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Everything posted by cromagnum

  1. My Memory is foggy, I honestly thought you two were setting an example of how the debates turn into insult threads, to enlighten fellow posters...Man, I thought I remembered dc getting a bit heated...Past, I was just trying to engage EII in convo of history...You had a saying, your not engaging upstairs, I resemble that remark
  2. Alright! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqUPApCUt90&search=80%27s
  3. Their both kickazz bands, I prefer alice in chains.. Here's alice, down in a whole. http://www.findvideos.com/videos.php?id=2109 Here's nirvana,smells like teen spirit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAhqsnmo_LA...search=nirvana%
  4. The administration right now and for a longtime have been on the hook, and they hate the media...Remember he called it the filter...I say it's Pressure... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYj1bZaPZc4...0henley%20boys% Check out bush when he was running for governor of texas...Nice and smooth and sharp....Now check out bush the president, he's flopping like fish caught on a hook and the Pressure is to much for him....Tell tale signs of TO MANY SECRETS and tiny cajones
  5. Ya, the septic tank guy was from maine, and travelled to N. conway region, lots of tourist, more chickees for the pissboy..The town I live in has the best aqaufier in the state....My problem is derived from to much labrador, man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3eMf9sbssM...&search=cheech%
  6. Another great toilet story in N.H. ..this guy claims he was looking for a ring in a waste tank below a womans restroom, and a teenage girl noticed the mans face staring up at her, while she was getting ready to sit down on the toilet...Ya it was me hey I lost my wifes ring, and she would have killed me http://www.wmur.com/news/4662061/detail.html
  7. Worse than this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewXkzqQR5yA...elated&search=#
  8. They do, it can be rough....Anyway I remember that was in feb or march in 04.. And I faintly remember bunny65? or something like that and glowing bunny party.. and dc tom and AD pulling a fake name calling fued, with AD calling dc, dexter with a humongous head.....And richio and his ever justifaction post on wmd's.. And some dude saying he cranks rush limbaugh in his warehouse at work You remember that?
  9. I remember back in 04, you we're posting in ppp and left a post saying are there any pats fans from mass lurking, who would like to chime in, this was at 2am I wasn't a member then, I knew about bills daily through the bledsoe deal and bills posters asking question's on boston.com pats board and saying they were from here.... Ah The mysteries of ppp
  10. Man I love bidets.....This is why I am what I yam, hairy caveman..
  11. What do you expect, I'm a mick from boston I use to sing Oh Dannyboy with my papa in a southie pub, and yep I drank a beer with him and the crew when I was just a wee lad
  12. Matt damon as captain kirk for star trek XI in 08. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0796366/fullcredits
  13. Well....for hardwood floors, there is an exotic called ironwood.. Ironwood is a sonoran desert plant reaching heights of 145 feet and persisting for 1500 years...And as a hardwood flooring it's highly resistant to dings from dropped heavy items such as irons and indents from highheels ..
  14. Look out for beatles they love norwegian wood. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z05zPJKasDw&search=Beatles
  15. Floor Installers are professional Layers
  16. A great time capsule of Americana on radio.. http://www.radiolovers.com/
  17. A tiny little movie making fun of al gore, supposedly made by an amateur filmaker, recently appeared on youtube .com When the wallstreet journal tried to find the amateur film maker, they found the film didn't come from an amateur.. The film actually came from a slick firm called DCI, which happens to have Oil Giant Exxon as a client.. Exxon denies knowing anything about the film... http://www.abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=2273111&page=1
  18. Tell him, the best way for him to controll the bleeding is a super absorbent shammy, and start taking Iron supplements and midol...And tampax with a longer fuse, should resovle your iron deficiency and cyclical loss of blood.....And a testosterone shot would be a plus.
  19. Good question.....Have we provided for a stable enough country to take care of it's self, to ensure that Iraq does not end up like afghanistan, circa 1990...Or be run by a shiite theocracy. It's One thing to kill 50.000 iraqis, and believe that some of those people will not seek revenge for killing their family members, who had nothing to do with terrorism in the first place,,(those were just innocent working iraqis) Iraqi dreams of democracy may backfire with deadly consequences for the U.S citizens. Freedom on the march in Iraq , as shiite iraqi's cheer on Hizb'Allah on the steets of Baghdad Iraq chanting death to Israel and death to America... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,207014,00.html
  20. Generous of you, I'm sure they will remember you... Flooring installations is my buisness.....My crew and I have been tipped with cash,beer,food, and homemade maple syrup.... We Install professionally and are courteous while on the job.... If a customer asked us to move a piano or some other heavy piece of furniture that wasn't quoted in the contract, we will do it at no charge, just to get the job completed... When a tip is offered, we go the extra mile with valuable info and advice on how to keep their carpet, stain and damage free with knowledgable info, besides vaccuming weekly...And will place an entrance mat at the main entry point and say thank you and take care man or babe Btw, a mat called water hog mat placed at enrty points will absorb oil and grime and sweep dirt and sand before you step on your rug, sold at home depot and flooring retailers..The mat is used in commercial buildings to help protect their flooring investments.. Youtube Carpet link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNfmSsD4-ok&search=salim#
  21. Thanks, I think....You should really give credit to dear abby and marijuana, you see one day I was partaking in the herb and reading dear abby for advice on how to deal with the wrath of my wife....When every response to abby was from women, infuriated with their husbands for trivial sh--, like my wife....So I finished the tasty green and said thats it, always be agreeable and kind,problem solved...And sneak away to the poolhall to bust balls and drink beer
  22. You must have watched the U.S. generals admitting Iraq and the possible civil war with the escalating violence, Today.... Now Blair is admitting that the middle east strategy is not working, READ at your pleasure... http://www.guardian.co.uk/syria/story/0,,1835385,00.html
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