didnt look like a team that quit in houston. they looked like a young 9-7 team that hung with the best team in football (who was coming off their bye,) on the road, for 3 quarters. IDK what more you could expect from them--theyre not the giants, theyre the rebuilding bills.


    im not going to quit this board, im not going to up this thread, i dont care.


    but for everyone who has made plans to go do something else on sunday, try to check the score around 3:00, because i think youre going to be amazed at what you see.


    this has every possibility to be one of those games where people are filing out of the stadium midway through the fourth, and the cameras are panning accross new englands sidelines while theyre looking like "wtf just happened."


    people are so scared of the patriots on here. "brady called us b*tches omg omg omg he is king, we suck we are his bitches."


    we win this, were 4-5, theyre 5-4. the schedule for us the rest of the season? sugar breasts. the schedule for them? sweaty ass.


    keep the faith.


    You forgot to mention that this team built to beat the Patriots, gave up 45 pts in 30 mins.

  11. I gave up on our team once.


    It was 2004. We were 3-6, coming off a loss to the patriots.


    A quick glance at our schedule revealed games upcoming against boring teams like seattle, st. louis, and miami.


    The air had been let out of the balloon, and I could have cared less.


    I missed the best 6 weeks of football the Bills have played in the last 15 years.


    I don't care how pessimistic everyone on this board is.


    I live in New England -- I saw the Sox come back from an 0-3 hole to beat the Yankees and go on to win a world series.


    I just cant fathom how anyone would give up on the bills before they are mathematically eliminated.


    Why watch in the first place--doesnt that make you a "bandwagon" fan?


    Best six weeks of Bills football was back in 2004...nuff said!

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