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Everything posted by kbuckley9091

  1. DOWN THE FIELD....That's all i ask...give us a chance
  2. Unless EDWARDS decides to throw down the field, this game is already over..... YOU CAN'T HIDE YOUR QB, and that's exactly what dickie boy is doin..............
  4. I totally agree, the Pats just have a HUGE MENTAL EDGE on the Bills after kicking their tails for so many years. I remember that first game in Foxboro (a game they shoulda won!). And if you remember, they were up and Jauron WENT FOR THE KILL by going for it on 4th down (McGahee got stuffed of course). BUT, my point is HE PLAYED TO WIN, 2 years later....he punts TWICE FROM THE PATRIOTS 40 YARD LINE.....
  5. Yeah his "even keel" is great when you're losing and things are going bad (like NOW), but he actually looked lost when they were winning, like he didn't know what to do or how to act!! At least he's back in his comfort zone now....
  6. You're Dick Jauron......he's so freaking scared of Belicheat & the Pats, I honestly think he was happy with just not getting blown-out...I'm disgusted........
  7. Don't forget his "poster board" material he used before the Pats game "The Division is wide-open" Huh? WTF?? How the hell is that supposed to FIRE UP THE TROOPS for a season-changing game?? Ridiculous and Sad! And to think I was singing this guy's praise a month ago.....
  8. Exactly! I woulda been happy if they woulda just ran the ball every play that series & see what happens......cause the pass WAS NOT!!
  9. I still think he's going to be a good one....BUT, he has lost his confidence... He had a swagger early, but now it's gone....why does this happen to every Bills QB since Flutie?????
  10. Trent has lost his confidence, he had a swagger about him early in season....IT"S GONE. The play-calling has been horrid the last 3 games, we're too pass-happy, we have to RUN THE BALL! Until Lynch gets 25 carries a game (regardless if it's working or not) we will continue to LOSE>>>>>>>>
  11. Actually, No, I haven't....with the exception of our lone red-zone trip yesterday, that's the problem... I was SCREAMING for a fade to Hardy right there or even a bootleg.... YOU HAVE TO GET LYNCH MORE THAN 15 CARRIES A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! TURK GIVES UP ON THE RUN TOO SOON!!!!!!!!!
  12. First, Dick Jauron... - How do you punt TWICE from the Pats 40-yard line, nice show of confidence for your Offense? - How do you not MAKE SURE the refs see your red flag on the challenge? - How do you BLOW the timeout situation at the end of 1st half? - how, for your motivational tactic you tell your team "The East is wide-open"....Wow, that really fired em up!! how about, "look guys, this team has whipped our Ass for the last 8 years, this is OUR time, let's KICK THEIR ASS!!" Second, Turk Schonert... - Why on multiple 3rd and shorts, do you PASS PASS PASS?? - Even worse, a couple times you don't even put a RB in the backfield!!!!! - Why, after we FINALLY get something going with Marshawn hitting "beast mode", you go right back to PASS PASS PASS??!! - Why do you have the balls to throw a fade to Hardy in garbage time BUT NOT earlier with the game on the line??!! - You have the SAME problem as the Cowboy offense, you're too pass happy and are wasting a hungry RB!!! Thoughts????
  13. I agree, I like Chambers allot, he played fantastic at LT while Peters was holding out. I hope he plays!!
  14. Hopefully, the Ralph scares the pee out of him like we did Romo last year!!
  15. I agree! This is THE game to prove if we're legit. Whip the patsies in front of their arrogant-ass fans LIKE MIAMI DID! They have OWNED us for years! THIS IS THE GAME to prove to me that this team is different this year. I don't have allot of confidence that they will do it, but i HOPE they do. If they go in there and get beat down like always, you can pretty much start saying "maybe next year"..........
  16. EXTREME long shot! That's the problem, I don't think they're tough enough. I thought after the Jags/Rams road wins that this team was turning the corner...BUT the last 2 road games they've kinda went back to their old ways. They can beat the bad teams can't beat the good teams.....I will say this....if they win, it will possibly volt them into the playoffs...if they lose, it will probably volt them into 7-9 AGAIN...
  17. LOL!, Yeah, as long as Brady is out we have a chance. We have to attack Cassel, I noticed even in the games the Pats were winning he was getting sacked like 5 or 6 times a game. I think their O-line pass protection is suspect, od f course the Bills have no pass rush, so I guess it's a wash...where was I going with this???
  18. Well, the one thing that gives me hope is this is Trent's first full game against them. I think Belicheat found it fairly easy to confuse Losman. I know one thing, we HAVE TO RUN THE BALL & take some of the pressure off of Edwards. God, do I hate the Pats and their arrogant-ass fans.....
  19. I agree, but the bills do not....I have two words for ya.....SOFT ZONE..
  20. ... thinks we have a snowball's chance in hell of beating the Pats? They've never won in Gillette stadium. They've lost like the last 13 out of 14 against them. The Bills are on a downward spiral. The Bills have ZERo running game. The Bills have no second receiver. Bills will have no Scobel AND no Whitner. Pats have the mental edge (after dominating us for years) Pats are the more physical team, Bills look soft as a marshmallow. I'll be pulling for them as always, but this has MASSACRE written all over it. Somebody give me some reasons we can win this thing...please......
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