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Posts posted by Doc

  1. 1 hour ago, BillStime said:

    Ignorance isn't an excuse.


    Yes, Chris Rufo told you that.


    This isn't what DEI but keep rolling.


    So...I don't know who Chris Rufo is, but I should and he still told me what to think about DEI even though I don't know who he is.  Brilliant.


    And yes, that is what DEI is.  Everyone has equality of opportunity.  The problem is that many don't take advantage of it and instead demand equity of outcomes.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 33 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Not sure where this discussion is going Doc. I simply reacted to Shaw’s post that the Front Office drafted guys who can play right now. My comment was that they didn’t have a choice. The Bills are in the position of turning over their roster due to age and salary cap. It don’t see how that makes the Front Office geniuses nor do I have any idea how anyone can say that our rookies are ready to go. We all hope they are but we definitely do not know that they are. 


    Fair enough.  I just don't believe that they are relying on any rookies, with the possible exception of Coleman, but do believe that probably 2 will start.

  3. 4 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Just trying to counteract the seemingly ‘Mc Beane can do no wrong’ take that permeates Shaw’s homerism. Did the Bills draft a bunch of players? Yep! Do they have the luxury of drafting purely for depth right now? Nope! Is the current cupboard completely bear at every position? Nope….but when you’ve lost BOTH your starting WRs, BOTH your starting Safeties, and your starting Center all in one offseason, we all better pray that at least a few of these rookies can indeed play…and right now. Is there an alternative? Nope! 


    They cut Morse and traded Bates before the draft so that tells me they feel that McGovern is ready to step in at C and Edwards is ready to step in at LG.  If VPG can win the starting job and put McGovern back at LG and Edwards as a backup, so much the better.  I just want a true competition for the LG and C spots.


    As for the safeties, Hyde and Poyer were getting long in the tooth and their best days are behind them.  The Bills know DBs so I'm not overly concerned.  Again if Bishop wins a starting job, so much the better.


    Now at WR there's some concern.  I like Samuel replacing Davis but replacing Diggs will be tough.  Although it seems like they'll be going with the philosophy of spreading the ball around.

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. 1 hour ago, BillStime said:

    DEI has been around 60+ years and only became an issue when Chris Rufo told you to be upset about it.


    Pathetic simps.



    Are we not engaged in a discussion around DEI - a topic that demands a comprehensive understanding and respect for a multitude of perspectives. It's not only important, but absolutely vital to have a diverse group of opinions in such conversations. This ensures that we cover all angles, appreciate the nuances of each viewpoint, and work towards more inclusive solutions.


    See why DEI is awesome?


    I have no idea who Chris Rufo is.  I do know that Dems have been lowering standards in the name of "equity" and this was the predictable result.  Again there is only so much you can carry someone/make special provisions for them.  And if 50% of these UCLA med students can't pass their boards and thus practice, we've screwed the medical profession for decades.


    I'm all for equality.  Everyone should have the chance.  That doesn't mean unqualified people should be propped-up.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 2 hours ago, B-Man said:

    Democrats Are Stuck With Joe Biden as Their Presidential Nominee

    by Josh Hammer


    President Joe Biden is currently losing the 2024 presidential race to former President Donald Trump. If the election were held tomorrow, Trump would win -- likely convincingly. The fact that this is increasingly obvious, and that Biden finds himself fighting an uphill battle to prolong his already ancient political career, has precipitated some epic handwringing on the MSNBC airwaves and a veritable five-alarm fire at the Democratic National Committee. The big polling news last week was that The New York Times/Siena College, one of the country's most accurate pollsters, has Trump up in five of the six most important swing states -- including an astonishing 13-point cushion in light-blue Nevada,




    Yup.  Even though most of them want him replaced. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Again - tell us you’re a hack and pathetic simp without actually telling us.


    DEI is awesome… a collection of diverse opinions brings the best solution.


    That's right -are you from India originally?


    Tell me you have no brains at all...


    No I'm first gen.  Again, what does this have to do with anything?


  7. 32 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Of course - Lenny and “Doc” are ignoring the fact that Schlapp just spent close to a half million dollars to settle a law suit because he couldn’t keep his hands off another guy.


    JFC you people are pathetic… 


    I didn't see that he'd settled. 

  8. On 5/24/2024 at 10:08 AM, Logic said:

    I've seen a lot of outlets -- including Bills beat reporters -- list Curtis Samuel as more of a slot player, but my impression has been that he's equal parts Y and Z. That usage percentage under Brady would seem to confirm my suspicion. I don't think the Bills signed him thinking "he'll be our slot guy". I think they really like Shakir in that role.

    That said, while Shakir is primarily a Y, he's shown that he can play Z at times as well. I think we'll see a lot of interchangeability between Samuel and Shakir depending on matchups and personnel groupings.

    Going back to Claypool, though...If, in fact, he has never played much in the slot, it makes me wonder how the Bills intend to use him. With the two guys I just mentioned getting most of the snaps at Y and Z, and them clearly liking Coleman at X, where does that leave Claypool? Is he more of a WR4/5 that backs up all three positions? I'm intrigued by the IDEA of Claypool, I'm just not sure how/where he fits in the WR room, particularly after the addition of MVS.


    Samuel doesn't have alligator arms.  So he's got that going for him.  Which is nice...


    9 hours ago, Thurmal34 said:

    if he makes the team ill hire les claypool to play at hammers lot for the tbdhotg


    The 53-man roster or would PS work?

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. On 5/24/2024 at 10:17 AM, BuffaninSarasota said:

    Please carefully read the false equivalence of the ABC News post comparing Hitler to Trump. Hitler's intention was never to deport 11 million Jews. It was to exterminate the entire race as part of the Final Solution. If you can't see the cascade of problems caused by illegal immigration, you are being myopic and/or willfully ignorant.


    And stop referring to them as "workers". They are illegal immigrants first, most of whom are content to live off the government teat.


    Yup.  If they had been given the option to leave or go to concentration camps...they would have left.

  10. 2 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Tell us you don’t know a thing about DEI without actually telling us.


    Hey Doc - what’s your ethnicity again? 


    LOL!  The above is a wholly expected outcome of DEI.  There's only so much you can lower standards and carry people.


    And Indian.  Why?

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